140 research outputs found

    A logarithmic-depth quantum carry-lookahead adder

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    We present an efficient addition circuit, borrowing techniques from the classical carry-lookahead arithmetic circuit. Our quantum carry-lookahead (QCLA) adder accepts two n-bit numbers and adds them in O(log n) depth using O(n) ancillary qubits. We present both in-place and out-of-place versions, as well as versions that add modulo 2^n and modulo 2^n - 1. Previously, the linear-depth ripple-carry addition circuit has been the method of choice. Our work reduces the cost of addition dramatically with only a slight increase in the number of required qubits. The QCLA adder can be used within current modular multiplication circuits to reduce substantially the run-time of Shor's algorithm.Comment: 21 pages, 4 color figure

    On the Effect of Quantum Interaction Distance on Quantum Addition Circuits

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    We investigate the theoretical limits of the effect of the quantum interaction distance on the speed of exact quantum addition circuits. For this study, we exploit graph embedding for quantum circuit analysis. We study a logical mapping of qubits and gates of any Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n)-depth quantum adder circuit for two nn-qubit registers onto a practical architecture, which limits interaction distance to the nearest neighbors only and supports only one- and two-qubit logical gates. Unfortunately, on the chosen kk-dimensional practical architecture, we prove that the depth lower bound of any exact quantum addition circuits is no longer Ω(logn)\Omega(\log {n}), but Ω(nk)\Omega(\sqrt[k]{n}). This result, the first application of graph embedding to quantum circuits and devices, provides a new tool for compiler development, emphasizes the impact of quantum computer architecture on performance, and acts as a cautionary note when evaluating the time performance of quantum algorithms.Comment: accepted for ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

    Arithmetic on a Distributed-Memory Quantum Multicomputer

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    We evaluate the performance of quantum arithmetic algorithms run on a distributed quantum computer (a quantum multicomputer). We vary the node capacity and I/O capabilities, and the network topology. The tradeoff of choosing between gates executed remotely, through ``teleported gates'' on entangled pairs of qubits (telegate), versus exchanging the relevant qubits via quantum teleportation, then executing the algorithm using local gates (teledata), is examined. We show that the teledata approach performs better, and that carry-ripple adders perform well when the teleportation block is decomposed so that the key quantum operations can be parallelized. A node size of only a few logical qubits performs adequately provided that the nodes have two transceiver qubits. A linear network topology performs acceptably for a broad range of system sizes and performance parameters. We therefore recommend pursuing small, high-I/O bandwidth nodes and a simple network. Such a machine will run Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers efficiently.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, ACM transactions format. Extended version of Int. Symp. on Comp. Architecture (ISCA) paper; v2, correct one circuit error, numerous small changes for clarity, add reference

    Fast Quantum Modular Exponentiation

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    We present a detailed analysis of the impact on modular exponentiation of architectural features and possible concurrent gate execution. Various arithmetic algorithms are evaluated for execution time, potential concurrency, and space tradeoffs. We find that, to exponentiate an n-bit number, for storage space 100n (twenty times the minimum 5n), we can execute modular exponentiation two hundred to seven hundred times faster than optimized versions of the basic algorithms, depending on architecture, for n=128. Addition on a neighbor-only architecture is limited to O(n) time when non-neighbor architectures can reach O(log n), demonstrating that physical characteristics of a computing device have an important impact on both real-world running time and asymptotic behavior. Our results will help guide experimental implementations of quantum algorithms and devices.Comment: to appear in PRA 71(5); RevTeX, 12 pages, 12 figures; v2 revision is substantial, with new algorithmic variants, much shorter and clearer text, and revised equation formattin

    On the realistic worst case analysis of quantum arithmetic circuits

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    We provide evidence that commonly held intuitions when designing quantum circuits can be misleading. In particular we show that: a) reducing the T-count can increase the total depth; b) it may be beneficial to trade CNOTs for measurements in NISQ circuits; c) measurement-based uncomputation of relative phase Toffoli ancillae can make up to 30\% of a circuit's depth; d) area and volume cost metrics can misreport the resource analysis. Our findings assume that qubits are and will remain a very scarce resource. The results are applicable for both NISQ and QECC protected circuits. Our method uses multiple ways of decomposing Toffoli gates into Clifford+T gates. We illustrate our method on addition and multiplication circuits using ripple-carry. As a byproduct result we show systematically that for a practically significant range of circuit widths, ripple-carry addition circuits are more resource efficient than the carry-lookahead addition ones. The methods and circuits were implemented in the open-source QUANTIFY software