7 research outputs found

    A new Edge Detector Based on Parametric Surface Model: Regression Surface Descriptor

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    In this paper we present a new methodology for edge detection in digital images. The first originality of the proposed method is to consider image content as a parametric surface. Then, an original parametric local model of this surface representing image content is proposed. The few parameters involved in the proposed model are shown to be very sensitive to discontinuities in surface which correspond to edges in image content. This naturally leads to the design of an efficient edge detector. Moreover, a thorough analysis of the proposed model also allows us to explain how these parameters can be used to obtain edge descriptors such as orientations and curvatures. In practice, the proposed methodology offers two main advantages. First, it has high customization possibilities in order to be adjusted to a wide range of different problems, from coarse to fine scale edge detection. Second, it is very robust to blurring process and additive noise. Numerical results are presented to emphasis these properties and to confirm efficiency of the proposed method through a comparative study with other edge detectors.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures and 2 table

    Theoretical model of the FLD ensemble classifier based on hypothesis testing theory

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    International audienceThe FLD ensemble classifier is a widely used machine learning tool for steganalysis of digital media due to its efficiency when working with high dimensional feature sets. This paper explains how this classifier can be formulated within the framework of optimal detection by using an accurate statistical model of base learners' projections and the hypothesis testing theory. A substantial advantage of this formulation is the ability to theoretically establish the test properties, including the probability of false alarm and the test power, and the flexibility to use other criteria of optimality than the conventional total probability of error. Numerical results on real images show the sharpness of the theoretically established results and the relevance of the proposed methodology

    A Secure Steganographic Algorithm Based on Frequency Domain for the Transmission of Hidden Information

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    This contribution proposes a novel steganographic method based on the compression standard according to the Joint Photographic Expert Group and an Entropy Thresholding technique. The steganographic algorithm uses one public key and one private key to generate a binary sequence of pseudorandom numbers that indicate where the elements of the binary sequence of a secret message will be inserted. The insertion takes eventually place at the first seven AC coefficients in the transformed DCT domain. Before the insertion of the message the image undergoes several transformations. After the insertion the inverse transformations are applied in reverse order to the original transformations. The insertion itself takes only place if an entropy threshold of the corresponding block is satisfied and if the pseudorandom number indicates to do so. The experimental work on the validation of the algorithm consists of the calculation of the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), the difference and correlation distortion metrics, the histogram analysis, and the relative entropy, comparing the same characteristics for the cover and stego image. The proposed algorithm improves the level of imperceptibility analyzed through the PSNR values. A steganalysis experiment shows that the proposed algorithm is highly resistant against the Chi-square attack

    Statistical decision methods in the presence of linear nuisance parameters and despite imaging system heteroscedastic noise: Application to wheel surface inspection

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a novel method for fully automatic anomaly detection on objects inspected using an imaging system. In order to address the inspection of a wide range of objects and to allow the detection of any anomaly, an original adaptive linear parametric model is proposed; The great flexibility of this adaptive model offers highest accuracy for a wide range of complex surfaces while preserving detection of small defects. In addition, because the proposed original model remains linear it allows the application of the hypothesis testing theory to design a test whose statistical performances are analytically known. Another important novelty of this paper is that it takes into account the specific heteroscedastic noise of imaging systems. Indeed, in such systems, the noise level depends on the pixels’ intensity which should be carefully taken into account for providing the proposed test with statistical properties. The proposed detection method is then applied for wheels surface inspection using an imaging system. Due to the nature of the wheels, the different elements are analyzed separately. Numerical results on a large set of real images show both the accuracy of the proposed adaptive model and the sharpness of the ensuing statistical test

    A local adaptive model of natural images for almost optimal detection of hidden data

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a novel methodology to detect data hidden in the least significant bits of a natural image. The goal is twofold: first, the methodology aims at proposing a test specifically designed for natural images, to this end an original model of images is presented, and, second, the statistical properties of the designed test, probability of false alarm and power function, should be predictable.The problem of hidden data detection is set in the framework of hypothesis testing theory. When inspected image parameters are known, the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) is designed and its statistical performance is analytically established. In practice, unknown image parameters have to be estimated. The proposed model of natural images is used to estimate unknown parameters accurately and to design a Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT). Finally, the statistical properties of the proposed GLRT are analytically established which permits us, first, to guarantee a prescribed false-alarm probability and, second, to show that the GLRT is almost as powerful as the optimal LRT. Numerical results on natural image databases and comparison with prior art steganalyzers show the relevance of theoretical findings

    Exploiting similarities between secret and cover images for improved embedding efficiency and security in digital steganography

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    The rapid advancements in digital communication technology and huge increase in computer power have generated an exponential growth in the use of the Internet for various commercial, governmental and social interactions that involve transmission of a variety of complex data and multimedia objects. Securing the content of sensitive as well as personal transactions over open networks while ensuring the privacy of information has become essential but increasingly challenging. Therefore, information and multimedia security research area attracts more and more interest, and its scope of applications expands significantly. Communication security mechanisms have been investigated and developed to protect information privacy with Encryption and Steganography providing the two most obvious solutions. Encrypting a secret message transforms it to a noise-like data which is observable but meaningless, while Steganography conceals the very existence of secret information by hiding in mundane communication that does not attract unwelcome snooping. Digital steganography is concerned with using images, videos and audio signals as cover objects for hiding secret bit-streams. Suitability of media files for such purposes is due to the high degree of redundancy as well as being the most widely exchanged digital data. Over the last two decades, there has been a plethora of research that aim to develop new hiding schemes to overcome the variety of challenges relating to imperceptibility of the hidden secrets, payload capacity, efficiency of embedding and robustness against steganalysis attacks. Most existing techniques treat secrets as random bit-streams even when dealing with non-random signals such as images that may add to the toughness of the challenges.This thesis is devoted to investigate and develop steganography schemes for embedding secret images in image files. While many existing schemes have been developed to perform well with respect to one or more of the above objectives, we aim to achieve optimal performance in terms of all these objectives. We shall only be concerned with embedding secret images in the spatial domain of cover images. The main difficulty in addressing the different challenges stems from the fact that the act of embedding results in changing cover image pixel values that cannot be avoided, although these changes may not be easy to detect by the human eye. These pixel changes is a consequence of dissimilarity between the cover LSB plane and the secretimage bit-stream, and result in changes to the statistical parameters of stego-image bit-planes as well as to local image features. Steganalysis tools exploit these effects to model targeted as well as blind attacks. These challenges are usually dealt with by randomising the changes to the LSB, using different/multiple bit-planes to embed one or more secret bits using elaborate schemes, or embedding in certain regions that are noise-tolerant. Our innovative approach to deal with these challenges is first to develop some image procedures and models that result in increasing similarity between the cover image LSB plane and the secret image bit-stream. This will be achieved in two novel steps involving manipulation of both the secret image and the cover image, prior to embedding, that result a higher 0:1 ratio in both the secret bit-stream and the cover pixels‘ LSB plane. For the secret images, we exploit the fact that image pixel values are in general neither uniformly distributed, as is the case of random secrets, nor spatially stationary. We shall develop three secret image pre-processing algorithms to transform the secret image bit-stream for increased 0:1 ratio. Two of these are similar, but one in the spatial domain and the other in the Wavelet domain. In both cases, the most frequent pixels are mapped onto bytes with more 0s. The third method, process blocks by subtracting their means from their pixel values and hence reducing the require number of bits to represent these blocks. In other words, this third algorithm also reduces the length of the secret image bit-stream without loss of information. We shall demonstrate that these algorithms yield a significant increase in the secret image bit-stream 0:1 ratio, the one that based on the Wavelet domain is the best-performing with 80% ratio.For the cover images, we exploit the fact that pixel value decomposition schemes, based on Fibonacci or other defining sequences that differ from the usual binary scheme, expand the number of bit-planes and thereby may help increase the 0:1 ratio in cover image LSB plane. We investigate some such existing techniques and demonstrate that these schemes indeed lead to increased 0:1 ratio in the corresponding cover image LSB plane. We also develop a new extension of the binary decomposition scheme that is the best-performing one with 77% ratio. We exploit the above two steps strategy to propose a bit-plane(s) mapping embedding technique, instead of bit-plane(s) replacement to make each cover pixel usable for secret embedding. This is motivated by the observation that non-binary pixel decomposition schemes also result in decreasing the number of possible patterns for the three first bit-planes to 4 or 5 instead of 8. We shall demonstrate that the combination of the mapping-based embedding scheme and the two steps strategy produces stego-images that have minimal distortion, i.e. reducing the number of the cover pixels changes after message embedding and increasing embedding efficiency. We shall also demonstrate that these schemes result in reasonable stego-image quality and are robust against all the targeted steganalysis tools but not against the blind SRM tool. We shall finally identify possible future work to achieve robustness against SRM at some payload rates and further improve stego-image quality