19 research outputs found

    An upper bound for the equitable chromatic number of complete n-partite graphs

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    A proper vertex coloring of a graph GG is equitable if the size of color classes differ by at most one. The equitable chromatic number of GG is the smallest integer mm such that GG is equitable m-colorable. In this paper, we derive an upper bound for the equitable chromatic number of complete n-partite graph Kp1,p2,...,pnK_{p_{1},p_{2}, ... ,p_{n}}

    Equitable list coloring of planar graphs without 4- and 6-cycles

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    AbstractA graph G is equitably k-choosable if for any k-uniform list assignment L, there exists an L-colorable of G such that each color appears on at most ⌈|V(G)|k⌉ vertices. Kostochka, Pelsmajer and West introduced this notion and conjectured that G is equitably k-choosable for k>Δ(G). We prove this for planar graphs with Δ(G)≥6 and no 4- or 6-cycles