7,614 research outputs found

    Enhancing partition crossover with articulation points analysis

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    Partition Crossover is a recombination operator for pseudo-Boolean optimization with the ability to explore an exponential number of solutions in linear or square time. It decomposes the objective function as a sum of subfunctions, each one depending on a different set of variables. The decomposition makes it possible to select the best parent for each subfunction independently, and the operator provides the best out of 2q2^q solutions, where qq is the number of subfunctions in the decomposition. These subfunctions are defined over the connected components of the recombination graph: a subgraph of the objective function variable interaction graph containing only the differing variables in the two parents. In this paper, we advance further and propose a new way to increase the number of linearly independent subfunctions by analyzing the articulation points of the recombination graph. These points correspond to variables that, once flipped, increase the number of connected components. The presence of a connected component with an articulation point increases the number of explored solutions by a factor of, at least, 4. We evaluate the new operator using Iterated Local Search combined with Partition Crossover to solve NK Landscapes and MAX-SAT.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Funding was provided by the Fulbright program, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (CAS12/00274), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (TIN2014-57341-R and TIN2017-88213-R), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, (FA9550-11-1-0088), the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2015-395), the FAPESP (2015/06462-1) and CNPq (304400/2014-9)

    On Computing the Translations Norm in the Epipolar Graph

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    This paper deals with the problem of recovering the unknown norm of relative translations between cameras based on the knowledge of relative rotations and translation directions. We provide theoretical conditions for the solvability of such a problem, and we propose a two-stage method to solve it. First, a cycle basis for the epipolar graph is computed, then all the scaling factors are recovered simultaneously by solving a homogeneous linear system. We demonstrate the accuracy of our solution by means of synthetic and real experiments.Comment: Accepted at 3DV 201

    A new SSI algorithm for LPTV systems: Application to a hinged-bladed helicopter

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    Many systems such as turbo-generators, wind turbines and helicopters show intrinsic time-periodic behaviors. Usually, these structures are considered to be faithfully modeled as linear time-invariant (LTI). In some cases where the rotor is anisotropic, this modeling does not hold and the equations of motion lead necessarily to a linear periodically time- varying (referred to as LPTV in the control and digital signal field or LTP in the mechanical and nonlinear dynamics world) model. Classical modal analysis methodologies based on the classical time-invariant eigenstructure (frequencies and damping ratios) of the system no more apply. This is the case in particular for subspace methods. For such time-periodic systems, the modal analysis can be described by characteristic exponents called Floquet multipliers. The aim of this paper is to suggest a new subspace-based algorithm that is able to extract these multipliers and the corresponding frequencies and damping ratios. The algorithm is then tested on a numerical model of a hinged-bladed helicopter on the ground
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