1 research outputs found

    A limit theorem for the 11st Betti number of layer-11 subgraphs in random graphs

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    We initiate the study of local topology of random graphs. The high level goal is to characterize local "motifs" in graphs. In this paper, we consider what we call the layer-rr subgraphs for an input graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E): Specifically, the layer-rr subgraph at vertex u∈Vu \in V, denoted by Gu;rG_{u; r}, is the induced subgraph of GG over vertex set Ξ”ur:={v∈V:dG(u,v)=r}\Delta_{u}^{r}:= \left\{v \in V: d_G(u,v) = r \right\}, where dGd_G is shortest-path distance in GG. Viewing a graph as a 1-dimensional simplicial complex, we then aim to study the 11st Betti number of such subgraphs. Our main result is that the 11st Betti number of layer-11 subgraphs in Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graphs G(n,p)G(n,p) satisfies a central limit theorem.Comment: Comments are welcome