50 research outputs found

    Researching Big Data Research: Ethical Implications for IS Scholars

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    This ERF (Emerging Research Forum) paper focuses on the ethical implications of IS academic big data research. We explore how big data research raises concerns about privacy, human subjects protection and research integrity that are not yet adequately addressed by law, regulation, or the norms of acceptable research conduct. The objective is to increase awareness and promote constructive debate, with the ultimate goal of developing consensus in the field about appropriate research data use practices

    Tight Lower Bounds for Differentially Private Selection

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    A pervasive task in the differential privacy literature is to select the kk items of "highest quality" out of a set of dd items, where the quality of each item depends on a sensitive dataset that must be protected. Variants of this task arise naturally in fundamental problems like feature selection and hypothesis testing, and also as subroutines for many sophisticated differentially private algorithms. The standard approaches to these tasks---repeated use of the exponential mechanism or the sparse vector technique---approximately solve this problem given a dataset of n=O(klogd)n = O(\sqrt{k}\log d) samples. We provide a tight lower bound for some very simple variants of the private selection problem. Our lower bound shows that a sample of size n=Ω(klogd)n = \Omega(\sqrt{k} \log d) is required even to achieve a very minimal accuracy guarantee. Our results are based on an extension of the fingerprinting method to sparse selection problems. Previously, the fingerprinting method has been used to provide tight lower bounds for answering an entire set of dd queries, but often only some much smaller set of kk queries are relevant. Our extension allows us to prove lower bounds that depend on both the number of relevant queries and the total number of queries

    Differential Privacy for Sequential Algorithms

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    We study the differential privacy of sequential statistical inference and learning algorithms that are characterized by random termination time. Using the two examples: sequential probability ratio test and sequential empirical risk minimization, we show that the number of steps such algorithms execute before termination can jeopardize the differential privacy of the input data in a similar fashion as their outputs, and it is impossible to use the usual Laplace mechanism to achieve standard differentially private in these examples. To remedy this, we propose a notion of weak differential privacy and demonstrate its equivalence to the standard case for large i.i.d. samples. We show that using the Laplace mechanism, weak differential privacy can be achieved for both the sequential probability ratio test and the sequential empirical risk minimization with proper performance guarantees. Finally, we provide preliminary experimental results on the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) and Landsat Satellite Data Sets from the UCI repository