92 research outputs found

    A hypothetical upper bound on the heights of the solutions of a Diophantine equation with a finite number of solutions

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    Let f(1)=1, and let f(n+1)=2^{2^{f(n)}} for every positive integer n. We conjecture that if a system S \subseteq {x_i \cdot x_j=x_k: i,j,k \in {1,...,n}} \cup {x_i+1=x_k: i,k \in {1,...,n}} has only finitely many solutions in non-negative integers x_1,...,x_n, then each such solution (x_1,...,x_n) satisfies x_1,...,x_n \leq f(2n). We prove: (1) the conjecture implies that there exists an algorithm which takes as input a Diophantine equation, returns an integer, and this integer is greater than the heights of integer (non-negative integer, positive integer, rational) solutions, if the solution set is finite, (2) the conjecture implies that the question whether or not a Diophantine equation has only finitely many rational solutions is decidable with an oracle for deciding whether or not a Diophantine equation has a rational solution, (3) the conjecture implies that the question whether or not a Diophantine equation has only finitely many integer solutions is decidable with an oracle for deciding whether or not a Diophantine equation has an integer solution, (4) the conjecture implies that if a set M \subseteq N has a finite-fold Diophantine representation, then M is computable.Comment: 13 pages, section 7 expande

    Is there a computable upper bound for the height of a solution of a Diophantine equation with a unique solution in positive integers?

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    Let B_n={x_i \cdot x_j=x_k, x_i+1=x_k: i,j,k \in {1,...,n}}. For a positive integer n, let \xi(n) denote the smallest positive integer b such that for each system S \subseteq B_n with a unique solution in positive integers x_1,...,x_n, this solution belongs to [1,b]^n. Let g(1)=1, and let g(n+1)=2^{2^{g(n)}} for every positive integer n. We conjecture that \xi(n) \leq g(2n) for every positive integer n. We prove: (1) the function \xi: N\{0}-->N\{0} is computable in the limit; (2) if a function f:N\{0}-->N\{0} has a single-fold Diophantine representation, then there exists a positive integer m such that f(n)<\xi(n) for every integer n>m; (3) the conjecture implies that there exists an algorithm which takes as input a Diophantine equation D(x_1,...,x_p)=0 and returns a positive integer d with the following property: for every positive integers a_1,...,a_p, if the tuple (a_1,...,a_p) solely solves the equation D(x_1,...,x_p)=0 in positive integers, then a_1,...,a_p \leq d; (4) the conjecture implies that if a set M \subseteq N has a single-fold Diophantine representation, then M is computable; (5) for every integer n>9, the inequality \xi(n)<(2^{2^{n-5}}-1)^{2^{n-5}}+1 implies that 2^{2^{n-5}}+1 is composite.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.268

    A Brief History of Singlefold Diophantine Definitions

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    Consider an (m + 1)-ary relation R over the set N of natural numbers. Does there exist an arithmetical formula ZΘ(a0, . . . , am, x1, . . . , xK), not involving universal quantifiers, negation, or implication, such that the representation and univocity conditions, viz., (Formula Presented) are met by each tuple (Formula Presented). A priori, the answer may depend on the richness of the language of arithmetic: Even if solely addition and multiplication operators (along with the equality relator and with positive integer constants) are adopted as primitive symbols of the arithmetical signature, the graph R of any primitive recursive function is representable; but can representability be reconciled with univocity without calling into play one extra operator designating either the dyadic operation [b, n]↠ b n or just the monadic function n ↠ b n associated with a fixed integer b > 1? As a preparatory step toward a hoped-for positive answer to this question, one may consider replacing the exponentiation operator by a dyadic relator designating an exponential-growth relation (a notion made explicit by Julia Bowman Robinson in 1952). We will discuss the said univocity, aka ‘single-fold-ness’, issue-first raised by Yuri V. Matiyasevich in 1974-, framing it in historical context. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors

    The strong ABCABC conjecture over function fields (after McQuillan and Yamanoi)

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    The abcabc conjecture predicts a highly non trivial upper bound for the height of an algebraic point in terms of its discriminant and its intersection with a fixed divisor of the projective line counted without multiplicity. We describe the two independent proofs of the strong abcabc conjecture over function fields given by McQuillan and Yamanoi. The first proof relies on tools from differential and algebraic geometry; the second relies on analytic and topological methods. They correspond respectively to the Nevanlinna and the Ahlfors approach to the Nevanlinna Second Main Theorem.Comment: 35 pages. This is the text of my Bourbaki talk in march 200
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