3,363 research outputs found

    Taxonomic classification of planning decisions in health care: a review of the state of the art in OR/MS

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    We provide a structured overview of the typical decisions to be made in resource capacity planning and control in health care, and a review of relevant OR/MS articles for each planning decision. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, to position the planning decisions, a taxonomy is presented. This taxonomy provides health care managers and OR/MS researchers with a method to identify, break down and classify planning and control decisions. Second, following the taxonomy, for six health care services, we provide an exhaustive specification of planning and control decisions in resource capacity planning and control. For each planning and control decision, we structurally review the key OR/MS articles and the OR/MS methods and techniques that are applied in the literature to support decision making

    A multilevel integrative approach to hospital case mix and capacity planning.

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    Hospital case mix and capacity planning involves the decision making both on patient volumes that can be taken care of at a hospital and on resource requirements and capacity management. In this research, to advance both the hospital resource efficiency and the health care service level, a multilevel integrative approach to the planning problem is proposed on the basis of mathematical programming modeling and simulation analysis. It consists of three stages, namely the case mix planning phase, the master surgery scheduling phase and the operational performance evaluation phase. At the case mix planning phase, a hospital is assumed to choose the optimal patient mix and volume that can bring the maximum overall financial contribution under the given resource capacity. Then, in order to improve the patient service level potentially, the total expected bed shortage due to the variable length of stay of patients is minimized through reallocating the bed capacity and building balanced master surgery schedules at the master surgery scheduling phase. After that, the performance evaluation is carried out at the operational stage through simulation analysis, and a few effective operational policies are suggested and analyzed to enhance the trade-offs between resource efficiency and service level. The three stages are interacting and are combined in an iterative way to make sound decisions both on the patient case mix and on the resource allocation.Health care; Case mix and capacity planning; Master surgery schedule; Multilevel; Resource efficiency; Service level;

    Integral resource capacity planning for inpatient care services based on hourly bed census predictions

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    The design and operations of inpatient care facilities are typically largely historically shaped. A better match with the changing environment is often possible, and even inevitable due to the pressure on hospital budgets. Effectively organizing inpatient care requires simultaneous consideration of several interrelated planning issues. Also, coordination with upstream departments like the operating theater and the emergency department is much-needed. We present a generic analytical approach to predict bed census on nursing wards by hour, as a function of the Master Surgical Schedule (MSS) and arrival patterns of emergency patients. Along these predictions, insight is gained on the impact of strategic (i.e., case mix, care unit size, care unit partitioning), tactical (i.e., allocation of operating room time, misplacement rules), and operational decisions (i.e., time of admission/discharge). The method is used in the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam as a decision support tool in a complete redesign of the inpatient care operations

    A survey of health care models that encompass multiple departments

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    In this survey we review quantitative health care models to illustrate the extent to which they encompass multiple hospital departments. The paper provides general overviews of the relationships that exists between major hospital departments and describes how these relationships are accounted for by researchers. We find the atomistic view of hospitals often taken by researchers is partially due to the ambiguity of patient care trajectories. To this end clinical pathways literature is reviewed to illustrate its potential for clarifying patient flows and for providing a holistic hospital perspective

    Flexible nurse staffing based on hourly bed census predictions

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    Workload on nursing wards depends highly on patient arrivals and patient lengths of stay, which are both inherently variable. Predicting this workload and staffing nurses accordingly is essential for guaranteeing quality of care in a cost effective manner. This paper introduces a stochastic method that uses hourly census predictions to derive efficient nurse staffing policies. The generic analytic approach minimizes staffing levels while satisfying so-called nurse-to-patient ratios. In particular, we explore the potential of flexible staffing policies which allow hospitals to dynamically respond to their fluctuating patient population by employing float nurses. The method is applied to a case study of the surgical inpatient clinic of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) Amsterdam. This case study demonstrates the method's potential to study the complex interaction between staffing requirements and several interrelated planning issues such as case mix, care unit partitioning and size, and surgical block planning. Inspired by the numerical results, the AMC decided that this flexible nurse staffing methodology will be incorporated in the redesign of the inpatient care operations during the upcoming years

    Improve OR-schedule to reduce number of required beds

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    After surgery most of the surgical patients have to be admitted in a ward in the hospital. Due to financial reasons and an decreasing number of available nurses in the Netherlands over the years, it is important to reduce the bed usage as much as possible. One possible way to achieve this is to create an operating room (OR) schedule that spreads the usage of beds nicely over time, and thereby minimizes the number of required beds. An OR-schedule is given by an assignment of OR-blocks to specific days in the planning horizon and has to fulfill several resource constraints. Due to the stochastic nature of the length of stay of patients, the analytic calculation of the number of required beds for a given OR-schedule is a complex task involving the convolution of discrete distributions. In this paper, two approaches to deal with this complexity are presented. First, a heuristic approach based on local search is given, which takes into account the detailed formulation of the objective. A second approach reduces the complexity by simplifying the objective function. This allows modeling and solving the resulting problem as an ILP. Both approaches are tested on data provided by Hagaziekenhuis in the Netherlands. Furthermore, several what-if scenarios are evaluated. The computational results show that the approach that uses the simplified objective function provides better solutions to the original problem. By using this approach, the number of required beds for the considered instance of HagaZiekenhuis can be reduced by almost 20%

    Improving operational effectiveness of tactical master plans for emergency and elective patients under stochastic demand and capacitated resources

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    This paper develops a two-stage planning procedure for master planning of elective and emergency patients while allocating at best the available hospital resources. Four types of resources are considered: operating theatre, beds in the medium and in the intensive care units, and nursing hours in the intensive care unit. A tactical plan is obtained by minimizing the deviations of the resources consumption to the target levels of resources utilization. Some capacity is reserved for emergency care. To deal with the deviation between actually arriving patients and the average number of patients on which the tactical plan is based, we consider the option of planning a higher number of patients (overplanning). To adapt the tactical plan to the actual stream of elective patients, we also consider flexibility rules. Overplanning and flexibility leads to a weekly schedule of elective patients. This schedule is modified to account for emergency patients. Scheduled elective patients may be cancelled and emergency patients may be sent to other hospitals. Cancellations rules for both types of patients rely on the possibility to exceed the available capacities. Several performance indicators are defined to assess patient service/dissatisfaction and hospital efficiency. Simulation results show a trade-off between hospital efficiency and patient service. We also obtain a rank of the different strategies: overplanning, flexibility and cancellation rules

    Integrated Planning in Hospitals:A Review

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    Efficient planning of scarce resources in hospitals is a challenging task for which a large variety of Operations Research and Management Science approaches have been developed since the 1950s. While efficient planning of single resources such as operating rooms, beds, or specific types of staff can already lead to enormous efficiency gains, integrated planning of several resources has been shown to hold even greater potential, and a large number of integrated planning approaches have been presented in the literature over the past decades.This paper provides the first literature review that focuses specifically on the Operations Research and Management Science literature related to integrated planning of different resources in hospitals. We collect the relevant literature and analyze it regarding different aspects such as uncertainty modeling and the use of real-life data. Several cross comparisons reveal interesting insights concerning, e.g., relations between the modeling and solution methods used and the practical implementation of the approaches developed. Moreover, we provide a high-level taxonomy for classifying different resource-focused integration approaches and point out gaps in the literature as well as promising directions for future research