4,404 research outputs found

    Intelligence Secrets

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    Review of James Rusbridger, Betrayal at Pearl Harbour: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt into World War II and Bradley Smith Eric Nave: The Ultra-Magic Deals and the Most Secret Special Relationship, 1940-194

    The transatlantic telegraphs and the Class of 1866: the formative years of transnational networks in telegraphic space, 1858-1884/89

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    'Im Sommer 1866 war es gelungen, ein Seetelegraphenkabel durch den Atlantik zu verlegen und so die Alte und die Neue Welt unmittelbar zu verbinden. Dieses Ingenieurs-technische Großprojekt steht nicht nur am Beginn der Entwicklung eines globalen Seetelegraphennetzwerks, sondern ist auch das Sinnbild einer einzigartigen Gemeinschaft von Kabelakteuren, der hiernach genannten Class of 1866. Aus dieser Kabelgemeinschaft institutionalisierten sich verschiedenste Netzwerke, wie z.B. die Society of Telegraph Engineers, welche fortan den internationalen Seetelegraphenmarkt wirtschaftlich, politisch wie auch kulturell dominieren sollten. Die Verkabelung des Atlantiks von 1866 stellt innerhalb der Geschichte der Seetelegraphie den zentralen Reflexionspunkt dar und die Pioniere des Atlantikkabels nutzten ihre Teilhabe daran, den eigenen Status als exklusive Kabel-Elite zu legitimieren. Durch die festliche Überhöhung des Ereignisses sowie die Veröffentlichung persönlicher Memoiren beeinflussten die Akteure bewusst die historische Wahrnehmung ihrer Zeitgenossen, wie auch der Geschichtsschreibung von heute.' (Autorenreferat)'In 1866 the first lasting submarine cable was laid across the Atlantic. This project not only initiated the development of world-wide submarine telegraph networks, but also the formation of a cable community, the Class of 1866, and their subsequent networks, as for example the Society of Telegraph Engineers, that came to dominate the global cable market economically, politically and culturally. The Atlantic cable project of 1866 represented the central reflection point within the history of submarine telegraphy and the Atlantic cable pioneers used it to legitimate their status as exclusive cable elite. With banquets, soirĂ©es and other festivities as well as in their diaries, memoirs and official histories of the cabling of the Atlantic, the Class of 1866 greatly influenced the historic perception of its contemporaries and until today.' (author's abstract

    Government Policies toward Information and Communication

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    The development of what one might call 'modern' systems of information and communication began with the Gutenberg printing press in the 15th century, and progressed through the prepaid postal system, electric telegraph and telephone in the 19th century, radio and television broadcasting in the 20th century, and most recently the Internet. This essay focuses on the response of governments to these innovations, beginning with the printing press. United Nations DESA Discussion Paper No. 21 (October 2001).internet, printing press, telegraph, telephone, broadcasting, information and communication technologies (ICT)

    The Evolution of FinTech: A New Post-Crisis Paradigm?

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    'Financial technology' or 'FinTech' refers to technology enabled financial solutions. FinTech is often seen today as the new marriage of financial services and information technology. However, the interlinkage of finance and technology has a long history and has evolved over three distinct eras. FinTech 1.0, from 1866 to 1987, was the first period of financial globalization supported by technological infrastructure such as transatlantic transmission cables. This was followed by FinTech 2.0, from 1987 to 2008, during which financial services firms increasingly digitized their processes. Since 2008 a new era of FinTech has emerged in both the developed and developing world. This era is defined not by the financial products or services delivered but by who delivers them. This latest evolution of FinTech, led by start-ups, poses challenges for regulators and market participants alike, particularly in balancing the potential benefits of innovation with the possible risks of new approaches.preprin
