4 research outputs found

    Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this paper we consider the problem of multi-view face detection. While there has been significant research on this problem, current state-of-the-art approaches for this task require annotation of facial landmarks, e.g. TSM [25], or annotation of face poses [28, 22]. They also require training dozens of models to fully capture faces in all orientations, e.g. 22 models in HeadHunter method [22]. In this paper we propose Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientations using a single model based on deep convolutional neural networks. The proposed method has minimal complexity; unlike other recent deep learning object detection methods [9], it does not require additional components such as segmentation, bounding-box regression, or SVM classifiers. Furthermore, we analyzed scores of the proposed face detector for faces in different orientations and found that 1) the proposed method is able to detect faces from different angles and can handle occlusion to some extent, 2) there seems to be a correlation between dis- tribution of positive examples in the training set and scores of the proposed face detector. The latter suggests that the proposed methods performance can be further improved by using better sampling strategies and more sophisticated data augmentation techniques. Evaluations on popular face detection benchmark datasets show that our single-model face detector algorithm has similar or better performance compared to the previous methods, which are more complex and require annotations of either different poses or facial landmarks.Comment: in International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2015 (ICMR

    Acceleration and energy consumption optimization in cascading classifiers for face detection on low-cost ARM big.LITTLE asymmetric architectures

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    This paper proposes a mechanism to accelerate and optimize the energy consumption of a face detection software based on Haar-like cascading classifiers, taking advantage of the features of low-cost Asymmetric Multicore Processors (AMPs) with limited power budget. A modelling and task scheduling/allocation is proposed in order to efficiently make use of the existing features on big.LITTLE ARM processors, including: (I) source-code adaptation for parallel computing, which enables code acceleration by applying the OmpSs programming model, a task-based programming model that handles data-dependencies between tasks in a transparent fashion; (II) different OmpSs task allocation policies which take into account the processor asymmetry and can dynamically set processing resources in a more efficient way based on their particular features. The proposed mechanism can be efficiently applied to take advantage of the processing elements existing on low-cost and low-energy multi-core embedded devices executing object detection algorithms based on cascading classifiers. Although these classifiers yield the best results for detection algorithms in the field of computer vision, their high computational requirements prevent them from being used on these devices under real-time requirements. Finally, we compare the energy efficiency of a heterogeneous architecture based on asymmetric multicore processors with a suitable task scheduling, with that of a homogeneous symmetric architecture

    Parallelized Seeded Region Growing Using CUDA

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    This paper presents a novel method for parallelizing the seeded region growing (SRG) algorithm using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) technology, with intention to overcome the theoretical weakness of SRG algorithm of its computation time being directly proportional to the size of a segmented region. The segmentation performance of the proposed CUDA-based SRG is compared with SRG implementations on single-core CPUs, quad-core CPUs, and shader language programming, using synthetic datasets and 20 body CT scans. Based on the experimental results, the CUDA-based SRG outperforms the other three implementations, advocating that it can substantially assist the segmentation during massive CT screening tests