3 research outputs found

    A High Speed Scheduler/Controller for Unbuffered Banyan Networks

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    This paper describes the design of a centralized controller /scheduler for a communication switch with a Banyan switching fabric built using unbuffered switches. The controller accepts a set of connection requirements and identi\Thetaes a noncon icting subset that can be used to set the state of the switches for data transfer. The logic can be implemented using a relatively small number of gates and can be pipelined to provide rapid control of the switch fabric. The controller can be used with a replicated banyan network fabric that provides suf\Thetacient switching bandwidth. 1 Introduction A wide variety of banyan-based network architectures have been developed to overcome the performance limitations imposed by blocking[9]. Many designs place control logic in the switches to buffer and / or route packets. Packets which cannot be routed correctly due to contention may be dropped or passed through the switch fabric using deection routing. Packets which exit the network at an incorrec..


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    Technical advances have brought circuit switching back to the stage of interconnection network design for high performance computing. Although circuit switching has long connection establishment delays and the dedication of connections prevents other communicating nodes from sharing the network, it has simple control logic and significant cost advantage over packet or wormhole switching. With the proper assistance from compilers, circuit switching has the potential of providing significant performance benefits when connections can be established prior to the actual communication. This dissertation presents a novel compilation framework for achieving efficient communications in circuit switching interconnection networks. The goal of the framework is to identify communication patterns in Single-Program-Multiple-Data (SPMD) parallel applications and compile these patterns as network configuration directives. This can significantly reduce the communication overhead on circuit switching interconnection networks. A powerful representation scheme is developed in this research to capture the property of communication patterns and allow manipulation of these patterns. Based on the temporal and spatial localities of communications and the capability of the compiler to identify the communication patterns, we classify communication patterns into three categories - static, persistent, and dynamic. We target static and persistent communications, which are dominant in most parallel applications. To identify communication patterns, we develop a novel symbolic expression analysis. We develop certain compiler techniques for analyzing communication patterns. Since the underlying network capacity is limited, we develop an algorithm to partition the program into phases based on the communication requirements and network capacity. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we implement an experimental compiler. The compiler identifies the communication patterns from the source code, partitions the program into phases, and inserts the network configuration directives at phase boundaries to achieve efficient communications. The compiler also can generate communication traces, which provides useful information about the communication pattern correlated to the structure of the source code. We develop a multiprocessor system simulator to evaluate our techniques. Our simulation-based performance analysis demonstrates that using our compiler techniques can achieve the same level, or even better level of communication performance than fast packet switching networks while using much less expensive circuit switches

    Adaptive Hybrid Switching Technique for Parallel Computing System

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    Parallel processing accelerates computations by solving a single problem using multiple compute nodes interconnected by a network. The scalability of a parallel system is limited byits ability to communicate and coordinate processing. Circuit switching, packet switchingand wormhole routing are dominant switching techniques. Our simulation results show that wormhole routing and circuit switching each excel under different types of traffic.This dissertation presents a hybrid switching technique that combines wormhole routing with circuit switching in a single switch using vrtual channels and time division multiplexing. The performance of this hybrid switch is significantly impacted by the effciency of traffic scheduling and thus, this dissertation also explores the design and scalability of hardware scheduling for the hybrid switch. In particular, we introduce two schedulers for crossbar networks: a greedy scheduler and an optimal scheduler that improves upon the resultsprovided by the greedy scheduler. For the time division multiplexing portion of the hybrid switch, this dissertation presents three allocation methods that combine wormhole switching with predictive circuit switching. We further extend this research from crossbar networks to fat tree interconnected networks with virtual channels. The global "level-wise" scheduling algorithm is presented and improves network utilization by 30% when compared to a switch-level algorithm. The performance of the hybrid switching is evaluated on a cycle accurate simulation framework that is also part of this dissertation research. Our experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid switch is capable of transferring both predictable traffics and unpredictable traffics successfully. By dynamically selecting the proper switching technique based on the type of communication traffic, the hybrid switch improves communication for most types of traffic