9 research outputs found

    Cardinalities estimation under sliding time window by sharing HyperLogLog Counter

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    Cardinalities estimation is an important research topic in network management and security. How to solve this problem under sliding time window is a hot topic. HyperLogLog is a memory efficient algorithm work under a fixed time window. A sliding version of HyperLogLog can work under sliding time window by replacing every counter of HyperLogLog with a list of feature possible maxim (LFPM). But LFPM is a dynamic structure whose size is variable at running time. This paper proposes a novel counter for HyperLogLog which consumes smaller size of memory than that of LFPM. Our counter is called bit distance recorder BDR, because it maintains the distance of every left most "1" bit position. The size of BDR is fixed. Based on BDR, we design a multi hosts' cardinalities estimation algorithm under sliding time window, virtual bit distance recorder VBDR. VBDR allocate a virtual vector of BDR for every host and every physical BDR is shared by several hosts to improve the memory usage. After a small modifcation, we propose another two parallel versions of VBDR which can run on GPU to handle high speed traffic. One of these parallel VBDR is fast in IP pair scanning and the other one is memory efficient. BDR is also suitable for other cardinality estimation algorithms such as PCSA, LogLog.Comment: 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1807.0152

    Economical and efficient network super points detection based on GPU

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    Network super point is a kind of special host which plays an important role in network management and security. For a core network, detecting super points in real time is a burden task because it requires plenty computing resources to keep up with the high speed of packets. Previous works try to solve this problem by using expensive memory, such as static random access memory, and multi cores of CPU. But the number of cores in CPU is small and each core of CPU has a high price. In this work, we use a popular parallel computing platform, graphic processing unit GPU, to mining core network's super point. We propose a double direction hash functions group which can map hosts randomly and restore them from a dense structure. Because the high randomness and simple process of the double direction hash functions, our algorithm reduce the memory to smaller than one-fourth of other algorithms. Because the small memory requirement of our algorithm, a low cost GPU, only worth 200 dollars, is fast enough to deal with a high speed network such as 750 Gb/s. No other algorithm can cope with such a high bandwidth traffic as accuracy as our algorithm on such a cheap platform. Experiments on the traffic collecting from a core network demonstrate the advantage of our efficient algorithm.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    SRLA: A real time sliding time window super point cardinality estimation algorithm for high speed network based on GPU

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    Super point is a special host in network which communicates with lots of other hosts in a certain time period. The number of hosts contacting with a super point is called as its cardinality. Cardinality estimating plays important roles in network management and security. All of existing works focus on how to estimate super point's cardinality under discrete time window. But discrete time window causes great delay and the accuracy of estimating result is subject to the starting of the window. sliding time window, moving forwarding a small slice every time, offers a more accuracy and timely scale to monitor super point's cardinality. On the other hand, super point's cardinality estimating under sliding time window is more difficult because it requires an algorithm to record the cardinality incrementally and report them immediately at the end of the sliding duration. This paper firstly solves this problem by devising a sliding time window available algorithm SRLA. SRLA records hosts cardinality by a novel structure which could be updated incrementally. In order to reduce the cardinality estimating time at the end of every sliding time window, SRLA generates a super point candidate list while scanning packets and calculates the cardinality of hosts in the candidate list only. It also has the ability to run parallel to deal with high speed network in line speed. This paper gives the way to deploy SRLA on a common GPU. Experiments on real world traffics which have 40 GB/s bandwidth show that SRLA successfully estimates super point's cardinality within 100 milliseconds under sliding time window when running on a low cost Nvidia GPU, GTX650 with 1 GB memory. The estimating time of SRLA is much smaller than that of other algorithms which consumes more than 2000 milliseconds under discrete time window.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Most memory efficient distributed super points detection on core networks

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    The super point, a host which communicates with lots of others, is a kind of special hosts gotten great focus. Mining super point at the edge of a network is the foundation of many network research fields. In this paper, we proposed the most memory efficient super points detection scheme. This scheme contains a super points reconstruction algorithm called short estimator and a super points filter algorithm called long estimator. Short estimator gives a super points candidate list using thousands of bytes memory and long estimator improves the accuracy of detection result using millions of bytes memory. Combining short estimator and long estimator, our scheme acquires the highest accuracy using the smallest memory than other algorithms. There is no data conflict and floating operation in our scheme. This ensures that our scheme is suitable for parallel running and we deploy our scheme on a common GPU to accelerate processing speed. We also describe how to extend our algorithm to sliding time. Experiments on several real-world core network traffics show that our algorithm acquires the highest accuracy with only consuming littler than one-fifth memory of other algorithms

    Regain Sliding super point from distributed edge routers by GPU

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    Sliding super point is a special host defined under sliding time window with which there are huge other hosts contact. It plays important roles in network security and management. But how to detect them in real time from nowadays high-speed network which contains several distributed routers is a hard task. Distributed sliding super point detection requires an algorithm that can estimate the number of contacting hosts incrementally, scan packets faster than their flowing speed and reconstruct sliding super point at the end of a time period. But no existing algorithm satisfies these three requirements simultaneously. To solve this problem, this paper firstly proposed a distributed sliding super point detection algorithm running on GPU. The advantage of this algorithm comes from a novel sliding estimator, which can estimate contacting host number incrementally under a sliding window, and a set of reversible hash functions, by which sliding super points could be regained without storing additional data such as IP list. There are two main procedures in this algorithm: packets scanning and sliding super points reconstruction. Both could run parallel without any data reading conflict. When deployed on a low cost GPU, this algorithm could deal with traffic with bandwidth as high as 680 Gb/s. A real world core network traffic is used to evaluate the performance of this sliding super point detection algorithm on a cheap GPU, Nvidia GTX950 with 4 GB graphic memory. Experiments comparing with other algorithms under discrete time window show that this algorithm has the highest accuracy. Under sliding time widow, this algorithm has the same performance as in discrete time window, where no other algorithms can work.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    GPU based Real-time Super Hosts Detection at Distributed Edge Routers

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    The super host is a special host on the network which contacts with many other hosts during a certain time window. They play important roles in network researches such as scanners detection, resource allocation, spam filtering and so on. How to find super hosts in real time is the foundation of these applications. In this paper, a novel algorithm, denoted as CBAA, is proposed to solve this problem at edge routers. CBAA divides network traffic into different parts. A cube of bits array is devised to store hosts' linking information of different traffic parts when scanning packets. At the end of each time window, CBAA restores super hosts very fast because there are only a fraction of super hosts in each traffic part. CBAA is also a parallel algorithm. It's easy to deploy CBAA in GPU to deal with high-speed network traffic in real time. Experiments on a real-world core network prove the advantage of our algorithm

    Memory efficient distributed sliding super point cardinality estimation by GPU

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    Super point is a kind of special host in the network which contacts with huge of other hosts. Estimating its cardinality, the number of other hosts contacting with it, plays important roles in network management. But all of existing works focus on discrete time window super point cardinality estimation which has great latency and ignores many measuring periods. Sliding time window measures super point cardinality in a finer granularity than that of discrete time window but also more complex. This paper firstly introduces an algorithm to estimate super point cardinality under sliding time window from distributed edge routers. This algorithm's ability of sliding super point cardinality estimating comes from a novel method proposed in this paper which can record the time that a host appears. Based on this method, two sliding cardinality estimators, sliding rough estimator and sliding linear estimator, are devised for super points detection and their cardinalities estimation separately. When using these two estimators together, the algorithm consumes the smallest memory with the highest accuracy. This sliding super point cardinality algorithm can be deployed in distributed environment and acquire the global super points' cardinality by merging estimators of distributed nodes. Both of these estimators could process packets parallel which makes it becom possible to deal with high speed network in real time by GPU. Experiments on a real world traffic show that this algorithm have the highest accuracy and the smallest memory comparing with others when running under discrete time window. Under sliding time window, this algorithm also has the same performance as under discrete time window.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.1103

    Distributed super point cardinality estimation under sliding time window for high speed network

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    Super point is a special kind of host whose cardinality, the number of contacting hosts in a certain period, is bigger than a threshold. Super point cardinality estimation plays important roles in network field. This paper proposes a super point cardinality estimation algorithm under sliding time window. To maintain the state of previous hosts with few updating operations, a novel counter, asynchronous time stamp (AT), is proposed. For a sliding time window containing k time slices, AT only needs to be updated every k time slices at the cost of 1 more bit than a previous state-of-art counter which requires log2(k+1)log_2(k+1) bits but updates every time slice. Fewer updating operations mean that more AT could be contained to acquire higher accuracy in real-time. This paper also devises a novel reversible hash function scheme to restore super point from a pool of AT. Experiments on several real-world network traffic illustrate that the algorithm proposed in this paper could detect super points and estimate their cardinalities under sliding time window in real time.Comment: 13 page

    VATE: a trade-off between memory and preserving time for high accuracy cardinalities estimation under sliding time window

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    Host cardinality is one of the important attributes in the field of network research. The cardinality estimation under sliding time window has become a research hotspot in recent years because of its high accuracy and small delay. This kind of algorithms preserve the time information of sliding time window by introducing more powerful counters. The more counters used in these algorithms, the higher the estimation accuracy of these algorithms. However, the available number of sliding counters is limited due to their large memory footprint or long state-maintenance time. To solve this problem, a new sliding counter, asynchronous timestamp (AT), is designed in this paper which has the advantages of less memory consumption and low state-maintenance time. AT can replace counters in existing algorithms. On the same device, more AT can be used to achieve higher accuracy. Based on AT, this paper designs a new multi-hosts cardinalities estimation algorithm VATE. VATE is also a parallel algorithm that can be deployed on GPU. With the parallel processing capability of GPU, VATE can estimate cardinalities of hosts in a 40 Gb/s high-speed network in real time at the time granularity of 1 second