2 research outputs found

    Local-To-Global Hypotheses for Robust Robot Localization

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    Many robust state-of-the-art localization methods rely on pose-space sample sets that are evaluated against individual sensor measurements. While these methods can work effectively, they often provide limited mechanisms to control the amount of hypotheses based on their similarity. Furthermore, they do not explicitly use associations to create or remove these hypotheses. We propose a global localization strategy that allows a mobile robot to localize using explicit symbolic associations with annotated geometric features. The feature measurements are first combined locally to form a consistent local feature map that is accurate in the vicinity of the robot. Based on this local map, an association tree is maintained that pairs local map features with global map features. The leaves of the tree represent distinct hypotheses on the data associations that allow for globally unmapped features appearing in the local map. We propose a registration step to check if an association hypothesis is supported. Our implementation considers a robot equipped with a 2D LiDAR and we compare the proposed method to a particle filter. We show that maintaining a smaller set of data association hypotheses results in better performance and explainability of the robot’s assumptions, as well as allowing more control over hypothesis bookkeeping. We provide experimental evaluations with a physical robot in a real environment using an annotated geometric building model that contains only the static part of the indoor scene. The result shows that our method outperforms a particle filter implementation in most cases by using fewer hypotheses with more descriptive power.</p

    Differential evolution Markov chain filter for global localization

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    A key challenge for an autonomous mobile robot is to estimate its location according to the available information. A particular aspect of this task is the global localization problem. In our previous work, we developed an algorithm based on the Differential Evolution method that solves this problem in 2D and 3D environments. The robot’s pose is represented by a set of possible location estimates weighted by a fitness function. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms have been successfully applied to multiple fields such as econometrics or computing science. It has been demonstrated that they can be combined with the Differential Evolution method to solve efficiently many optimization problems. In this work, we have combined both approaches to develop a global localization filter. The algorithm performance has been tested in simulated and real maps. The population requirements have been reduced when compared to the previous version.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robotica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU.Publicad