59,576 research outputs found

    Growth, Integration and Spillovers in the Central and East European Software Industry

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    This paper explores growth and competitive advantage in CEE software firms; it looks at the role of strategic partnerships and industry (spillover) effects. The empirical analysis is based on survey data from 224 software firms from six CEE countries (Bulgaria, Czech R, Estonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Romania). The results of the descriptive analysis are interpreted from the perspective of the role of capabilities in industrial development. The analysis shows that the patterns of growth are a mix of sector, region and sub--region specific determinants and show important national differences. This suggests that the CEE software industry cannot be considered as a homogenous phenomenon. There is no general tendency towards an expansion in exports; based on our sample only Romania is developing an export oriented software industry. Research shows that the CEE software industry is populated by young, dedicated, domestic firms, which are independent, and privately owned and which are mainly oriented towards localisation of software. They are strongly dependent for trade and production on alliances and strategic partnerships with foreign partners and a small share of technology based partnerships. There is an extensive process of industry upgrading underway, involving country and sub-region specific changes. The spillover effects are significant, through links with clients and intensive intra-industry knowledge transfer through high employment turnover and potentially high knowledge transfer from foreign to local projects. Differences between central and eastern Europe are strong in terms of degree of diversification of software supply, industrial upgrading and quality of demand. The pattern of software development in CEE differs from that in other emerging markets in the sense that it is domestic market oriented, but with an emerging export market for services. Its further growth and upgrading will be strongly dependent on the acquisition of organisational capabilities by local firms

    An examination of e-HRM as a means to increase the value of the HR function

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    This article examines the potential use of e-human resource management (e-HRM) as ameans to increase the value of the human resources (HR) function, within theframework of the resource-based view. Past research has suggested that e-HRM maysupport the HR function in becoming more efficient, improving service delivery andadopting a greater role in delivering the firm's business strategy. The results from alarge-scale survey across 12 countries showed that e-HRM may help HR to increase itsvalue by becoming more strategic, but found no evidence of cost savings due toreductions in HR headcount. This suggests that organisations are using e-HRM in orderto redeploy HR practitioners from transactional work to more strategic and value-addedactivities

    Barriers to industrial energy efficiency: a literature review

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    The Impacts of Knowledge Interaction with Manufacturing Clients on KIBS Firms Innovation Behaviour

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    knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), knowledge interaction, innovations systems

    Innovation in Services - Theoretical Approach

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    The aim of this article is to present the evolution of theoretical studies on service innovation. The author also attempts to put these different approaches to service innovation into order and to indicate the possible forms of service innovation that emerge from these researches. In further part of the article the issue of the availability of statistical data and its relevance to the possible forms of service innovation, as well as some changes that has been implemented recently in order to improve this relevance, are discussed.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie ewolucji teoretycznych badań nad innowacjami w usługach. Autorka podejmuje również próbę uporządkowania różnych podejść do kwestii innowacji usługowych oraz wskazać możliwe formy tych innowacji, wyłaniające się z analizowanych badań. W dalszej części artykułu, podejmowana jest kwestia dostępności danych statystycznych oraz ich adekwatności, jeśli chodzi o możliwość zastosowania do analizy różnych form innowacji usługowych. Omawiane są również wprowadzone ostatnio zmiany, mające na celu poprawę adekwatności tych danych