1,194 research outputs found

    Noncommmutative theorems: Gelfand Duality, Spectral, Invariant Subspace, and Pontryagin Duality

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    We extend the Gelfand-Naimark duality of commutative C*-algebras, "A COMMUTATIVE C*-ALGEBRA -- A LOCALLY COMPACT HAUSDORFF SPACE" to "A C*-ALGEBRA--A QUOTIENT OF A LOCALLY COMPACT HAUSDORFF SPACE". Thus, a C*-algebra is isomorphic to the convolution algebra of continuous regular Borel measures on the topological equivalence relation given by the above mentioned quotient. In commutative case this reduces to Gelfand-Naimark theorem. Applications: 1) A simultaneous extension, to arbitrary Hilbert space operators, of Jordan Canonical Form and Spectral Theorem of normal operators 2) A functional calculus for arbitrary operators. 3) Affirmative solution of Invariant Subspace Problem. 4) Extension of Pontryagin duality to nonabelian groups, and inevitably to groups whose underlying topological space is noncommutative.Comment: 10 page

    Hyperoctahedral Chen calculus for effective Hamiltonians

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    The algebraic structure of iterated integrals has been encoded by Chen. Formally, it identifies with the shuffle and Lie calculus of Lyndon, Ree and Sch\"utzenberger. It is mostly incorporated in the modern theory of free Lie algebras. Here, we tackle the problem of unraveling the algebraic structure of computations of effective Hamiltonians. This is an important subject in view of applications to chemistry, solid state physics, quantum field theory or engineering. We show, among others, that the correct framework for these computations is provided by the hyperoctahedral group algebras. We define several structures on these algebras and give various applications. For example, we show that the adiabatic evolution operator (in the time-dependent interaction representation of an effective Hamiltonian) can be written naturally as a Picard-type series and has a natural exponential expansion.Comment: Minor corrections. Some misleading notations and typos in the first version have been fixe

    Monopoles, noncommutative gauge theories in the BPS limit and some simple gauge groups

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    For three conspicuous gauge groups, namely, SU(2), SU(3) and SO(5), and at first order in the noncommutative parameter matrix h\theta^{\mu\nu}, we construct smooth monopole --and, some two-monopole-- fields that solve the noncommutative Yang-Mills-Higgs equations in the BPS limit and that are formal power series in h\theta^{\mu\nu}. We show that there exist noncommutative BPS (multi-)monopole field configurations that are formal power series in h\theta^{\mu\nu} if, and only if, two a priori free parameters of the Seiberg-Witten map take very specific values. These parameters, that are not associated to field redefinitions nor to gauge transformations, have thus values that give rise to sharp physical effects.Comment: 30 pages, no figure

    State Vector Reduction as a Shadow of a Noncommutative Dynamics

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    A model, based on a noncommutative geometry, unifying general relativity with quantum mechanics, is further develped. It is shown that the dynamics in this model can be described in terms of one-parameter groups of random operators. It is striking that the noncommutative counterparts of the concept of state and that of probability measure coincide. We also demonstrate that the equation describing noncommutative dynamics in the quantum gravitational approximation gives the standard unitary evolution of observables, and in the "space-time limit" it leads to the state vector reduction. The cases of the spin and position operators are discussed in details.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Dequantization via quantum channels

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    For a unital completely positive map Φ\Phi ("quantum channel") governing the time propagation of a quantum system, the Stinespring representation gives an enlarged system evolving unitarily. We argue that the Stinespring representations of each power Φm\Phi^m of the single map together encode the structure of the original quantum channel and provides an interaction-dependent model for the bath. The same bath model gives a "classical limit" at infinite time mm\to\infty in the form of a noncommutative "manifold" determined by the channel. In this way a simplified analysis of the system can be performed by making the large-mm approximation. These constructions are based on a noncommutative generalization of Berezin quantization. The latter is shown to involve very fundamental aspects of quantum-information theory, which are thereby put in a completely new light

    Unification of SU(2)xU(1) Using a Generalized Covariant Derivative and U(3)

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    A generalization of the Yang-Mills covariant derivative, that uses both vector and scalar fields and transforms as a 4-vector contracted with Dirac matrices, is used to simplify and unify the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model. Since SU(3) assigns the wrong hypercharge to the Higgs boson, it is necessary to use a special representation of U(3) to obtain all the correct quantum numbers. A surplus gauge scalar boson emerges in the process, but it uncouples from all other particles.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.