16,072 research outputs found

    Two weight norm inequalities for fractional integral operators and commutators

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    In these lecture notes we describe some recent work on two weight norm inequalities for fractional integral operators, also known as Riesz potentials, and for commutators of fractional integrals. These notes are based on three lectures delivered at the 6th International Course of Mathematical Analysis in Andalucia, held in Antequera, Spain, September 8-12, 2014. They are, however, greatly expanded to include both new results and many details that I did not present in my lectures due to time constraints

    A Survey on Multi-Task Learning

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    Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm in machine learning and its aim is to leverage useful information contained in multiple related tasks to help improve the generalization performance of all the tasks. In this paper, we give a survey for MTL. First, we classify different MTL algorithms into several categories, including feature learning approach, low-rank approach, task clustering approach, task relation learning approach, and decomposition approach, and then discuss the characteristics of each approach. In order to improve the performance of learning tasks further, MTL can be combined with other learning paradigms including semi-supervised learning, active learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, multi-view learning and graphical models. When the number of tasks is large or the data dimensionality is high, batch MTL models are difficult to handle this situation and online, parallel and distributed MTL models as well as dimensionality reduction and feature hashing are reviewed to reveal their computational and storage advantages. Many real-world applications use MTL to boost their performance and we review representative works. Finally, we present theoretical analyses and discuss several future directions for MTL

    Representing Sets as Summed Semantic Vectors

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    Representing meaning in the form of high dimensional vectors is a common and powerful tool in biologically inspired architectures. While the meaning of a set of concepts can be summarized by taking a (possibly weighted) sum of their associated vectors, this has generally been treated as a one-way operation. In this paper we show how a technique built to aid sparse vector decomposition allows in many cases the exact recovery of the inputs and weights to such a sum, allowing a single vector to represent an entire set of vectors from a dictionary. We characterize the number of vectors that can be recovered under various conditions, and explore several ways such a tool can be used for vector-based reasoning.Comment: In Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 201

    A survey of dimensionality reduction techniques

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    Experimental life sciences like biology or chemistry have seen in the recent decades an explosion of the data available from experiments. Laboratory instruments become more and more complex and report hundreds or thousands measurements for a single experiment and therefore the statistical methods face challenging tasks when dealing with such high dimensional data. However, much of the data is highly redundant and can be efficiently brought down to a much smaller number of variables without a significant loss of information. The mathematical procedures making possible this reduction are called dimensionality reduction techniques; they have widely been developed by fields like Statistics or Machine Learning, and are currently a hot research topic. In this review we categorize the plethora of dimension reduction techniques available and give the mathematical insight behind them

    The boundedness of multilinear Calder\'on-Zygmund operators on weighted and variable Hardy spaces

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    We establish the boundedness of the multilinear Calder\'on-Zygmund operators from a product of weighted Hardy spaces into a weighted Hardy or Lebesgue space. Our results generalize to the weighted setting results obtained by Grafakos and Kalton (Collect. Math. 2001) and recent work by the third author, Grafakos, Nakamura, and Sawano. As part of our proof we provide a finite atomic decomposition theorem for weighted Hardy spaces, which is interesting in its own right. As a consequence of our weighted results, we prove the corresponding estimates on variable Hardy spaces. Our main tool is a multilinear extrapolation theorem that generalizes a result of the first author and Naibo (Differential Integral Equations 2016)

    Data-Dependent Coresets for Compressing Neural Networks with Applications to Generalization Bounds

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    We present an efficient coresets-based neural network compression algorithm that sparsifies the parameters of a trained fully-connected neural network in a manner that provably approximates the network's output. Our approach is based on an importance sampling scheme that judiciously defines a sampling distribution over the neural network parameters, and as a result, retains parameters of high importance while discarding redundant ones. We leverage a novel, empirical notion of sensitivity and extend traditional coreset constructions to the application of compressing parameters. Our theoretical analysis establishes guarantees on the size and accuracy of the resulting compressed network and gives rise to generalization bounds that may provide new insights into the generalization properties of neural networks. We demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our algorithm on a variety of neural network configurations and real-world data sets.Comment: First two authors contributed equall

    Spectral Sparsification of Simplicial Complexes for Clustering and Label Propagation

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    As a generalization of the use of graphs to describe pairwise interactions, simplicial complexes can be used to model higher-order interactions between three or more objects in complex systems. There has been a recent surge in activity for the development of data analysis methods applicable to simplicial complexes, including techniques based on computational topology, higher-order random processes, generalized Cheeger inequalities, isoperimetric inequalities, and spectral methods. In particular, spectral learning methods (e.g. label propagation and clustering) that directly operate on simplicial complexes represent a new direction for analyzing such complex datasets. To apply spectral learning methods to massive datasets modeled as simplicial complexes, we develop a method for sparsifying simplicial complexes that preserves the spectrum of the associated Laplacian matrices. We show that the theory of Spielman and Srivastava for the sparsification of graphs extends to simplicial complexes via the up Laplacian. In particular, we introduce a generalized effective resistance for simplices, provide an algorithm for sparsifying simplicial complexes at a fixed dimension, and give a specific version of the generalized Cheeger inequality for weighted simplicial complexes. Finally, we introduce higher-order generalizations of spectral clustering and label propagation for simplicial complexes and demonstrate via experiments the utility of the proposed spectral sparsification method for these applications

    Sparsity Within and Across Overlapping Groups

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    Recently, penalties promoting signals that are sparse within and across groups have been proposed. In this letter, we propose a generalization that allows to encode more intricate dependencies within groups. However, this complicates the realization of the threshold function associated with the penalty, which hinders the use of the penalty in energy minimization. We discuss how to sidestep this problem, and demonstrate the use of the modified penalty in an energy minimization formulation for an inverse problem

    Extrapolation and Factorization

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    A modestly revised version of lecture notes that were distributed to accompany my four lectures at the 2017 Spring School of Analysis at Paseky, sponsored by Charles University, Prague. They are an introductory survey of Rubio de Francia extrapolation, Jones factorization, and applications

    Decomposition-Based Transfer Distance Metric Learning for Image Classification

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    Distance metric learning (DML) is a critical factor for image analysis and pattern recognition. To learn a robust distance metric for a target task, we need abundant side information (i.e., the similarity/dissimilarity pairwise constraints over the labeled data), which is usually unavailable in practice due to the high labeling cost. This paper considers the transfer learning setting by exploiting the large quantity of side information from certain related, but different source tasks to help with target metric learning (with only a little side information). The state-of-the-art metric learning algorithms usually fail in this setting because the data distributions of the source task and target task are often quite different. We address this problem by assuming that the target distance metric lies in the space spanned by the eigenvectors of the source metrics (or other randomly generated bases). The target metric is represented as a combination of the base metrics, which are computed using the decomposed components of the source metrics (or simply a set of random bases); we call the proposed method, decomposition-based transfer DML (DTDML). In particular, DTDML learns a sparse combination of the base metrics to construct the target metric by forcing the target metric to be close to an integration of the source metrics. The main advantage of the proposed method compared with existing transfer metric learning approaches is that we directly learn the base metric coefficients instead of the target metric. To this end, far fewer variables need to be learned. We therefore obtain more reliable solutions given the limited side information and the optimization tends to be faster. Experiments on the popular handwritten image (digit, letter) classification and challenge natural image annotation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method
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