50,517 research outputs found

    Improving soft FEC performance for higher-order modulations via optimized bit channel mappings

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    Soft forward error correction with higher-order modulations is often implemented in practice via the pragmatic bit-interleaved coded modulation paradigm, where a single binary code is mapped to a nonbinary modulation. In this paper, we study the optimization of the mapping of the coded bits to the modulation bits for a polarization-multiplexed fiber-optical system without optical inline dispersion compensation. Our focus is on protograph-based low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes which allow for an efficient hardware implementation, suitable for high-speed optical communications. The optimization is applied to the AR4JA protograph family, and further extended to protograph-based spatially coupled LDPC codes assuming a windowed decoder. Full field simulations via the split-step Fourier method are used to verify the analysis. The results show performance gains of up to 0.25 dB, which translate into a possible extension of the transmission reach by roughly up to 8%, without significantly increasing the system complexity.Comment: This paper was published in Optics Express and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-22-12-1454

    Optimum Linear LLR Calculation for Iterative Decoding on Fading Channels

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    On a fading channel with no channel state information at the receiver, calculating true log-likelihood ratios (LLR) is complicated. Existing work assume that the power of the additive noise is known and use the expected value of the fading gain in a linear function of the channel output to find approximate LLRs. In this work, we first assume that the power of the additive noise is known and we find the optimum linear approximation of LLRs in the sense of maximum achievable transmission rate on the channel. The maximum achievable rate under this linear LLR calculation is almost equal to the maximum achievable rate under true LLR calculation. We also observe that this method appears to be the optimum in the sense of bit error rate performance too. These results are then extended to the case that the noise power is unknown at the receiver and a performance almost identical to the case that the noise power is perfectly known is obtained.Comment: This paper will be presented in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2007 in Nice, Franc

    Turbo-Detected Unequal Error Protection Irregular Convolutional Codes Designed for the Wideband Advanced Multirate Speech Codec

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    Abstract—since the different bits of multimedia information, such as speech and video, have different error sensitivity, efficient unequalprotection channel coding schemes have to be used to ensure that the perceptually more important bits benefit from more powerful protection. Furthermore, in the context of turbo detection the channel codes should also match the characteristics of the channel for the sake of attaining a good convergence performance. In this paper, we address this design dilemma by using irregular convolutional codes (IRCCs) which constitute a family of different-rate subcodes. we benefit from the high design flexibility of IRCCs and hence excellent convergence properties are maintained while having unequal error protection capabilities matched to the requirements of the source. An EXIT chart based design procedure is proposed and used in the context of protecting the different-sensitivity speech bits of the wideband AMR speech codec. As a benefit, the unequalprotection system using IRCCs exhibits an SNR advantage of about 0.4dB over the equal-protection system employing regular convolutional codes, when communicating over a Gaussian channel