483 research outputs found

    The Routing of Complex Contagion in Kleinberg's Small-World Networks

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    In Kleinberg's small-world network model, strong ties are modeled as deterministic edges in the underlying base grid and weak ties are modeled as random edges connecting remote nodes. The probability of connecting a node uu with node vv through a weak tie is proportional to 1/∣uv∣α1/|uv|^\alpha, where ∣uv∣|uv| is the grid distance between uu and vv and α≄0\alpha\ge 0 is the parameter of the model. Complex contagion refers to the propagation mechanism in a network where each node is activated only after k≄2k \ge 2 neighbors of the node are activated. In this paper, we propose the concept of routing of complex contagion (or complex routing), where we can activate one node at one time step with the goal of activating the targeted node in the end. We consider decentralized routing scheme where only the weak ties from the activated nodes are revealed. We study the routing time of complex contagion and compare the result with simple routing and complex diffusion (the diffusion of complex contagion, where all nodes that could be activated are activated immediately in the same step with the goal of activating all nodes in the end). We show that for decentralized complex routing, the routing time is lower bounded by a polynomial in nn (the number of nodes in the network) for all range of α\alpha both in expectation and with high probability (in particular, Ω(n1α+2)\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{\alpha+2}}) for α≀2\alpha \le 2 and Ω(nα2(α+2))\Omega(n^{\frac{\alpha}{2(\alpha+2)}}) for α>2\alpha > 2 in expectation), while the routing time of simple contagion has polylogarithmic upper bound when α=2\alpha = 2. Our results indicate that complex routing is harder than complex diffusion and the routing time of complex contagion differs exponentially compared to simple contagion at sweetspot.Comment: Conference version will appear in COCOON 201

    Combining Traditional Marketing and Viral Marketing with Amphibious Influence Maximization

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    In this paper, we propose the amphibious influence maximization (AIM) model that combines traditional marketing via content providers and viral marketing to consumers in social networks in a single framework. In AIM, a set of content providers and consumers form a bipartite network while consumers also form their social network, and influence propagates from the content providers to consumers and among consumers in the social network following the independent cascade model. An advertiser needs to select a subset of seed content providers and a subset of seed consumers, such that the influence from the seed providers passing through the seed consumers could reach a large number of consumers in the social network in expectation. We prove that the AIM problem is NP-hard to approximate to within any constant factor via a reduction from Feige's k-prover proof system for 3-SAT5. We also give evidence that even when the social network graph is trivial (i.e. has no edges), a polynomial time constant factor approximation for AIM is unlikely. However, when we assume that the weighted bi-adjacency matrix that describes the influence of content providers on consumers is of constant rank, a common assumption often used in recommender systems, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm that achieves approximation ratio of (1−1/e−ϔ)3(1-1/e-\epsilon)^3 for any (polynomially small) Ï”>0\epsilon > 0. Our algorithmic results still hold for a more general model where cascades in social network follow a general monotone and submodular function.Comment: An extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 201

    Coding by Choice: A Transitional Analysis of Social Participation Patterns and Programming Contributions in the Online Scratch Community

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    While massive online communities have drawn the attention of researchers and educators on their potential to support active collaborative work, knowledge sharing, and user-generated content, few studies examine participation in these communities at scale. The little research that does exist attends almost solely to adults rather than communities to support youths’ learning and identity development. In this chapter, we tackle two challenges related to understanding social practices that support learning in massive social networking forums where users engage in design. We examined a youth programmer community, called Scratch.mit.edu, that garners the voluntary participation of millions of young people worldwide. We report on site-wide distributions and patterns of participation that illuminate the relevance of different online social practices to ongoing involvement in the online community. Drawing on a random sample of more than 5000 active users of Scratch.mit.edu over a 3-month time period in early 2012, we examine log files that captured the frequency of three types of social practices that contribute to enduring participation: DIY participatory activities, socially supportive actions, and socially engaging interactions. Using latent transition analysis, we found (1) distinct patterns of participation (classes) across three time points (e.g., high networkers who are generally active, commenters who focus mainly on social participation, downloaders engaging in DIY participatory activities), (2) unique migration changes in class membership across time, (3) relatively equal gender representation across these classes, and (4) importance of membership length (or age) in terms of class memberships. In the discussion, we review our approach to analysis and outline implications for the design and study of online communities and tools for youth


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    By enabling connections between individuals, Social Networking Sites, such as Facebook, promise to create significant individual as well as social value. Encouraging connections between users is also crucial for service providers who increasingly rely on social advertising and viral marketing campaigns as important sources of their revenue. Consequently, understanding user’s network construction behavior becomes critical. However, previous studies offer only few scattered insights into this research question. In order to fill this gap, we employ Grounded Theory methodology to derive a comprehensive model of network construction behavior on social networking sites. In the following step we assess two Structural Equation Models to gain refined insights into the motivation to send and accept friendship requests – two network expansion strategies. Based on our findings, we offer recommendations for social network providers

    Expanding Social Network Modeling Software and Agent Models for Diffusion Processes

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    In an increasingly digitally interconnected world, the study of social networks and their dynamics is burgeoning. Anthropologically, the ubiquity of online social networks has had striking implications for the condition of large portions of humanity. This technology has facilitated content creation of virtually all sorts, information sharing on an unprecedented scale, and connections and communities among people with similar interests and skills. The first part of my research is a social network evolution and visualization engine. Built on top of existing technologies, my software is designed to provide abstractions from the underlying libraries, drive real-time network evolution based on user-defined parameters, and optionally visualize that evolution at each step of the process. My software provides a low maintenance interface for the creation of networks and update schemes for a wide array of experimental contexts, an engine to drive network evolution, and a visualization platform to provide real-time feedback about different aspects of the network to the researcher, as well as fine-grained debugging tools. We conducted investigations into the opinion dynamics of networks when multiple agent “archetypes” interact together with this platform. We modeled agents’ archetypes with respect to two attributes: their preference over their friends’ opinion profiles, and their tendency to change their opinion over time. We extended the current state of agent modeling in opinion diffusion by providing a unified 2D trajectory/preference space for agents that incorporates most common models in the literature. We investigated six agent archetypes from this space, and examined the behavior of the network as a whole and the individual agents in a variety of contexts. In another branch of work using our software, we developed a network of agents who must carry out both economic and social activities during a pandemic. Agents’ decisions about what actions to take (self-protective measures like masking, social distancing, or waiting to run errands) are based on several factors, including perception of risk (obtained from news reports, social connections, etc.) and economic need. We show with preliminary testing that this platform is able to execute standard pandemic models successfully with the incorporation of the economic and social dimensions, and that this paradigm may provide useful insight into effective agent-level response policies that can be used in concert with other top-down approaches that comprise most of the recent pandemic response research. We have investigated the implications of varying behavior profiles within a network of agents, and how those behavioral compositions affect the overall climate of the network in return, and this software will continue to facilitate similar research into the future

    Capacity Constrained Influence Maximization in Social Networks

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    Influence maximization (IM) aims to identify a small number of influential individuals to maximize the information spread and finds applications in various fields. It was first introduced in the context of viral marketing, where a company pays a few influencers to promote the product. However, apart from the cost factor, the capacity of individuals to consume content poses challenges for implementing IM in real-world scenarios. For example, players on online gaming platforms can only interact with a limited number of friends. In addition, we observe that in these scenarios, (i) the initial adopters of promotion are likely to be the friends of influencers rather than the influencers themselves, and (ii) existing IM solutions produce sub-par results with high computational demands. Motivated by these observations, we propose a new IM variant called capacity constrained influence maximization (CIM), which aims to select a limited number of influential friends for each initial adopter such that the promotion can reach more users. To solve CIM effectively, we design two greedy algorithms, MG-Greedy and RR-Greedy, ensuring the 1/21/2-approximation ratio. To improve the efficiency, we devise the scalable implementation named RR-OPIM+ with (1/2−ϔ)(1/2-\epsilon)-approximation and near-linear running time. We extensively evaluate the performance of 9 approaches on 6 real-world networks, and our solutions outperform all competitors in terms of result quality and running time. Additionally, we deploy RR-OPIM+ to online game scenarios, which improves the baseline considerably.Comment: The technical report of the paper entitled 'Capacity Constrained Influence Maximization in Social Networks' in SIGKDD'2
