10,116 research outputs found

    Construction of aggregation operators with noble reinforcement

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    This paper examines disjunctive aggregation operators used in various recommender systems. A specific requirement in these systems is the property of noble reinforcement: allowing a collection of high-valued arguments to reinforce each other while avoiding reinforcement of low-valued arguments. We present a new construction of Lipschitz-continuous aggregation operators with noble reinforcement property and its refinements. <br /

    Higher Order Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

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    A decade of application of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid

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    The main advances regarding the use of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid over the last decade are reviewed. They concern mainly a bipolar extension of both the Choquet integral and the Sugeno integral, interesting particular submodels, new learning techniques, a better interpretation of the models and a better use of the Choquet integral in multi-criteria decision aid. Parallel to these theoretical works, the Choquet integral has been applied to many new fields, and several softwares and libraries dedicated to this model have been developed.Choquet integral, Sugeno integral, capacity, bipolarity, preferences

    Fuzzy Interpolation Systems and Applications

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    Fuzzy inference systems provide a simple yet effective solution to complex non-linear problems, which have been applied to numerous real-world applications with great success. However, conventional fuzzy inference systems may suffer from either too sparse, too complex or imbalanced rule bases, given that the data may be unevenly distributed in the problem space regardless of its volume. Fuzzy interpolation addresses this. It enables fuzzy inferences with sparse rule bases when the sparse rule base does not cover a given input, and it simplifies very dense rule bases by approximating certain rules with their neighbouring ones. This chapter systematically reviews different types of fuzzy interpolation approaches and their variations, in terms of both the interpolation mechanism (inference engine) and sparse rule base generation. Representative applications of fuzzy interpolation in the field of control are also revisited in this chapter, which not only validate fuzzy interpolation approaches but also demonstrate its efficacy and potential for wider applications

    Modelling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a coherent perspective of modeling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets. In management practice we face most of the time the situation in which a problem have several possible solutions and each solution can be analyzed using multiple criteria models. In the same time, in real life decision making process there is a given level of uncertainty which makes difficult a clear cut analytical analysis. The object of this article is to build a model approach for making multiple criteria decision using fuzzy sets of objects. Elaborating multiple attribute decisions involves performing an assessment and selecting from a given and finite set of possible alternative courses of action in the presence of a given and finite, and usually conflicting set of attributes and criteria.decision making, fuzzy sets, modeling, multiple criteria optimization.

    Intelligent Home Heating Controller Using Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

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    The reduction of domestic energy waste helps in achieving the legal binding target in the UK that CO2 emissions needs to be reduced by at least 34% below base year (1990) levels by 2020. Space heating consumes about 60% of the household energy consumption, and it has been reported by the Household Electricity Survey from GOV.UK, that 23% of residents leave the heating on while going out. To minimise the waste of heating unoccupied homes, a number of sensor-based and programmable controllers for central heating system have been developed, which can successfully switch off the home heating systems when a property is unoccupied. However, these systems cannot automatically preheat the homes before occupants return without manual inputs or leaving the heating on unnecessarily for longer time, which has limited the wide application of such devices. In order to address this limitation, this paper proposes a smart home heating controller, which enables a home heating system to efficiently preheat the home by successfully predicting the users’ home time. In particular, residents’ home time is calculated by employing fuzzy rule interpolation, supported by users’ historic and current location data from portable devices (commonly smart mobile phones). The proposed system has been applied to a real-world case with promising results shown