74,443 research outputs found

    Hierarchical and dynamic threshold Paillier cryptosystem without trusted dealer

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    We propose the first hierarchical and dynamic threshold Paillier cryptosystem without trusted dealer and prove its security in the malicious adversary model. The new cryptosystem is fully distributed, i. e., public and private key generation is performed without a trusted dealer. The private key is shared with a hierarchical and dynamic secret sharing scheme over the integers. In such a scheme not only the amount of shareholders, but also their levels in the hierarchy decide whether or not they can reconstruct the secret and new shareholders can be added or removed without reconstruction of the secret

    Shanrang: Fully Asynchronous Proactive Secret Sharing with Dynamic Committees

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    We present Shanrang, the first fully asynchronous proactive secret sharing scheme with dynamic committee support. Even in the worst possible network environment, where messages could have arbitrary latencies, Shanrang allows a dynamic committee to store a secret and periodically refresh the secret shares in a distributed fashion. When the committee changes, both the old committee and the new committee jointly refresh and transfer the shares to the new committee, without revealing the secret to the adversary. With n parties, Shanrang tolerates n/4 Byzantine faults and maintains liveness as long as the messages are delivered. In contrast to prior work, Shanrang makes no assumptions on the network latency. Designing an asynchronous protocol is challenging because it is impossible to distinguish an adversary sending no messages from an honest party whose messages have not arrived yet. We evaluated Shanrang on geographically distributed machines and we found Shanrang achieved 200 seconds for handing off between 2 committees of 41 parties. Shanrang requires O(λn3 log n) messages and runs in expected O(log n) rounds for every handoff. To show Shanrang is robust even in a harsh network environ- ment, we test Shanrang on the Tor network and it shows robust performance

    A distributed key establishment scheme for wireless mesh networks using identity-based cryptography

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    In this paper, we propose a secure and efficient key establishment scheme designed with respect to the unique requirements of Wireless Mesh Networks. Our security model is based on Identity-based key establishment scheme without the utilization of a trusted authority for private key operations. Rather, this task is performed by a collaboration of users; a threshold number of users come together in a coalition so that they generate the private key. We performed simulative performance evaluation in order to show the effect of both the network size and the threshold value. Results show a tradeoff between resiliency and efficiency: increasing the threshold value or the number of mesh nodes also increases the resiliency but negatively effects the efficiency. For threshold values smaller than 8 and for number of mesh nodes in between 40 and 100, at least 90% of the mesh nodes can compute their private keys within at most 70 seconds. On the other hand, at threshold value 8, an increase in the number of mesh nodes from 40 to 100 results in 25% increase in the rate of successful private key generations