3 research outputs found

    How (Not) to Index Order Revealing Encrypted Databases

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    Order Reveling Encryption (ORE) enables efficient range queries on encrypted databases, but may leak information that could be exploited by inference attacks. State-of-the-art ORE schemes claim different security guarantees depending on the adversary attack surface. Intuitively, online adversaries who access the database server at runtime may access information leakage; offline adversaries who access only a snapshot of the database data should not be able to gain useful information. We focus on offline security of the ORE scheme proposed by Lewi and Wu (LW-ORE, CCS 2016), which guarantees semantic security of ciphertexts stored in the database, but requires that ciphertexts are maintained sorted with regard to the corresponding plaintexts to support sublinear time queries. The design of LW-ORE does not discuss how to build indexing data structures to maintain sorting. The risk is that practitioners consider indexes as a technicality whose design does not affect security. We show that indexes can affect offline security of LW-ORE because they may leak duplicate plaintext values, and statistical information on plaintexts distribution and on transactions history. As a real-world demonstration, we found two open source implementations related to academic research (JISA 2018, VLDB 2019), and both adopt standard search trees which may introduce such vulnerabilities. We discuss necessary conditions for indexing data structures to be secure for ORE databases, and we outline practical solutions. Our analyses could represent an insightful lesson in the context of security failures due to gaps between theoretical modeling and actual implementation, and may also apply to other cryptographic techniques for securing outsourced databases

    A Blockchain Framework for Patient-Centered Health Records and Exchange (HealthChain): Evaluation and Proof-of-Concept Study

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    Background: Blockchain has the potential to disrupt the current modes of patient data access, accumulation, contribution, exchange, and control. Using interoperability standards, smart contracts, and cryptographic identities, patients can securely exchange data with providers and regulate access. The resulting comprehensive, longitudinal medical records can significantly improve the cost and quality of patient care for individuals and populations alike. Objective: This work presents HealthChain, a novel patient-centered blockchain framework. The intent is to bolster patient engagement, data curation, and regulated dissemination of accumulated information in a secure, interoperable environment. A mixed-block blockchain is proposed to support immutable logging and redactable patient blocks. Patient data are generated and exchanged through Health Level-7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, allowing seamless transfer with compliant systems. In addition, patients receive cryptographic identities in the form of public and private key pairs. Public keys are stored in the blockchain and are suitable for securing and verifying transactions. Furthermore, the envisaged system uses proxy re-encryption (PRE) to share information through revocable, smart contracts, ensuring the preservation of privacy and confidentiality. Finally, several PRE improvements are offered to enhance performance and security. Methods: The framework was formulated to address key barriers to blockchain adoption in health care, namely, information security, interoperability, data integrity, identity validation, and scalability. It supports 16 configurations through the manipulation of 4 modes. An open-source, proof-of-concept tool was developed to evaluate the performance of the novel patient block components and system configurations. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed framework and evaluate resource consumption, extensive testing was performed on each of the 16 configurations over a variety of scenarios involving a variable number of existing and imported records. Results: The results indicate several clear high-performing, low-bandwidth configurations, although they are not the strongest cryptographically. Of the strongest models, one’s anticipated cumulative record size is shown to influence the selection. Although the most efficient algorithm is ultimately user specific, Advanced Encryption Standard–encrypted data with static keys, incremental server storage, and no additional server-side encryption are the fastest and least bandwidth intensive, whereas proxy re-encrypted data with dynamic keys, incremental server storage, and additional server-side encryption are the best performing of the strongest configurations. Conclusions: Blockchain is a potent and viable technology for patient-centered access to and exchange of health information. By integrating a structured, interoperable design with patient-accumulated and generated data shared through smart contracts into a universally accessible blockchain, HealthChain presents patients and providers with access to consistent and comprehensive medical records. Challenges addressed include data security, interoperability, block storage, and patient-administered data access, with several configurations emerging for further consideration regarding speed and security

    A framework for searching encrypted databases

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    Abstract Cloud computing is a ubiquitous paradigm responsible for a fundamental change in the way distributed computing is performed. The possibility to outsource the installation, maintenance and scalability of servers, added to competitive prices, makes this platform highly attractive to the computing industry. Despite this, privacy guarantees are still insufficient for data processed in the cloud, since the data owner has no real control over the processing hardware. This work proposes a framework for database encryption that preserves data secrecy on an untrusted environment and retains searching and updating capabilities. It employs order-revealing encryption to perform selection with time complexity in Θ(logn), and homomorphic encryption to enable computation over ciphertexts. When compared to the current state of the art, our approach provides higher security and flexibility. A proof-of-concept implementation on top of the MongoDB system is offered and applied in the implementation of some of the main predicates required by the winning solution to Netflix Grand Prize