4 research outputs found

    Applying patterns to e-government

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    This paper present design patterns which simplifies the process of developing, deploying, and managing complex, integrated, and standards-compliant E-government applications. The patterns can be used at different levels and layers of E-government鈥檚 architecture. Architecture Patterns are the highest layer patterns and have a high level of abstraction. Their aim is to present the different system components and their collaboration through a conceptual model. In the middle layer are design patterns. In e-government, security and object-oriented design patterns are most used. The design patterns application allows to improve the performance of the existing solution, the flexibility and scalability, security and to keep the applications up to date and to incorporate the new requirements. E-government web design patterns allow to create intuitive websites that are suitable for different user categories

    Revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura cient铆fica sobre los procesos de medici贸n de e-gobierno

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    La investigaci贸n tiene como prop贸sito presentar una s铆ntesis de los procesos de medici贸n de e-Gobierno publicados en la literatura cient铆fica en el periodo 2004 -2014. Espec铆ficamente, la investigaci贸n se enfoc贸 en identificar las variables e indicadores de evaluaci贸n propuestos en la literatura cient铆fica para medir la e-Gobierno. En la pasant铆a se realizaron los siguientes objetivos: Construir un marco conceptual que permita explicar qu茅 es Gobierno en L铆nea y sus caracter铆sticas m谩s importantes, planear la revisi贸n sistem谩tica, estableciendo las preguntas de investigaci贸n, el alcance de la revisi贸n y los criterios a considerar para la selecci贸n y clasificaci贸n de los documentos, buscar los documentos en las bases de datos seleccionadas utilizando para ello una ecuaci贸n de b煤squeda depurada, seleccionar los documentos a ser analizados a trav茅s de una evaluaci贸n de calidad de los mismos y realizar el an谩lisis de los documentos seleccionados y presentar una s铆ntesis de los resultados obtenidos, gracias a la ejecuci贸n y consecuci贸n de los objetivos anteriores, se logr贸 identificar cuatro dimensiones y 16 aspectos importantes para la evaluaci贸n de e-Gobierno, teniendo como resultados mediciones de variables e indicadores: en transici贸n en l铆nea el 13,09%, en demogr谩fico (edad, sexo, ciudad, entre otros) teniendo el 12,83%, est谩ndares en l铆nea el 10,86% y en informaci贸n el 9,95%

    Measuring Factors That Influence the Success of E-government Initiatives

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    The success of e-government initiatives is contingent upon its citizens \u27 willingness to use the services. Citizens are more likely to use e-government services if they believe that they get better value than from the conventional government services. Understanding how citizens value e-government services is critical to the success of these initiatives. This study utilizes two concepts from the field of decision analysis. These are mean-ends chains and value-focused thinking. The research that follows describes the development of a model to identify factors that influence value judgments of citizens. Based on the data of 21 0 responses from e-government service users, two instruments were developed to measure perceived e-government value. They were means objectives and fundamental objectives. What is important to e-government users are the fundamental objectives. Means objectives help to achieve the fundamental objectives. The study results suggested a 4-factor 20-item instrument that measures means objectives in terms of public trust, information access, public accessibility, and quality of services. The results also suggested a 4-factor 18-item instrument that measures fundamental objectives in terms of time savings, efficiency of service, service to citizen, and social awareness. The study also showed evidence of content validity, construct validity, and reliability

    A framework for eGovernance solutions

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