71,206 research outputs found

    An approach to find dynamic slice for C++ Program

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    Object-oriented programming has been considered a most promising method in program development and maintenance. An important feature of object-oriented programs (OOPs) is their reusability which can be achieved through the inheritance of classes or reusable components.Dynamic program slicing is an effective technique for narrowing the errors to the relevant parts of a program when debugging. Given a slicing criterion, the dynamic slice contains only those statements that actually affect the variables in the slicing criterion. This paper proposes a method to dynamically slice object-oriented (00) programs based on dependence analysis. It uses the Control Dependency Graph for object program and other static information to reduce the information to be traced during program execution. In this paper we present a method to find the dynamic Slice of object oriented programs where we are finding the slices for object and in case of function overloading.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, see http://sites.google.com/site/jcseuk/volume-1-issue-1-may-201

    GMNN: Graph Markov Neural Networks

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    This paper studies semi-supervised object classification in relational data, which is a fundamental problem in relational data modeling. The problem has been extensively studied in the literature of both statistical relational learning (e.g. relational Markov networks) and graph neural networks (e.g. graph convolutional networks). Statistical relational learning methods can effectively model the dependency of object labels through conditional random fields for collective classification, whereas graph neural networks learn effective object representations for classification through end-to-end training. In this paper, we propose the Graph Markov Neural Network (GMNN) that combines the advantages of both worlds. A GMNN models the joint distribution of object labels with a conditional random field, which can be effectively trained with the variational EM algorithm. In the E-step, one graph neural network learns effective object representations for approximating the posterior distributions of object labels. In the M-step, another graph neural network is used to model the local label dependency. Experiments on object classification, link classification, and unsupervised node representation learning show that GMNN achieves state-of-the-art results.Comment: icml 201

    HoTT formalisation in Coq: Dependency Graphs \& ML4PG

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    This note is a response to Bas Spitter's email of 28 February 2014 about ML4PG: "We (Jason actually) are adding dependency graphs to our HoTT library: https://github.com/HoTT/HoTT/wiki I seem to recall that finding the dependency graph was a main obstacle preventing machine learning to be used in Coq. However, you seem to have made progress on this. What tool are you using? https://anne.pacalet.fr/dev/dpdgraph/ ? Or another tool? Would it be easy to use your ML4PG on the HoTT library?" This note gives explanation of how ML4PG can be used in the HoTT library and how ML4PG relates to the two kinds of Dependency graphs available in Coq

    Visualizing Object-oriented Software for Understanding and Documentation

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    Understanding or comprehending source code is one of the core activities of software engineering. Understanding object-oriented source code is essential and required when a programmer maintains, migrates, reuses, documents or enhances source code. The source code that is not comprehended cannot be changed. The comprehension of object-oriented source code is a difficult problem solving process. In order to document object-oriented software system there are needs to understand its source code. To do so, it is necessary to mine source code dependencies in addition to quantitative information in source code such as the number of classes. This paper proposes an automatic approach, which aims to document object-oriented software by visualizing its source code. The design of the object-oriented source code and its main characteristics are represented in the visualization. Package content, class information, relationships between classes, dependencies between methods and software metrics is displayed. The extracted views are very helpful to understand and document the object-oriented software. The novelty of this approach is the exploiting of code dependencies and quantitative information in source code to document object-oriented software efficiently by means of a set of graphs. To validate the approach, it has been applied to several case studies. The results of this evaluation showed that most of the object-oriented software systems have been documented correctly

    Data-Efficient Graph Embedding Learning for PCB Component Detection

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    This paper presents a challenging computer vision task, namely the detection of generic components on a PCB, and a novel set of deep-learning methods that are able to jointly leverage the appearance of individual components and the propagation of information across the structure of the board to accurately detect and identify various types of components on a PCB. Due to the expense of manual data labeling, a highly unbalanced distribution of component types, and significant domain shift across boards, most earlier attempts based on traditional image processing techniques fail to generalize well to PCB images with various quality, lighting conditions, etc. Newer object detection pipelines such as Faster R-CNN, on the other hand, require a large amount of labeled data, do not deal with domain shift, and do not leverage structure. To address these issues, we propose a three stage pipeline in which a class-agnostic region proposal network is followed by a low-shot similarity prediction classifier. In order to exploit the data dependency within a PCB, we design a novel Graph Network block to refine the component features conditioned on each PCB. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the earliest attempts to train a deep learning based model for such tasks, and we demonstrate improvements over recent graph networks for this task. We also provide in-depth analysis and discussion for this challenging task, pointing to future research.Comment: Paper accepted in WACV 2019. See https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VkS8n1mKvAWjEPkiOA28XgY6VNfrsWYo for supplementary material

    End-to-end Graph-based TAG Parsing with Neural Networks

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    We present a graph-based Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) parser that uses BiLSTMs, highway connections, and character-level CNNs. Our best end-to-end parser, which jointly performs supertagging, POS tagging, and parsing, outperforms the previously reported best results by more than 2.2 LAS and UAS points. The graph-based parsing architecture allows for global inference and rich feature representations for TAG parsing, alleviating the fundamental trade-off between transition-based and graph-based parsing systems. We also demonstrate that the proposed parser achieves state-of-the-art performance in the downstream tasks of Parsing Evaluation using Textual Entailments (PETE) and Unbounded Dependency Recovery. This provides further support for the claim that TAG is a viable formalism for problems that require rich structural analysis of sentences.Comment: NAACL 201

    Video Relationship Reasoning using Gated Spatio-Temporal Energy Graph

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    Visual relationship reasoning is a crucial yet challenging task for understanding rich interactions across visual concepts. For example, a relationship 'man, open, door' involves a complex relation 'open' between concrete entities 'man, door'. While much of the existing work has studied this problem in the context of still images, understanding visual relationships in videos has received limited attention. Due to their temporal nature, videos enable us to model and reason about a more comprehensive set of visual relationships, such as those requiring multiple (temporal) observations (e.g., 'man, lift up, box' vs. 'man, put down, box'), as well as relationships that are often correlated through time (e.g., 'woman, pay, money' followed by 'woman, buy, coffee'). In this paper, we construct a Conditional Random Field on a fully-connected spatio-temporal graph that exploits the statistical dependency between relational entities spatially and temporally. We introduce a novel gated energy function parametrization that learns adaptive relations conditioned on visual observations. Our model optimization is computationally efficient, and its space computation complexity is significantly amortized through our proposed parameterization. Experimental results on benchmark video datasets (ImageNet Video and Charades) demonstrate state-of-the-art performance across three standard relationship reasoning tasks: Detection, Tagging, and Recognition.Comment: CVPR 2019. Supplementary included. Fixing a small typ

    OmniGraph: Rich Representation and Graph Kernel Learning

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    OmniGraph, a novel representation to support a range of NLP classification tasks, integrates lexical items, syntactic dependencies and frame semantic parses into graphs. Feature engineering is folded into the learning through convolution graph kernel learning to explore different extents of the graph. A high-dimensional space of features includes individual nodes as well as complex subgraphs. In experiments on a text-forecasting problem that predicts stock price change from news for company mentions, OmniGraph beats several benchmarks based on bag-of-words, syntactic dependencies, and semantic trees. The highly expressive features OmniGraph discovers provide insights into the semantics across distinct market sectors. To demonstrate the method's generality, we also report its high performance results on a fine-grained sentiment corpus

    Why feature dependencies challenge the requirements engineering of automotive systems: An empirical study

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    Functional dependencies and feature interactions in automotive software systems are a major source of erroneous and deficient behavior. To overcome these problems, many approaches exist that focus on modeling these functional dependencies in early stages of system design. However, there are only few empirical studies that report on the extent of such dependencies in industrial software systems and how they are considered in an industrial development context. In this paper, we analyze the functional architecture of a real automotive software system with the aim to assess the extent, awareness and importance of interactions between features of a future vehicle. Our results show that within the functional architecture at least 85% of the analyzed vehicle features depend on each other. They furthermore show that the developers are not aware of a large number of these dependencies when they are modeled solely on an architectural level. Therefore, the developers mention the need for a more precise specification of feature interactions, e.g., for the execution of comprehensive impact analyses. These results challenge the current development methods and emphasize the need for an extensive modeling of features and their dependencies in requirements engineering

    On Difficulties of Cross-Lingual Transfer with Order Differences: A Case Study on Dependency Parsing

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    Different languages might have different word orders. In this paper, we investigate cross-lingual transfer and posit that an order-agnostic model will perform better when transferring to distant foreign languages. To test our hypothesis, we train dependency parsers on an English corpus and evaluate their transfer performance on 30 other languages. Specifically, we compare encoders and decoders based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and modified self-attentive architectures. The former relies on sequential information while the latter is more flexible at modeling word order. Rigorous experiments and detailed analysis shows that RNN-based architectures transfer well to languages that are close to English, while self-attentive models have better overall cross-lingual transferability and perform especially well on distant languages.Comment: Accepted by NAACL-201