24 research outputs found

    A weakly convergent fully inexact Douglas-Rachford method with relative error tolerance

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    Douglas-Rachford method is a splitting algorithm for finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators. Each of its iterations requires the sequential solution of two proximal subproblems. The aim of this work is to present a fully inexact version of Douglas-Rachford method wherein both proximal subproblems are solved approximately within a relative error tolerance. We also present a semi-inexact variant in which the first subproblem is solved exactly and the second one inexactly. We prove that both methods generate sequences weakly convergent to the solution of the underlying inclusion problem, if any

    Best Approximation from the Kuhn-Tucker Set of Composite Monotone Inclusions

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    Kuhn-Tucker points play a fundamental role in the analysis and the numerical solution of monotone inclusion problems, providing in particular both primal and dual solutions. We propose a class of strongly convergent algorithms for constructing the best approximation to a reference point from the set of Kuhn-Tucker points of a general Hilbertian composite monotone inclusion problem. Applications to systems of coupled monotone inclusions are presented. Our framework does not impose additional assumptions on the operators present in the formulation, and it does not require knowledge of the norm of the linear operators involved in the compositions or the inversion of linear operators