11 research outputs found

    A Superlinear Convergence Framework for Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz Optimization

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    This work extends the iterative framework proposed by Attouch et al. (in Math. Program. 137: 91-129, 2013) for minimizing a nonconvex and nonsmooth function Φ\Phi so that the generated sequence possesses a Q-superlinear convergence rate. This framework consists of a monotone decrease condition, a relative error condition and a continuity condition, and the first two conditions both involve a parameter p ⁣>0p\!>0. We justify that any sequence conforming to this framework is globally convergent when Φ\Phi is a Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz (KL) function, and the convergence has a Q-superlinear rate of order pθ(1+p)\frac{p}{\theta(1+p)} when Φ\Phi is a KL function of exponent θ(0,pp+1)\theta\in(0,\frac{p}{p+1}). Then, we illustrate that the iterate sequence generated by an inexact q[2,3]q\in[2,3]-order regularization method for composite optimization problems with a nonconvex and nonsmooth term belongs to this framework, and consequently, first achieve the Q-superlinear convergence rate of order 4/34/3 for an inexact cubic regularization method to solve this class of composite problems with KL property of exponent 1/21/2

    Variance Reduced Random Relaxed Projection Method for Constrained Finite-sum Minimization Problems

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    For many applications in signal processing and machine learning, we are tasked with minimizing a large sum of convex functions subject to a large number of convex constraints. In this paper, we devise a new random projection method (RPM) to efficiently solve this problem. Compared with existing RPMs, our proposed algorithm features two useful algorithmic ideas. First, at each iteration, instead of projecting onto the subset defined by one of the constraints, our algorithm only requires projecting onto a half-space approximation of the subset, which significantly reduces the computational cost as it admits a closed-form formula. Second, to exploit the structure that the objective is a sum, variance reduction is incorporated into our algorithm to further improve the performance. As theoretical contributions, under an error bound condition and other standard assumptions, we prove that the proposed RPM converges to an optimal solution and that both optimality and feasibility gaps vanish at a sublinear rate. We also provide sufficient conditions for the error bound condition to hold. Experiments on a beamforming problem and a robust classification problem are also presented to demonstrate the superiority of our RPM over existing ones

    An accelerated first-order method with complexity analysis for solving cubic regularization subproblems

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    We propose a first-order method to solve the cubic regularization subproblem (CRS) based on a novel reformulation. The reformulation is a constrained convex optimization problem whose feasible region admits an easily computable projection. Our reformulation requires computing the minimum eigenvalue of the Hessian. To avoid the expensive computation of the exact minimum eigenvalue, we develop a surrogate problem to the reformulation where the exact minimum eigenvalue is replaced with an approximate one. We then apply first-order methods such as the Nesterov's accelerated projected gradient method (APG) and projected Barzilai-Borwein method to solve the surrogate problem. As our main theoretical contribution, we show that when an ϵ\epsilon-approximate minimum eigenvalue is computed by the Lanczos method and the surrogate problem is approximately solved by APG, our approach returns an ϵ\epsilon-approximate solution to CRS in O~(ϵ1/2)\tilde O(\epsilon^{-1/2}) matrix-vector multiplications (where O~()\tilde O(\cdot) hides the logarithmic factors). Numerical experiments show that our methods are comparable to and outperform the Krylov subspace method in the easy and hard cases, respectively. We further implement our methods as subproblem solvers of adaptive cubic regularization methods, and numerical results show that our algorithms are comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms

    Duality-based Higher-order Non-smooth Optimization on Manifolds

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    We propose a method for solving non-smooth optimization problems on manifolds. In order to obtain superlinear convergence, we apply a Riemannian Semi-smooth Newton method to a non-smooth non-linear primal-dual optimality system based on a recent extension of Fenchel duality theory to Riemannian manifolds. We also propose an inexact version of the Riemannian Semi-smooth Newton method and prove conditions for local linear and superlinear convergence. Numerical experiments on l2-TV-like problems confirm superlinear convergence on manifolds with positive and negative curvature