2 research outputs found

    Enhancing performance and expressibility of complex event processing using binary tree-based directed graph

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    In various domains, applications are required to detect and react to complex situations accordingly. In response to the demand for matching receiving events to complex patterns, several event processing systems have been developed. However, there are just a few of them considered both performance and expressibility of event matching as focusing only on performance can cause negative effect on the expressibility or vice versa. This research develops a fast adaptive event matching system (FAEM), a new event matching system to improve expressibility and performance measures (throughput and end-to-end latency). This system is designed and developed based on a novel binary tree-based directed graph (BTDG) as a unified basis for event-matching. The proposed system transforms a user-defined query into a set of system objects including buffers, conditions on buffers, cursors, and join operators (non-kleene and kleene operators) and arranges these objects on a BTDG. Provided BTDG the enhancement in performance of non-kleene operators applied through developing a batch removal method to remove the events that are located out of time-window, and an actual time window (ATW) which can improve performance of event matching. To improve performance of kleene operators, this research introduces a twin algorithms for kleene operator which is match to BTDG. These two kleene algorithms apply grouping on events and reduce the number of intermediate results and apply combination algorithm in final stage. Transformation of queries containing join operators into BTDG enhances the expressibility of the proposed CEP system

    A Survey on Virtualization of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are gaining tremendous importance thanks to their broad range of commercial applications such as in smart home automation, health-care and industrial automation. In these applications multi-vendor and heterogeneous sensor nodes are deployed. Due to strict administrative control over the specific WSN domains, communication barriers, conflicting goals and the economic interests of different WSN sensor node vendors, it is difficult to introduce a large scale federated WSN. By allowing heterogeneous sensor nodes in WSNs to coexist on a shared physical sensor substrate, virtualization in sensor network may provide flexibility, cost effective solutions, promote diversity, ensure security and increase manageability. This paper surveys the novel approach of using the large scale federated WSN resources in a sensor virtualization environment. Our focus in this paper is to introduce a few design goals, the challenges and opportunities of research in the field of sensor network virtualization as well as to illustrate a current status of research in this field. This paper also presents a wide array of state-of-the art projects related to sensor network virtualization