734 research outputs found

    Clustering: Methodology, hybrid systems, visualization, validation and implementation

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    Unsupervised learning is one of the most important steps of machine learning applications. Besides its ability to obtain the insight of the data distribution, unsupervised learning is used as a preprocessing step for other machine learning algorithm. This dissertation investigates the application of unsupervised learning into various types of data for many machine learning tasks such as clustering, regression and classification. The dissertation is organized into three papers. In the first paper, unsupervised learning is applied to mixed categorical and numerical feature data type to transform the data objects from the mixed type feature domain into a new sparser numerical domain. By making use of the data fusion capacity of adaptive resonance theory clustering, the approach is able to reduce the distinction between the numerical and categorical features. The second paper presents a novel method to improve the performance of wind forecast by clustering the time series of the surrounding wind mills into the similar group by using hidden Markov model clustering and using the clustering information to enhance the forecast. A fast forecast method is also introduced by using extreme learning machine which can be trained by analytic form to choose the optimal value of past samples for prediction and appropriate size of the neural network. In the third paper, unsupervised learning is used to automatically learn the feature from the dataset itself without human design of sophisticated feature extractors. The paper points out that by using unsupervised feature learning with multi-quadric radial basis function extreme learning machine the performance of the classifier is better than several other supervised learning methods. The paper further improves the speed of training the neural network by presenting an algorithm that runs parallel on GPU --Abstract, page iv

    Latent representation for the characterisation of mental diseases

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorMachine learning (ML) techniques are becoming crucial in the field of health and, in particular, in the analysis of mental diseases. These are usually studied with neuroimaging, which is characterised by a large number of input variables compared to the number of samples available. The main objective of this PhD thesis is to propose different ML techniques to analyse mental diseases from neuroimaging data including different extensions of these models in order to adapt them to the neuroscience scenario. In particular, this thesis focuses on using brainimaging latent representations, since they allow us to endow the problem with a reduced low dimensional representation while obtaining a better insight on the internal relations between the disease and the available data. This way, the main objective of this PhD thesis is to provide interpretable results that are competent with the state-of-the-art in the analysis of mental diseases. This thesis starts proposing a model based on classic latent representation formulations, which relies on a bagging process to obtain the relevance of each brainimaging voxel, Regularised Bagged Canonical Correlation Analysis (RB-CCA). The learnt relevance is combined with a statistical test to obtain a selection of features. What’s more, the proposal obtains a class-wise selection which, in turn, further improves the analysis of the effect of each brain area on the stages of the mental disease. In addition, RB-CCA uses the relevance measure to guide the feature extraction process by using it to penalise the least informative voxels for obtaining the low-dimensional representation. Results obtained on two databases for the characterisation of Alzheimer’s disease and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder show that the model is able to perform as well as or better than the baselines while providing interpretable solutions. Subsequently, this thesis continues with a second model that uses Bayesian approximations to obtain a latent representation. Specifically, this model focuses on providing different functionalities to build a common representation from different data sources and particularities. For this purpose, the proposed generative model, Sparse Semi-supervised Heterogeneous Interbattery Bayesian Factor Analysis (SSHIBA), can learn the feature relevance to perform feature selection, as well as automatically select the number of latent factors. In addition, it can also model heterogeneous data (real, multi-label and categorical), work with kernels and use a semi-supervised formulation, which naturally imputes missing values by sampling from the learnt distributions. Results using this model demonstrate the versatility of the formulation, which allows these extensions to be combined interchangeably, expanding the scenarios in which the model can be applied and improving the interpretability of the results. Finally, this thesis includes a comparison of the proposed models on the Alzheimer’s disease dataset, where both provide similar results in terms of performance; however, RB-CCA provides a more robust analysis of mental diseases that is more easily interpretable. On the other hand, while RB-CCA is more limited to specific scenarios, the SSHIBA formulation allows a wider variety of data to be combined and is easily adapted to more complex real-life scenarios.Las técnicas de aprendizaje automático (ML) están siendo cruciales en el campo de la salud y, en particular, en el análisis de las enfermedades mentales. Estas se estudian habitualmente con neuroimagen, que se caracteriza por un gran número de variables de entrada en comparación con el número de muestras disponibles. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es proponer diferentes técnicas de ML para el análisis de enfermedades mentales a partir de datos de neuroimagen incluyendo diferentes extensiones de estos modelos para adaptarlos al escenario de la neurociencia. En particular, esta tesis se centra en el uso de representaciones latentes de imagen cerebral, ya que permiten dotar al problema de una representación reducida de baja dimensión a la vez que obtienen una mejor visión de las relaciones internas entre la enfermedad mental y los datos disponibles. De este modo, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es proporcionar resultados interpretables y competentes con el estado del arte en el análisis de las enfermedades mentales. Esta tesis comienza proponiendo un modelo basado en formulaciones clásicas de representación latente, que se apoya en un proceso de bagging para obtener la relevancia de cada voxel de imagen cerebral, el Análisis de Correlación Canónica Regularizada con Bagging (RBCCA). La relevancia aprendida se combina con un test estadístico para obtener una selección de características. Además, la propuesta obtiene una selección por clases que, a su vez, mejora el análisis del efecto de cada área cerebral en los estadios de la enfermedad mental. Por otro lado, RB-CCA utiliza la medida de relevancia para guiar el proceso de extracción de características, utilizándola para penalizar los vóxeles menos relevantes para obtener la representación de baja dimensión. Los resultados obtenidos en dos bases de datos para la caracterización de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad demuestran que el modelo es capaz de rendir igual o mejor que los baselines a la vez que proporciona soluciones interpretables. Posteriormente, esta tesis continúa con un segundo modelo que utiliza aproximaciones Bayesianas para obtener una representación latente. En concreto, este modelo se centra en proporcionar diferentes funcionalidades para construir una representación común a partir de diferentes fuentes de datos y particularidades. Para ello, el modelo generativo propuesto, Sparse Semisupervised Heterogeneous Interbattery Bayesian Factor Analysis (SSHIBA), puede aprender la relevancia de las características para realizar la selección de las mismas, así como seleccionar automáticamente el número de factores latentes. Además, también puede modelar datos heterogéneos (reales, multietiqueta y categóricos), trabajar con kernels y utilizar una formulación semisupervisada, que imputa naturalmente los valores perdidos mediante el muestreo de las distribuciones aprendidas. Los resultados obtenidos con este modelo demuestran la versatilidad de la formulación, que permite combinar indistintamente estas extensiones, ampliando los escenarios en los que se puede aplicar el modelo y mejorando la interpretabilidad de los resultados. Finalmente, esta tesis incluye una comparación de los modelos propuestos en el conjunto de datos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, donde ambos proporcionan resultados similares en términos de rendimiento; sin embargo, RB-CCA proporciona un análisis más robusto de las enfermedades mentales que es más fácilmente interpretable. Por otro lado, mientras que RB-CCA está más limitado a escenarios específicos, la formulación SSHIBA permite combinar una mayor variedad de datos y se adapta fácilmente a escenarios más complejos de la vida real.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Manuel Martínez Ramón.- Secretario: Emilio Parrado Hernández.- Vocal: Sancho Salcedo San

    Energy-Efficient Visual Search by Eye Movement and Low-Latency Spiking Neural Network

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    Human vision incorporates non-uniform resolution retina, efficient eye movement strategy, and spiking neural network (SNN) to balance the requirements in visual field size, visual resolution, energy cost, and inference latency. These properties have inspired interest in developing human-like computer vision. However, existing models haven't fully incorporated the three features of human vision, and their learned eye movement strategies haven't been compared with human's strategy, making the models' behavior difficult to interpret. Here, we carry out experiments to examine human visual search behaviors and establish the first SNN-based visual search model. The model combines an artificial retina with spiking feature extraction, memory, and saccade decision modules, and it employs population coding for fast and efficient saccade decisions. The model can learn either a human-like or a near-optimal fixation strategy, outperform humans in search speed and accuracy, and achieve high energy efficiency through short saccade decision latency and sparse activation. It also suggests that the human search strategy is suboptimal in terms of search speed. Our work connects modeling of vision in neuroscience and machine learning and sheds light on developing more energy-efficient computer vision algorithms

    Machine Learning for Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction

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    Corporate bankruptcy prediction has long been an important and widely studied topic, which is of a great concern to investors or creditors, borrowing firms or governments. Especially due to the recent change in the world economy and as more firms, large and small, seem to fail now more than ever. The prediction of the bankruptcy, is then of increasing importance. There has been considerable interest in using financial ratios for predicting financial distress in companies since the seminal works of Beaver using an univariate analysis and Altman approach with multiple discriminant analysis. The big amount of financial ratios makes bankruptcy prediction a difficult high-dimensional classification problem. So this dissertation presents a way for ratio selection which determines the parsimony and economy of the models and thus the accuracy of prediction. With the selected financial ratios, this dissertation explores several Machine Learning methods, aiming at bankruptcy prediction, which is addressed as a binary classification problem (bankrupt or non-bankrupt companies). They are OP-KNN (Publication I), Delta test-ELM (DT- ELM) (Publication VII) and Leave-One-Out-Incremental Extreme Learning Machine (LOO-IELM) (Publication VI). Furthermore, soft classification techniques (classifier ensembles and the usage of financial expertise) are used in this dissertation. For example, Ensemble K-nearest neighbors (EKNN) in Publication V, Ensembles of Local Linear Models in Publication IV, and Combo and Ensemble model in Publication VI. The results reveal the great potential of soft classification techniques, which appear to be the direction for future research as core techniques that are used in the development of prediction models. In addition to selecting ratios and models, the other foremost issue in experiments is the selection of datasets. Different studies have used different datasets, some of which are publicly downloadable, some are collected from confidential resources. In this dissertation, thanks to Prof. Philippe Du Jardin, we use a real dataset built for French retails companies. Moreover, a practical problem, missing data, is also considered and solved in this dissertation, like the methods shown in Publication II and Publication VIII

    The Challenge of Machine Learning in Space Weather Nowcasting and Forecasting

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    The numerous recent breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) make imperative to carefully ponder how the scientific community can benefit from a technology that, although not necessarily new, is today living its golden age. This Grand Challenge review paper is focused on the present and future role of machine learning in space weather. The purpose is twofold. On one hand, we will discuss previous works that use ML for space weather forecasting, focusing in particular on the few areas that have seen most activity: the forecasting of geomagnetic indices, of relativistic electrons at geosynchronous orbits, of solar flares occurrence, of coronal mass ejection propagation time, and of solar wind speed. On the other hand, this paper serves as a gentle introduction to the field of machine learning tailored to the space weather community and as a pointer to a number of open challenges that we believe the community should undertake in the next decade. The recurring themes throughout the review are the need to shift our forecasting paradigm to a probabilistic approach focused on the reliable assessment of uncertainties, and the combination of physics-based and machine learning approaches, known as gray-box.Comment: under revie