8 research outputs found

    Limited benefit of cooperation in distributed relative localization

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    Important applications in robotic and sensor networks require distributed algorithms to solve the so-called relative localization problem: a node-indexed vector has to be reconstructed from measurements of differences between neighbor nodes. In a recent note, we have studied the estimation error of a popular gradient descent algorithm showing that the mean square error has a minimum at a finite time, after which the performance worsens. This paper proposes a suitable modification of this algorithm incorporating more realistic "a priori" information on the position. The new algorithm presents a performance monotonically decreasing to the optimal one. Furthermore, we show that the optimal performance is approximated, up to a 1 + \eps factor, within a time which is independent of the graph and of the number of nodes. This convergence time is very much related to the minimum exhibited by the previous algorithm and both lead to the following conclusion: in the presence of noisy data, cooperation is only useful till a certain limit.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to conferenc

    Ergodic Randomized Algorithms and Dynamics over Networks

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    Algorithms and dynamics over networks often involve randomization, and randomization may result in oscillating dynamics which fail to converge in a deterministic sense. In this paper, we observe this undesired feature in three applications, in which the dynamics is the randomized asynchronous counterpart of a well-behaved synchronous one. These three applications are network localization, PageRank computation, and opinion dynamics. Motivated by their formal similarity, we show the following general fact, under the assumptions of independence across time and linearities of the updates: if the expected dynamics is stable and converges to the same limit of the original synchronous dynamics, then the oscillations are ergodic and the desired limit can be locally recovered via time-averaging.Comment: 11 pages; submitted for publication. revised version with fixed technical flaw and updated reference

    Distributed relative localization using the multi-dimensional weighted centroid

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    A key problem in multi-agent systems is the distributed estimation of the localization of agents in a common reference from relative measurements. Estimations can be referred to an anchor node or, as we do here, referred to the weighted centroid of the multi-agent system. We propose a Jacobi Over—Relaxation method for distributed estimation of the weighted centroid of the multi-agent system from noisy relative measurements. Contrary to previous approaches, we consider relative multidimensional measurements with general covariance matrices not necessarily diagonal. We prove our weighted centroid method converges faster than anchor-based solutions. We also analyze the method convergence and provide mathematical constraints that ensure avoiding ringing phenomena


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    Since the eighties localization and mapping problems have attracted the efforts of robotics researchers. However in the last decade, thanks to the increasing capabilities of the new electronic devices, many new related challenges have been posed, such as swarm robotics, aerial vehicles, autonomous cars and robotics networks. Efficiency, robustness and scalability play a key role in these scenarios. Efficiency is intended as an ability for an application to minimize the resources usage, in particular CPU time and memory space. In the aforementioned applications an underlying communication network is required so, for robustness we mean asynchronous algorithms resilient to delays and packet-losses. Finally scalability is the ability of an application to continue functioning without any dramatic performance degradation even if the number of devices involved keep increasing. In this thesis the interest is focused on parametric and non-parametric estimation algorithms ap- plied to localization and mapping in robotics. The main contribution can be summarized in the following four arguments: (i) Consensus-based localization We address the problem of optimal estimating the position of each agent in a network from relative noisy vectorial distances with its neighbors by means of only local communication and bounded complexity, independent of network size and topology. In particular we propose a consensus-based algorithm with the use of local memory variables which allows asynchronous implementation, has guaranteed exponential convergence to the optimal solution under simple deterministic and randomized communication protocols, and requires minimal packet transmission. In the randomized scenario, we then study the rate of convergence in expectation of the estimation error and we argue that it can be used to obtain upper and lower bound for the rate of converge in mean square. In particular, we show that for regular graphs, such as Cayley, Ramanujan, and complete graphs, the convergence rate in expectation has the same asymptotic degradation of memoryless asynchronous consensus algorithms in terms of network size. In addition, we show that the asynchronous implementation is also robust to delays and communication failures. We finally complement the analytical results with some numerical simulations, comparing the proposed strategy with other algorithms which have been recently proposed in the literature. (ii) Aerial Vehicles distributed localization: We study the problem of distributed multi- agent localization in presence of heterogeneous measurements and wireless communication. The proposed algorithm integrates low precision global sensors, like GPS and compasses, with more precise relative position (i.e., range plus bearing) sensors. Global sensors are used to reconstruct the absolute position and orientation, while relative sensors are used to retrieve the shape of the formation. A fast distributed and asynchronous linear least-squares algorithm is proposed to solve an approximated version of the non-linear Maximum Likelihood problem. The algorithm is provably shown to be robust to communication losses and random delays. The use of ACK-less broadcast-based communication protocols ensures an efficient and easy implementation in real world scenarios. If the relative measurement errors are sufficiently small, we show that the algorithm attains a solution which is very close to the maximum likelihood solution. The theoretical findings and the algorithm performances are extensively tested by means of Monte-Carlo simulations. (iii) Estimation and Coverage: We address the problem of optimal coverage of a region via multiple robots when the sensory field used to approximate the density of event appearance is not known in advance. We address this problem in the context of a client-server architecture in which the mobile robots can communicate with a base station via a possibly unreliable wireless network subject to packet losses. Based on Gaussian regression which allows to estimate the true sensory field with any arbitrary accuracy, we propose a randomised strategy in which the robots and the base station simultaneously estimate the true sensory distribution by collecting measurements and compute the corresponding optimal Voronoi partitions. This strategy is designed to promote exploration at the beginning and then smoothly transition to station the robots at the centroid of the estimated optimal Voronoi partitions. Under mild assumptions on the transmission failure probability, we prove that the proposed strategy guarantees the convergence of the estimated sensory field to the true field and that the corresponding Voronoi partitions asymptotically becomes arbitrarily close to an optimal Voronoi partition. Additionally, we also provide numerically efficient approximation that trade-off accuracy of the estimated map for reduced memory and CPU complexity. Finally, we provide a set of extensive simulations which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. (iv) Non-parametric estimation of spatio-temporal fields: We address the problem of efficiently and optimally estimating an unknown time-varying function through the collection of noisy measurements. We cast our problem in the framework of non-parametric estimation and we assume that the unknown function is generated by a Gaussian process with a known covariance. Under mild assumptions on the kernel function, we propose a solution which links the standard Gaussian regression to the Kalman filtering thanks to the exploitation of a grid where measurements collection and estimation take place. This work show an efficient in time and space method to estimate time-varying function, which combine the advantages of the Gaussian regression, e.g. model-less, and of the Kalman filter, e.g. efficiency

    Multi-Agent Distributed Optimization and Estimation over Lossy Networks

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    Nowadays, optimization is a pervasive tool, employed in a lot different fields. Due to its flexibility, it can be used to solve many diverse problems, some of which do not seem to require an optimization framework. As so, the research on this topic is always active and copious. Another very interesting and current investigation field involves multi-agent systems, that is, systems composed by a lot of (possibly different) agents. The research on cyber-physical systems, believed to be one of the challenges of the 21st century, is very extensive, and comprises very complex systems like smart cities and smart power-grids, but also much more simple ones, like wireless sensor networks or camera networks. In a multi-agent context, the optimization framework is extensively used. As a consequence, optimization in multi-agent systems is an attractive topic to investigate. The contents of this thesis focus on distributed optimization within a multi-agent scenario, i.e., optimization performed by a set of peers, among which there is no leader. Accordingly, when these agents have to perform a task, formulated as an optimization problem, they have to collaborate to solve it, all using the same kind of update rule. Collaboration clearly implies the need of messages exchange among the agents, and the focus of the thesis is on the criticalities related to the communication step. In particular, no reliability of this step is assumed, meaning that the packets exchanged between two agents can sometime be lost. Also, the sought-for solution does not have to employ an acknowledge protocol, that is, when an agent has to send a packet, it just sends it and goes on with its computation, without waiting for a confirmation that the receiver has actually received the packet. Almost all works in the existing literature deal with packet losses employing an acknowledge (ACK) system; the effort in this thesis is to avoid the use of an ACK system, since it can slow down the communication step. However, this choice of averting the use of ACKs makes the development of optimization algorithms, and especially their convergence proof, more involved. Apart from robustness to packet losses, the algorithms developed in this dissertation are also asynchronous, that is, the agents do not need to be synchronized to perform the update and communication steps. Three types of optimization problems are analyzed in the thesis. The first one is the patrolling problem for camera networks. The algorithm developed to solve this problem has a restricted applicability, since it is very task-dependent. The other two problems are more general, because both concern the minimization of the sum of cost functions, one for each agent in the system. In the first case, the form of the local cost functions is particular: these, in fact, are locally coupled, in the sense that the cost function of an agent depends on the variables of the agent itself and on those of its direct neighbors. The sought-for algorithm has to satisfy two properties (apart from asynchronicity and robustness to packet losses): the requirement of asking a single communication exchange per iteration (which also reduces the need of synchronicity) and the requirement that the communication among agents is only between direct neighbors. In the second case, the local functions depend all on the same variables. The analysis first focuses on the special case of local quadratic cost functions and their strong relationship with the consensus problem. Besides the development of a robust and asynchronous algorithm for the average consensus problem, a comparison among algorithms to solve the minimization of the sum of quadratic cost functions is carried out. Finally, the distributed minimization of the sum of more general local cost functions is tackled, leading to the development of a robust version of the Newton-Raphson consensus. The theoretical tools employed in the thesis to prove convergence of the algorithms mainly rely on Lyapunov theory and the separation of scales theory

    A distributed randomized algorithm for relative localization in sensor networks

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    This paper regards the relative localization problem in sensor networks.We propose for its solution a distributed randomized algorithm, which is based on input-driven consensus dynamics and features pairwise “gossip” communications and updates. Due to the randomness of the updates, the state of this algorithm oscillates in time around a certain limit value. We show that the time-average of the state asymptotically converges, in the mean-square sense, to the least-squares solution of the localization problem. Furthermore, we describe an update scheme ensuring that the time-averaging process is accomplished in a fully distributed way