1,714 research outputs found

    A fully-coupled discontinuous Galerkin method for two-phase flow in porous media with discontinuous capillary pressure

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    In this paper we formulate and test numerically a fully-coupled discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for incompressible two-phase flow with discontinuous capillary pressure. The spatial discretization uses the symmetric interior penalty DG formulation with weighted averages and is based on a wetting-phase potential / capillary potential formulation of the two-phase flow system. After discretizing in time with diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes the resulting systems of nonlinear algebraic equations are solved with Newton's method and the arising systems of linear equations are solved efficiently and in parallel with an algebraic multigrid method. The new scheme is investigated for various test problems from the literature and is also compared to a cell-centered finite volume scheme in terms of accuracy and time to solution. We find that the method is accurate, robust and efficient. In particular no post-processing of the DG velocity field is necessary in contrast to results reported by several authors for decoupled schemes. Moreover, the solver scales well in parallel and three-dimensional problems with up to nearly 100 million degrees of freedom per time step have been computed on 1000 processors

    Superconvergence of a discontinuous Galerkin method for fractional diffusion and wave equations

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    We consider an initial-boundary value problem for βˆ‚tuβˆ’βˆ‚tβˆ’Ξ±βˆ‡2u=f(t)\partial_tu-\partial_t^{-\alpha}\nabla^2u=f(t), that is, for a fractional diffusion (βˆ’1<Ξ±<0-1<\alpha<0) or wave (0<Ξ±<10<\alpha<1) equation. A numerical solution is found by applying a piecewise-linear, discontinuous Galerkin method in time combined with a piecewise-linear, conforming finite element method in space. The time mesh is graded appropriately near t=0t=0, but the spatial mesh is quasiuniform. Previously, we proved that the error, measured in the spatial L2L_2-norm, is of order k2+Ξ±βˆ’+h2β„“(k)k^{2+\alpha_-}+h^2\ell(k), uniformly in tt, where kk is the maximum time step, hh is the maximum diameter of the spatial finite elements, Ξ±βˆ’=min⁑(Ξ±,0)≀0\alpha_-=\min(\alpha,0)\le0 and β„“(k)=max⁑(1,∣log⁑k∣)\ell(k)=\max(1,|\log k|). Here, we generalize a known result for the classical heat equation (i.e., the case Ξ±=0\alpha=0) by showing that at each time level tnt_n the solution is superconvergent with respect to kk: the error is of order (k3+2Ξ±βˆ’+h2)β„“(k)(k^{3+2\alpha_-}+h^2)\ell(k). Moreover, a simple postprocessing step employing Lagrange interpolation yields a superconvergent approximation for any tt. Numerical experiments indicate that our theoretical error bound is pessimistic if Ξ±<0\alpha<0. Ignoring logarithmic factors, we observe that the error in the DG solution at t=tnt=t_n, and after postprocessing at all tt, is of order k3+Ξ±βˆ’+h2k^{3+\alpha_-}+h^2.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Correction of high-order BDF convolution quadrature for fractional evolution equations

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    We develop proper correction formulas at the starting kβˆ’1k-1 steps to restore the desired kthk^{\rm th}-order convergence rate of the kk-step BDF convolution quadrature for discretizing evolution equations involving a fractional-order derivative in time. The desired kthk^{\rm th}-order convergence rate can be achieved even if the source term is not compatible with the initial data, which is allowed to be nonsmooth. We provide complete error estimates for the subdiffusion case α∈(0,1)\alpha\in (0,1), and sketch the proof for the diffusion-wave case α∈(1,2)\alpha\in(1,2). Extensive numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure
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