4 research outputs found

    Is Your Organization Ready to Share? A Framework of Beneficial Conditions for Data Sharing

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    In a constantly evolving digital sphere, surmounting organizational boundaries and sharing data offers the opportunity to realize a multitude of mutual benefits, such as advanced analytics and innovative services. Organizations aspire to share data. However, they struggle to identify and establish beneficial conditions for data sharing, and research still offers little support to exploit the potential of data sharing. We apply an exploratory research approach to develop a framework of beneficial conditions for data sharing. By combining ten expert interviews and a systematic literature review, we aggregate 23 characteristics that constitute beneficial conditions into eight categories and apply and validate the framework in a real-world case. Thus, we contribute to research by providing a fundamental understanding of beneficial conditions for data sharing and a compact target picture. Additionally, we enable practitioners to systematically assess an organization’s current condition to set the course toward exploiting the full potential of data sharing

    A design-time data-centric maturity model for assessing resilience in multi-party business processes

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    Nowadays, every business organization operates in ecosystems and cooperation is mandatory. If, on the one hand, this increases the opportunities for the involved organizations, on the other hand, every business partner is a potential source of failures with impacts on the entire ecosystem. To avoid that these failures, which are local to one of the organizations, would block the whole cooperation, resilience is a feature that multi-party business processes currently support at run-time, to cope with unplanned situations caused by those failures. In this work, we consider awareness of resilience in multi-party business processes during design-time, by focusing on the role of available – as an alternative to unreliable – data as a resource for increasing resiliency, as data exchange usually drives the cooperation among the parties. In fact, a proper analysis of involved data allows the process designer to identify (possible) failures, their impact, and thus improve the process model at the outset. A maturity model for resilience awareness is proposed, based on a modeling notation extending OMG CMMN — Case Management Model and Notation, and it is organized in different resiliency levels, which allow designers (i) to model at an increasing degree of detail how data and milestones should be defined in order to have resilient by-design process models and (ii) to quantify the distance between a process model and the complete achievement of a resiliency level