3,257 research outputs found

    Synergy: A HW/SW Framework for High Throughput CNNs on Embedded Heterogeneous SoC

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been widely deployed in diverse application domains. There has been significant progress in accelerating both their training and inference using high-performance GPUs, FPGAs, and custom ASICs for datacenter-scale environments. The recent proliferation of mobile and IoT devices have necessitated real-time, energy-efficient deep neural network inference on embedded-class, resource-constrained platforms. In this context, we present {\em Synergy}, an automated, hardware-software co-designed, pipelined, high-throughput CNN inference framework on embedded heterogeneous system-on-chip (SoC) architectures (Xilinx Zynq). {\em Synergy} leverages, through multi-threading, all the available on-chip resources, which includes the dual-core ARM processor along with the FPGA and the NEON SIMD engines as accelerators. Moreover, {\em Synergy} provides a unified abstraction of the heterogeneous accelerators (FPGA and NEON) and can adapt to different network configurations at runtime without changing the underlying hardware accelerator architecture by balancing workload across accelerators through work-stealing. {\em Synergy} achieves 7.3X speedup, averaged across seven CNN models, over a well-optimized software-only solution. {\em Synergy} demonstrates substantially better throughput and energy-efficiency compared to the contemporary CNN implementations on the same SoC architecture.Comment: 34 pages, submitted to ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS

    A Framework For Performance Evaluation Of ASIPS In Network-Based IDS

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    Nowadays efficient usage of high-tech security tools and appliances is considered as an important criterion for security improvement of computer networks. Based on this assumption, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) have key role for applying the defense in depth strategy. In this situation, by increasing network bandwidth in addition to increasing number of threats, Network-based IDPSes have been faced with performance challenge for processing of huge traffic in the networks. A general solution for this bottleneck is exploitation of efficient hardware architectures for performance improvement of IDPS. In this paper a framework for analysis and performance evaluation of application specific instruction set processors is presented for usage in application of attack detection in Networkbased Intrusion Detection Systems(NIDS). By running this framework as a security application on V850, OR1K, MIPS32, ARM7TDMI and PowerPC32 microprocessors, their performance has been evaluated and analyzed. For performance improvement, the compiler optimization levels are employed and at the end; base on O2 optimization level a new combination of optimization flags is presented. The experiments show that the framework results 18.10% performance improvements for pattern matching on ARM7TDMI microprocessors.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4, No.5, September 201

    CoCoPIE: Making Mobile AI Sweet As PIE --Compression-Compilation Co-Design Goes a Long Way

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    Assuming hardware is the major constraint for enabling real-time mobile intelligence, the industry has mainly dedicated their efforts to developing specialized hardware accelerators for machine learning and inference. This article challenges the assumption. By drawing on a recent real-time AI optimization framework CoCoPIE, it maintains that with effective compression-compiler co-design, it is possible to enable real-time artificial intelligence on mainstream end devices without special hardware. CoCoPIE is a software framework that holds numerous records on mobile AI: the first framework that supports all main kinds of DNNs, from CNNs to RNNs, transformer, language models, and so on; the fastest DNN pruning and acceleration framework, up to 180X faster compared with current DNN pruning on other frameworks such as TensorFlow-Lite; making many representative AI applications able to run in real-time on off-the-shelf mobile devices that have been previously regarded possible only with special hardware support; making off-the-shelf mobile devices outperform a number of representative ASIC and FPGA solutions in terms of energy efficiency and/or performance

    DNNVM : End-to-End Compiler Leveraging Heterogeneous Optimizations on FPGA-based CNN Accelerators

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    The convolutional neural network (CNN) has become a state-of-the-art method for several artificial intelligence domains in recent years. The increasingly complex CNN models are both computation-bound and I/O-bound. FPGA-based accelerators driven by custom instruction set architecture (ISA) achieve a balance between generality and efficiency, but there is much on them left to be optimized. We propose the full-stack compiler DNNVM, which is an integration of optimizers for graphs, loops and data layouts, and an assembler, a runtime supporter and a validation environment. The DNNVM works in the context of deep learning frameworks and transforms CNN models into the directed acyclic graph: XGraph. Based on XGraph, we transform the optimization challenges for both the data layout and pipeline into graph-level problems. DNNVM enumerates all potentially profitable fusion opportunities by a heuristic subgraph isomorphism algorithm to leverage pipeline and data layout optimizations, and searches for the best choice of execution strategies of the whole computing graph. On the Xilinx ZU2 @330 MHz and ZU9 @330 MHz, we achieve equivalently state-of-the-art performance on our benchmarks by na\"ive implementations without optimizations, and the throughput is further improved up to 1.26x by leveraging heterogeneous optimizations in DNNVM. Finally, with ZU9 @330 MHz, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for VGG and ResNet50. We achieve a throughput of 2.82 TOPs/s and an energy efficiency of 123.7 GOPs/s/W for VGG. Additionally, we achieve 1.38 TOPs/s for ResNet50 and 1.41 TOPs/s for GoogleNet.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    In-RDBMS Hardware Acceleration of Advanced Analytics

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    The data revolution is fueled by advances in machine learning, databases, and hardware design. Programmable accelerators are making their way into each of these areas independently. As such, there is a void of solutions that enables hardware acceleration at the intersection of these disjoint fields. This paper sets out to be the initial step towards a unifying solution for in-Database Acceleration of Advanced Analytics (DAnA). Deploying specialized hardware, such as FPGAs, for in-database analytics currently requires hand-designing the hardware and manually routing the data. Instead, DAnA automatically maps a high-level specification of advanced analytics queries to an FPGA accelerator. The accelerator implementation is generated for a User Defined Function (UDF), expressed as a part of an SQL query using a Python-embedded Domain-Specific Language (DSL). To realize an efficient in-database integration, DAnA accelerators contain a novel hardware structure, Striders, that directly interface with the buffer pool of the database. Striders extract, cleanse, and process the training data tuples that are consumed by a multi-threaded FPGA engine that executes the analytics algorithm. We integrate DAnA with PostgreSQL to generate hardware accelerators for a range of real-world and synthetic datasets running diverse ML algorithms. Results show that DAnA-enhanced PostgreSQL provides, on average, 8.3x end-to-end speedup for real datasets, with a maximum of 28.2x. Moreover, DAnA-enhanced PostgreSQL is, on average, 4.0x faster than the multi-threaded Apache MADLib running on Greenplum. DAnA provides these benefits while hiding the complexity of hardware design from data scientists and allowing them to express the algorithm in =30-60 lines of Python

    CUDAMPF++: A Proactive Resource Exhaustion Scheme for Accelerating Homologous Sequence Search on CUDA-enabled GPU

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    Genomic sequence alignment is an important research topic in bioinformatics and continues to attract significant efforts. As genomic data grow exponentially, however, most of alignment methods face challenges due to their huge computational costs. HMMER, a suite of bioinformatics tools, is widely used for the analysis of homologous protein and nucleotide sequences with high sensitivity, based on profile hidden Markov models (HMMs). Its latest version, HMMER3, introdues a heuristic pipeline to accelerate the alignment process, which is carried out on central processing units (CPUs) with the support of streaming SIMD extensions (SSE) instructions. Few acceleration results have since been reported based on HMMER3. In this paper, we propose a five-tiered parallel framework, CUDAMPF++, to accelerate the most computationally intensive stages of HMMER3's pipeline, multiple/single segment Viterbi (MSV/SSV), on a single graphics processing unit (GPU). As an architecture-aware design, the proposed framework aims to fully utilize hardware resources via exploiting finer-grained parallelism (multi-sequence alignment) compared with its predecessor (CUDAMPF). In addition, we propose a novel method that proactively sacrifices L1 Cache Hit Ratio (CHR) to get improved performance and scalability in return. A comprehensive evaluation shows that the proposed framework outperfroms all existig work and exhibits good consistency in performance regardless of the variation of query models or protein sequence datasets. For MSV (SSV) kernels, the peak performance of the CUDAMPF++ is 283.9 (471.7) GCUPS on a single K40 GPU, and impressive speedups ranging from 1.x (1.7x) to 168.3x (160.7x) are achieved over the CPU-based implementation (16 cores, 32 threads).Comment: 15 pages, submitted to academic journa

    Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators: Opportunities, Trends, and Challenges

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    With the emerging big data applications of Machine Learning, Speech Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, and DNA Sequencing in recent years, computer architecture research communities are facing the explosive scale of various data explosion. To achieve high efficiency of data-intensive computing, studies of heterogeneous accelerators which focus on latest applications, have become a hot issue in computer architecture domain. At present, the implementation of heterogeneous accelerators mainly relies on heterogeneous computing units such as Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Among the typical heterogeneous architectures above, FPGA-based reconfigurable accelerators have two merits as follows: First, FPGA architecture contains a large number of reconfigurable circuits, which satisfy requirements of high performance and low power consumption when specific applications are running. Second, the reconfigurable architectures of employing FPGA performs prototype systems rapidly and features excellent customizability and reconfigurability. Nowadays, in top-tier conferences of computer architecture, emerging a batch of accelerating works based on FPGA or other reconfigurable architectures. To better review the related work of reconfigurable computing accelerators recently, this survey reserves latest high-level research products of reconfigurable accelerator architectures and algorithm applications as the basis. In this survey, we compare hot research issues and concern domains, furthermore, analyze and illuminate advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of reconfigurable accelerators. In the end, we prospect the development tendency of accelerator architectures in the future, hoping to provide a reference for computer architecture researchers

    The Andromeda Study: A Femto-Spacecraft Mission to Alpha Centauri

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    This paper discusses the physics, engineering and mission architecture relating to a gram-sized interstellar probe propelled by a laser beam. The objectives are to design a fly-by mission to Alpha Centauri with a total mission duration of 50 years travelling at a cruise speed of 0.1c. Furthermore, optical data from the target star system is to be obtained and sent back to the Solar system. The main challenges of such a mission are presented and possible solutions proposed. The results show that by extrapolating from currently existing technology, such a mission would be feasible. The total mass of the proposed spacecraft is 23g and the space-based laser infrastructure has a beam power output of 15GW. Rurther exploration of the laser - spacecraft tradespace and associated technologies are necessary

    Exploring Computation-Communication Tradeoffs in Camera Systems

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    Cameras are the defacto sensor. The growing demand for real-time and low-power computer vision, coupled with trends towards high-efficiency heterogeneous systems, has given rise to a wide range of image processing acceleration techniques at the camera node and in the cloud. In this paper, we characterize two novel camera systems that use acceleration techniques to push the extremes of energy and performance scaling, and explore the computation-communication tradeoffs in their design. The first case study targets a camera system designed to detect and authenticate individual faces, running solely on energy harvested from RFID readers. We design a multi-accelerator SoC design operating in the sub-mW range, and evaluate it with real-world workloads to show performance and energy efficiency improvements over a general purpose microprocessor. The second camera system supports a 16-camera rig processing over 32 Gb/s of data to produce real-time 3D-360 degree virtual reality video. We design a multi-FPGA processing pipeline that outperforms CPU and GPU configurations by up to 10x in computation time, producing panoramic stereo video directly from the camera rig at 30 frames per second. We find that an early data reduction step, either before complex processing or offloading, is the most critical optimization for in-camera systems

    Quantum Computer Architecture: Towards Full-Stack Quantum Accelerators

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    This paper presents the definition and implementation of a quantum computer architecture to enable creating a new computational device - a quantum computer as an accelerator. In this paper, we present explicitly the idea of a quantum accelerator which contains the full stack of the layers of an accelerator. Such a stack starts at the highest level describing the target application of the accelerator. The next layer abstracts the quantum logic outlining the algorithm that is to be executed on the quantum accelerator. In our case, the logic is expressed in the universal quantum-classical hybrid computation language developed in the group, called OpenQL, which visualised the quantum processor as a computational accelerator. The OpenQL compiler translates the program to a common assembly language, called cQASM, which can be executed on a quantum simulator. The cQASM represents the instruction set that can be executed by the micro-architecture implemented in the quantum accelerator. In a subsequent step, the compiler can convert the cQASM to generate the eQASM, which is executable on a particular experimental device incorporating the platform-specific parameters. This way, we are able to distinguish clearly the experimental research towards better qubits, and the industrial and societal applications that need to be developed and executed on a quantum device. The first case offers experimental physicists with a full-stack experimental platform using realistic qubits with decoherence and error-rates while the second case offers perfect qubits to the quantum application developer, where there is no decoherence nor error-rates. We conclude the paper by explicitly presenting three examples of full-stack quantum accelerators, for an experimental superconducting processor, for quantum accelerated genome sequencing and for near-term generic optimisation problems based on quantum heuristic approaches