418 research outputs found

    A derivative for complex Lipschitz maps with generalised Cauchy–Riemann equations

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    AbstractWe introduce the Lipschitz derivative or the L-derivative of a locally Lipschitz complex map: it is a Scott continuous, compact and convex set-valued map that extends the classical derivative to the bigger class of locally Lipschitz maps and allows an extension of the fundamental theorem of calculus and a new generalisation of Cauchy–Riemann equations to these maps, which form a continuous Scott domain. We show that a complex Lipschitz map is analytic in an open set if and only if its L-derivative is a singleton at all points in the open set. The calculus of the L-derivative for sum, product and composition of maps is derived. The notion of contour integration is extended to Scott continuous, non-empty compact, convex valued functions on the complex plane, and by using the L-derivative, the fundamental theorem of contour integration is extended to these functions

    The Theory of Quasiconformal Mappings in Higher Dimensions, I

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    We present a survey of the many and various elements of the modern higher-dimensional theory of quasiconformal mappings and their wide and varied application. It is unified (and limited) by the theme of the author's interests. Thus we will discuss the basic theory as it developed in the 1960s in the early work of F.W. Gehring and Yu G. Reshetnyak and subsequently explore the connections with geometric function theory, nonlinear partial differential equations, differential and geometric topology and dynamics as they ensued over the following decades. We give few proofs as we try to outline the major results of the area and current research themes. We do not strive to present these results in maximal generality, as to achieve this considerable technical knowledge would be necessary of the reader. We have tried to give a feel of where the area is, what are the central ideas and problems and where are the major current interactions with researchers in other areas. We have also added a bit of history here and there. We have not been able to cover the many recent advances generalising the theory to mappings of finite distortion and to degenerate elliptic Beltrami systems which connects the theory closely with the calculus of variations and nonlinear elasticity, nonlinear Hodge theory and related areas, although the reader may see shadows of this aspect in parts

    Elliptic Boundary Value Problems with Fractional Regularity Data: The First Order Approach

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    We study well-posedness of boundary value problems of Dirichlet and Neumann type for elliptic systems on the upper half-space with coefficients independent of the transversal variable, and with boundary data in fractional Besov-Hardy-Sobolev (BHS) spaces. Our approach uses minimal assumptions on the coefficients, and in particular does not require De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estimates. Our results are completely new for the Hardy-Sobolev case, and in the Besov case they extend results recently obtained by Barton and Mayboroda. First we develop a theory of BHS spaces adapted to operators which are bisectorial on L2L^2, with bounded HH^\infty functional calculus on their ranges, and which satisfy L2L^2 off-diagonal estimates. In particular, this theory applies to perturbed Dirac operators DBDB. We then prove that for a nontrivial range of exponents (the identification region) the BHS spaces adapted to DBDB are equal to those adapted to DD (which correspond to classical BHS spaces). Our main result is the classification of solutions of the elliptic system divAu=0\operatorname{div} A \nabla u = 0 within a certain region of exponents. More precisely, we show that if the conormal gradient of a solution belongs to a weighted tent space (or one of their real interpolants) with exponent in the classification region, and in addition vanishes at infinity in a certain sense, then it has a trace in a BHS space, and can be represented as a semigroup evolution of this trace in the transversal direction. As a corollary, any such solution can be represented in terms of an abstract layer potential operator. Within the classification region, we show that well-posedness is equivalent to a certain boundary projection being an isomorphism. We derive various consequences of this characterisation, which are illustrated in various situations, including in particular that of the Regularity problem for real equations.Comment: Changed title and fixed some minor typos. To appear in the CRM Monograph Serie