3,644 research outputs found

    Facial image restoration and retrieval through orthogonality

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Orthogonality has different definitions in geometry, statistics and calculus. This thesis studies how to incorporate orthogonality to facial image restoration and retrieval tasks. A facial image restoration method and three retrieval methods were proposed. Blur in facial images significantly impedes the efficiency of recognition approaches. However, most existing blind deconvolution methods cannot generate satisfactory results, due to their dependence on strong edges which are sufficient in natural images but not in facial images. A novel method is proposed in this report. Point spread functions (PSF) are represented by the linear combination of a set of pre-defined orthogonal PSFs and similarly, an estimated intrinsic sharp face image (EI) is represented by the linear combination of a set of pre-defined orthogonal face images. In doing so, PSF and EI estimation is simplified to discovering two sets of linear combination coefficients which are simultaneously found by the proposed coupled learning algorithm. To make the method robust to different kinds of blurry face images, several candidate PSFs and EIs are generated for a test image, and then a non-blind deconvolution method is adopted to generate more EIs by those candidate PSFs. Finally, a blind image quality assessment metric is deployed to automatically select the optimal EI. On the other hand, the orthogonality is incorporated into the proposed Unimodal image retrieval method. Hashing methods have been widely investigated for fast approximate nearest neighbor searching in large datasets. Most existing methods use binary vectors in lower dimensional spaces to represent data points that are usually real vectors of higher dimensionality. The proposed method divides the hashing process into two steps. Data points are first embedded in a low-dimensional space, and the Global Positioning System (GPS) method is subsequently introduced but modified for binary embedding. Data-independent and data-dependent methods are devised to distribute the satellites at appropriate locations. The proposed methods are based on finding the tradeoff between the information losses in these two steps. Experiments show that the data-dependent method outperforms other methods in different-sized datasets from 100K to 10M. By incorporating the orthogonality of the code matrix, both data-independent and data-dependent methods are particularly impressive in experiments on longer bits. In social networks, heterogeneous multimedia data correlates to each other, such as videos and their corresponding tags in YouTube and image-text pairs in Facebook. Nearest neighbor retrieval across multiple modalities on large data sets becomes a hot yet challenging problem. Hashing is expected to be an efficient solution, since it represents data as binary codes. As the bit-wise XOR operations can be fast handled, the retrieval time is greatly reduced. Few existing multi-modal hashing methods consider the correlation among hashing bits. The correlation has negative impact on hashing codes. When the hashing code length becomes longer, the retrieval performance improvement becomes slower. The proposed method incorporates a so-called minimum correlation constraint which can be treated as a generalization of orthogonality constraint. Experiments show the superiority of the proposed method becomes greater as the code length increases. Deep neural network is expected to be an efficient way for multi-modal hashing. We propose a hybrid neural network which consists of a convolutional neural network for facial images and a full-connected neural network for tags or labels. The minimum correlation regularization is imposed on the parameters of output layers. Experiments validates the superiority of the proposed hybrid neural network

    Instance-weighted Central Similarity for Multi-label Image Retrieval

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    Deep hashing has been widely applied to large-scale image retrieval by encoding high-dimensional data points into binary codes for efficient retrieval. Compared with pairwise/triplet similarity based hash learning, central similarity based hashing can more efficiently capture the global data distribution. For multi-label image retrieval, however, previous methods only use multiple hash centers with equal weights to generate one centroid as the learning target, which ignores the relationship between the weights of hash centers and the proportion of instance regions in the image. To address the above issue, we propose a two-step alternative optimization approach, Instance-weighted Central Similarity (ICS), to automatically learn the center weight corresponding to a hash code. Firstly, we apply the maximum entropy regularizer to prevent one hash center from dominating the loss function, and compute the center weights via projection gradient descent. Secondly, we update neural network parameters by standard back-propagation with fixed center weights. More importantly, the learned center weights can well reflect the proportion of foreground instances in the image. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the image retrieval benchmarks, and especially improves the mAP by 1.6%-6.4% on the MS COCO dataset.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Video retrieval based on deep convolutional neural network

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    Recently, with the enormous growth of online videos, fast video retrieval research has received increasing attention. As an extension of image hashing techniques, traditional video hashing methods mainly depend on hand-crafted features and transform the real-valued features into binary hash codes. As videos provide far more diverse and complex visual information than images, extracting features from videos is much more challenging than that from images. Therefore, high-level semantic features to represent videos are needed rather than low-level hand-crafted methods. In this paper, a deep convolutional neural network is proposed to extract high-level semantic features and a binary hash function is then integrated into this framework to achieve an end-to-end optimization. Particularly, our approach also combines triplet loss function which preserves the relative similarity and difference of videos and classification loss function as the optimization objective. Experiments have been performed on two public datasets and the results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method compared with other state-of-the-art video retrieval methods
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