15,805 research outputs found

    Software Architecture for Autonomous and Coordinated Navigation of UAV Swarms in Forest and Urban Firefighting

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    Advances in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have led to an exponential increase in their market, thanks to the development of innovative technological solutions aimed at a wide range of applications and services, such as emergencies and those related to fires. In addition, the expansion of this market has been accompanied by the birth and growth of the so-called UAV swarms. Currently, the expansion of these systems is due to their properties in terms of robustness, versatility, and efficiency. Along with these properties there is an aspect, which is still a field of study, such as autonomous and cooperative navigation of these swarms. In this paper we present an architecture that includes a set of complementary methods that allow the establishment of different control layers to enable the autonomous and cooperative navigation of a swarm of UAVs. Among the different layers, there are a global trajectory planner based on sampling, algorithms for obstacle detection and avoidance, and methods for autonomous decision making based on deep reinforcement learning. The paper shows satisfactory results for a line-of-sight based algorithm for global path planner trajectory smoothing in 2D and 3D. In addition, a novel method for autonomous navigation of UAVs based on deep reinforcement learning is shown, which has been tested in 2 different simulation environments with promising results about the use of these techniques to achieve autonomous navigation of UAVs.This work was supported by the Comunidad de Madrid Government through the Industrial Doctorates Grants (GRANT IND2017/TIC-7834)

    An Agent-based Modelling Framework for Driving Policy Learning in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

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    Due to the complexity of the natural world, a programmer cannot foresee all possible situations, a connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) will face during its operation, and hence, CAVs will need to learn to make decisions autonomously. Due to the sensing of its surroundings and information exchanged with other vehicles and road infrastructure, a CAV will have access to large amounts of useful data. While different control algorithms have been proposed for CAVs, the benefits brought about by connectedness of autonomous vehicles to other vehicles and to the infrastructure, and its implications on policy learning has not been investigated in literature. This paper investigates a data driven driving policy learning framework through an agent-based modelling approaches. The contributions of the paper are two-fold. A dynamic programming framework is proposed for in-vehicle policy learning with and without connectivity to neighboring vehicles. The simulation results indicate that while a CAV can learn to make autonomous decisions, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication of information improves this capability. Furthermore, to overcome the limitations of sensing in a CAV, the paper proposes a novel concept for infrastructure-led policy learning and communication with autonomous vehicles. In infrastructure-led policy learning, road-side infrastructure senses and captures successful vehicle maneuvers and learns an optimal policy from those temporal sequences, and when a vehicle approaches the road-side unit, the policy is communicated to the CAV. Deep-imitation learning methodology is proposed to develop such an infrastructure-led policy learning framework

    RLPG: Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Intra-Platoon Gap Adaptation for Highway On-Ramp Merging

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    A platoon refers to a group of vehicles traveling together in very close proximity using automated driving technology. Owing to its immense capacity to improve fuel efficiency, driving safety, and driver comfort, platooning technology has garnered substantial attention from the autonomous vehicle research community. Although highly advantageous, recent research has uncovered that an excessively small intra-platoon gap can impede traffic flow during highway on-ramp merging. While existing control-based methods allow for adaptation of the intra-platoon gap to improve traffic flow, making an optimal control decision under the complex dynamics of traffic conditions remains a challenge due to the massive computational complexity. In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of a novel reinforcement learning framework that adaptively adjusts the intra-platoon gap of an individual platoon member to maximize traffic flow in response to dynamically changing, complex traffic conditions for highway on-ramp merging. The framework's state space has been meticulously designed in consultation with the transportation literature to take into account critical traffic parameters that bear direct relevance to merging efficiency. An intra-platoon gap decision making method based on the deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm is created to incorporate the continuous action space to ensure precise and continuous adaptation of the intra-platoon gap. An extensive simulation study demonstrates the effectiveness of the reinforcement learning-based approach for significantly improving traffic flow in various highway on-ramp merging scenarios