275 research outputs found

    Accurate and justifiable : new algorithms for explainable recommendations.

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    Websites and online services thrive with large amounts of online information, products, and choices, that are available but exceedingly difficult to find and discover. This has prompted two major paradigms to help sift through information: information retrieval and recommender systems. The broad family of information retrieval techniques has given rise to the modern search engines which return relevant results, following a user\u27s explicit query. The broad family of recommender systems, on the other hand, works in a more subtle manner, and do not require an explicit query to provide relevant results. Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommender systems are based on algorithms that provide suggestions to users, based on what they like and what other similar users like. Their strength lies in their ability to make serendipitous, social recommendations about what books to read, songs to listen to, movies to watch, courses to take, or generally any type of item to consume. Their strength is also that they can recommend items of any type or content because their focus is on modeling the preferences of the users rather than the content of the recommended items. Although recommender systems have made great strides over the last two decades, with significant algorithmic advances that have made them increasingly accurate in their predictions, they suffer from a few notorious weaknesses. These include the cold-start problem when new items or new users enter the system, and lack of interpretability and explainability in the case of powerful black-box predictors, such as the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) family of recommenders, including, in particular, the popular Matrix Factorization (MF) techniques. Also, the absence of any explanations to justify their predictions can reduce the transparency of recommender systems and thus adversely impact the user\u27s trust in them. In this work, we propose machine learning approaches for multi-domain Matrix Factorization (MF) recommender systems that can overcome the new user cold-start problem. We also propose new algorithms to generate explainable recommendations, using two state of the art models: Matrix Factorization (MF) and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM). Our experiments, which were based on rigorous cross-validation on the MovieLens benchmark data set and on real user tests, confirmed that our proposed methods succeed in generating explainable recommendations without a major sacrifice in accuracy

    Deep Learning based Recommender System: A Survey and New Perspectives

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    With the ever-growing volume of online information, recommender systems have been an effective strategy to overcome such information overload. The utility of recommender systems cannot be overstated, given its widespread adoption in many web applications, along with its potential impact to ameliorate many problems related to over-choice. In recent years, deep learning has garnered considerable interest in many research fields such as computer vision and natural language processing, owing not only to stellar performance but also the attractive property of learning feature representations from scratch. The influence of deep learning is also pervasive, recently demonstrating its effectiveness when applied to information retrieval and recommender systems research. Evidently, the field of deep learning in recommender system is flourishing. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of recent research efforts on deep learning based recommender systems. More concretely, we provide and devise a taxonomy of deep learning based recommendation models, along with providing a comprehensive summary of the state-of-the-art. Finally, we expand on current trends and provide new perspectives pertaining to this new exciting development of the field.Comment: The paper has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/328502

    A Multi-Modal Latent-Features based Service Recommendation System for the Social Internet of Things

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    The Social Internet of Things (SIoT), is revolutionizing how we interact with our everyday lives. By adding the social dimension to connecting devices, the SIoT has the potential to drastically change the way we interact with smart devices. This connected infrastructure allows for unprecedented levels of convenience, automation, and access to information, allowing us to do more with less effort. However, this revolutionary new technology also brings an eager need for service recommendation systems. As the SIoT grows in scope and complexity, it becomes increasingly important for businesses and individuals, and SIoT objects alike to have reliable sources for products, services, and information that are tailored to their specific needs. Few works have been proposed to provide service recommendations for SIoT environments. However, these efforts have been confined to only focusing on modeling user-item interactions using contextual information, devices' SIoT relationships, and correlation social groups but these schemes do not account for latent semantic item-item structures underlying the sparse multi-modal contents in SIoT environment. In this paper, we propose a latent-based SIoT recommendation system that learns item-item structures and aggregates multiple modalities to obtain latent item graphs which are then used in graph convolutions to inject high-order affinities into item representations. Experiments showed that the proposed recommendation system outperformed state-of-the-art SIoT recommendation methods and validated its efficacy at mining latent relationships from multi-modal features

    CoLLM: Integrating Collaborative Embeddings into Large Language Models for Recommendation

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    Leveraging Large Language Models as Recommenders (LLMRec) has gained significant attention and introduced fresh perspectives in user preference modeling. Existing LLMRec approaches prioritize text semantics, usually neglecting the valuable collaborative information from user-item interactions in recommendations. While these text-emphasizing approaches excel in cold-start scenarios, they may yield sub-optimal performance in warm-start situations. In pursuit of superior recommendations for both cold and warm start scenarios, we introduce CoLLM, an innovative LLMRec methodology that seamlessly incorporates collaborative information into LLMs for recommendation. CoLLM captures collaborative information through an external traditional model and maps it to the input token embedding space of LLM, forming collaborative embeddings for LLM usage. Through this external integration of collaborative information, CoLLM ensures effective modeling of collaborative information without modifying the LLM itself, providing the flexibility to employ various collaborative information modeling techniques. Extensive experiments validate that CoLLM adeptly integrates collaborative information into LLMs, resulting in enhanced recommendation performance. We release the code and data at https://github.com/zyang1580/CoLLM

    Personalized Video Recommendation Using Rich Contents from Videos

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    Video recommendation has become an essential way of helping people explore the massive videos and discover the ones that may be of interest to them. In the existing video recommender systems, the models make the recommendations based on the user-video interactions and single specific content features. When the specific content features are unavailable, the performance of the existing models will seriously deteriorate. Inspired by the fact that rich contents (e.g., text, audio, motion, and so on) exist in videos, in this paper, we explore how to use these rich contents to overcome the limitations caused by the unavailability of the specific ones. Specifically, we propose a novel general framework that incorporates arbitrary single content feature with user-video interactions, named as collaborative embedding regression (CER) model, to make effective video recommendation in both in-matrix and out-of-matrix scenarios. Our extensive experiments on two real-world large-scale datasets show that CER beats the existing recommender models with any single content feature and is more time efficient. In addition, we propose a priority-based late fusion (PRI) method to gain the benefit brought by the integrating the multiple content features. The corresponding experiment shows that PRI brings real performance improvement to the baseline and outperforms the existing fusion methods

    MetaRec: Meta-Learning Meets Recommendation Systems

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have recently received increasing attention as powerful modeling tools to improve the performance of recommendation systems. Meta-learning, on the other hand, is a paradigm that has re-surged in popularity within the broader machine learning community over the past several years. In this thesis, we will explore the intersection of these two domains and work on developing methods for integrating meta-learning to design more accurate and flexible recommendation systems. In the present work, we propose a meta-learning framework for the design of collaborative filtering methods in recommendation systems, drawing from ideas, models, and solutions from modern approaches in both the meta-learning and recommendation system literature, applying them to recommendation tasks to obtain improved generalization performance. Our proposed framework, MetaRec, includes and unifies the main state-of-the-art models in recommendation systems, extending them to be flexibly configured and efficiently operate with limited data. We empirically test the architectures created under our MetaRec framework on several recommendation benchmark datasets using a plethora of evaluation metrics and find that by taking a meta-learning approach to the collaborative filtering problem, we observe notable gains in predictive performance

    CMML: Contextual Modulation Meta Learning for Cold-Start Recommendation

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    Practical recommender systems experience a cold-start problem when observed user-item interactions in the history are insufficient. Meta learning, especially gradient based one, can be adopted to tackle this problem by learning initial parameters of the model and thus allowing fast adaptation to a specific task from limited data examples. Though with significant performance improvement, it commonly suffers from two critical issues: the non-compatibility with mainstream industrial deployment and the heavy computational burdens, both due to the inner-loop gradient operation. These two issues make them hard to be applied in practical recommender systems. To enjoy the benefits of meta learning framework and mitigate these problems, we propose a recommendation framework called Contextual Modulation Meta Learning (CMML). CMML is composed of fully feed-forward operations so it is computationally efficient and completely compatible with the mainstream industrial deployment. CMML consists of three components, including a context encoder that can generate context embedding to represent a specific task, a hybrid context generator that aggregates specific user-item features with task-level context, and a contextual modulation network, which can modulate the recommendation model to adapt effectively. We validate our approach on both scenario-specific and user-specific cold-start setting on various real-world datasets, showing CMML can achieve comparable or even better performance with gradient based methods yet with higher computational efficiency and better interpretability

    An Image Dataset for Benchmarking Recommender Systems with Raw Pixels

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    Recommender systems (RS) have achieved significant success by leveraging explicit identification (ID) features. However, the full potential of content features, especially the pure image pixel features, remains relatively unexplored. The limited availability of large, diverse, and content-driven image recommendation datasets has hindered the use of raw images as item representations. In this regard, we present PixelRec, a massive image-centric recommendation dataset that includes approximately 200 million user-image interactions, 30 million users, and 400,000 high-quality cover images. By providing direct access to raw image pixels, PixelRec enables recommendation models to learn item representation directly from them. To demonstrate its utility, we begin by presenting the results of several classical pure ID-based baseline models, termed IDNet, trained on PixelRec. Then, to show the effectiveness of the dataset's image features, we substitute the itemID embeddings (from IDNet) with a powerful vision encoder that represents items using their raw image pixels. This new model is dubbed PixelNet.Our findings indicate that even in standard, non-cold start recommendation settings where IDNet is recognized as highly effective, PixelNet can already perform equally well or even better than IDNet. Moreover, PixelNet has several other notable advantages over IDNet, such as being more effective in cold-start and cross-domain recommendation scenarios. These results underscore the importance of visual features in PixelRec. We believe that PixelRec can serve as a critical resource and testing ground for research on recommendation models that emphasize image pixel content. The dataset, code, and leaderboard will be available at https://github.com/westlake-repl/PixelRec