3 research outputs found

    Proposition of a method to design tailor-made knowledge management systems for small and medium enterprises

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a knowledge management system design method for small and medium enterprises that addresses the problems encountered on the existing ones. A literature review highlighted 5 main concepts that have a crucial role in knowledge management system design. To take these recommendations into account, a knowledge management system design method was designed. It uses the small and medium enterprises characteristics, needs and problems to select adapted knowledge management tools and practices, and offers a comprehensive and tailor-made knowledge management system. This method was used to design a knowledge management system for a high-tech small and medium enterprises from the navigation sector. It allowed to choose from the adapted knowledge management tools and practices and to write a set of requirements for the knowledge management system while taking the user into account, thus easing the knowledge management system implementation and ensuring its sustainability

    A gestão do conhecimento rumo a uma abordagem holística

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    Há um expressivo número de modelos de Gestão do Conhecimento; no entanto não há um modelo amplamente aceito. Isso pode ser derivado da complexidade inerente a Gestão do Conhecimento e ao ambiente organizacional. Todavia, é salientada a necessidade de um modelo que seja unificador e que aborde a Gestão do Conhecimento de forma holística, mas as caraterísticas que devem ser consideradas para essa abordagem ainda não foram consolidadas. Assim, esse estudo se propõe a investigar quais aspectos deveriam ser contemplados em novos modelos de GC rumo a uma abordagem holística. Por um percurso metodológico qualitativo de natureza exploratória e com técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, essa pesquisa apresenta por resultados a síntese desses aspectos, alicerçados em três perspectivas: limitações dos modelos existentes, lacunas e teorias de suporte à Gestão do Conhecimento. Por limitação se tem que esses aspectos não foram validados junto a especialistas, sendo essa uma sugestão de pesquisa futura, bem como o desenvolvimento de um modelo de Gestão do Conhecimento que apreenda todos esses aspectos. Esse estudo contribui por delinear aspectos a serem contemplados em modelos de Gestão do Conhecimento holísticos de forma a permitir que essa temática considere toda a complexidade inerente ao ambiente organizacional

    A critical review of knowledge management frameworks

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    The prominence and importance of Knowledge Management (KM) has been increasingly recognised in the academic and business arena. As such, many researchers and practitioners have developed various frameworks and other relevant approaches to help the emergence of KM into practice. However, most of the existing frameworks appear to have been derived from the experiences and considerations of large organisations, rather than small firms. Approaches that work in large companies may not be suitable for small ones. The first part of the paper is devoted to understanding the characteristics of small businesses, as well as their associated advantages and disadvantages in implementing KM. This provides the fundamental basis for justifying the suitability of the frameworks when applied to their environment. Following this, various frameworks that are found in the literature are reviewed. It is shown that most of the frameworks are not well adapted to the needs and characteristics of small businesses. Improvements are indeed needed to help them in their journey to implement KM. The paper culminates with some future research directions on the development of a more suitable framework to meet their needs