2,030 research outputs found

    Model Checking Games for the Quantitative mu-Calculus

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    We investigate quantitative extensions of modal logic and the modal mu-calculus, and study the question whether the tight connection between logic and games can be lifted from the qualitative logics to their quantitative counterparts. It turns out that, if the quantitative mu-calculus is defined in an appropriate way respecting the duality properties between the logical operators, then its model checking problem can indeed be characterised by a quantitative variant of parity games. However, these quantitative games have quite different properties than their classical counterparts, in particular they are, in general, not positionally determined. The correspondence between the logic and the games goes both ways: the value of a formula on a quantitative transition system coincides with the value of the associated quantitative game, and conversely, the values of quantitative parity games are definable in the quantitative mu-calculus

    Bounded Refinement Types

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    We present a notion of bounded quantification for refinement types and show how it expands the expressiveness of refinement typing by using it to develop typed combinators for: (1) relational algebra and safe database access, (2) Floyd-Hoare logic within a state transformer monad equipped with combinators for branching and looping, and (3) using the above to implement a refined IO monad that tracks capabilities and resource usage. This leap in expressiveness comes via a translation to "ghost" functions, which lets us retain the automated and decidable SMT based checking and inference that makes refinement typing effective in practice.Comment: 14 pages, International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 201

    A Simple Option Formula for General Jump-Diffusion and other Exponential Levy Processes

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    Option values are well-known to be the integral of a discounted transition density times a payoff function; this is just martingale pricing. It's usually done in 'S-space', where S is the terminal security price. But, for Levy processes the S-space transition densities are often very complicated, involving many special functions and infinite summations. Instead, we show that it's much easier to compute the option value as an integral in Fourier space - and interpret this as a Parseval identity. The formula is especially simple because (i) it's a single integration for any payoff and (ii) the integrand is typically a compact expressions with just elementary functions. Our approach clarifies and generalizes previous work using characteristic functions and Fourier inversions. For example, we show how the residue calculus leads to several variation formulas, such as a well-known, but less numerically efficient, 'Black-Scholes style' formula for call options. The result applies to any European-style, simple or exotic option (without path-dependence) under any Lévy process with a known characteristic functionoption pricing, jump-diffusion, Levy processes, Fourier, characteristic function, transforms, residue, call options, discontinuous, jump processes, analytic characteristic, Levy-Khintchine, infinitely divisible, independent increments

    More on A Statistical Analysis of Log-Periodic Precursors to Financial Crashes

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    We respond to Sornette and Johansen's criticisms of our findings regarding log-periodic precursors to financial crashes. Included in this paper are discussions of the Sornette-Johansen theoretical paradigm, traditional methods of identifying log-periodic precursors, the behavior of the first differences of a log-periodic price series, and the distribution of drawdowns for a securities price.Comment: 12 LaTex pages, no figure

    Optimal Execution with Dynamic Order Flow Imbalance

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    We examine optimal execution models that take into account both market microstructure impact and informational costs. Informational footprint is related to order flow and is represented by the trader's influence on the flow imbalance process, while microstructure influence is captured by instantaneous price impact. We propose a continuous-time stochastic control problem that balances between these two costs. Incorporating order flow imbalance leads to the consideration of the current market state and specifically whether one's orders lean with or against the prevailing order flow, key components often ignored by execution models in the literature. In particular, to react to changing order flow, we endogenize the trading horizon TT. After developing the general indefinite-horizon formulation, we investigate several tractable approximations that sequentially optimize over price impact and over TT. These approximations, especially a dynamic version based on receding horizon control, are shown to be very accurate and connect to the prevailing Almgren-Chriss framework. We also discuss features of empirical order flow and links between our model and "Optimal Execution Horizon" by Easley et al (Mathematical Finance, 2013).Comment: 31 pages, 8 figure
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