2 research outputs found

    More on discrete convexity

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    In several recent papers some concepts of convex analysis were extended to discrete sets. This paper is one more step in this direction. It is well known that a local minimum of a convex function is always its global minimum. We study some discrete objects that share this property and provide several examples of convex families related to graphs and to two-person games in normal form

    A corrected version of the Duchet Kernel Conjecture

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    In 1980 Piere Duchet conjectured that odd directed cycles are the only edge minimal kernel-less connected digraphs i.e. in which after the removal of any edge a kernel appears. Although this conjecture was disproved recently by Apartsin, Ferapontova and Gurvich (1996), the following modification of Duchet's conjecture still holds: odd holes (i.e. odd non-directed chordless cycles of length 5 or more) are the only connected graphs which are not kernel-solvable but after the removal of any edge the resulting graph is kernel-solvable. 1 The authors gratefully acknowledge the partial support of DIMACS and ONR (Grants N00014-92-J-1375 and N00014-92-J-4083). Let D = (V; A) be a directed graph (digraph). A subset K ` V of the vertices is called a kernel of D if it is (i) independent (i.e. there are no arcs between its elements), and (ii) dominating (i.e. for every vertex v outside of K there is an arc from a vertex of K to v). A digraph is called kernel-less if it has no kernel. Von Neuman..