13,101 research outputs found

    Faster Geometric Algorithms via Dynamic Determinant Computation

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    The computation of determinants or their signs is the core procedure in many important geometric algorithms, such as convex hull, volume and point location. As the dimension of the computation space grows, a higher percentage of the total computation time is consumed by these computations. In this paper we study the sequences of determinants that appear in geometric algorithms. The computation of a single determinant is accelerated by using the information from the previous computations in that sequence. We propose two dynamic determinant algorithms with quadratic arithmetic complexity when employed in convex hull and volume computations, and with linear arithmetic complexity when used in point location problems. We implement the proposed algorithms and perform an extensive experimental analysis. On one hand, our analysis serves as a performance study of state-of-the-art determinant algorithms and implementations. On the other hand, we demonstrate the supremacy of our methods over state-of-the-art implementations of determinant and geometric algorithms. Our experimental results include a 20 and 78 times speed-up in volume and point location computations in dimension 6 and 11 respectively.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Largest Empty Circle Centered on a Query Line

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    The Largest Empty Circle problem seeks the largest circle centered within the convex hull of a set PP of nn points in R2\mathbb{R}^2 and devoid of points from PP. In this paper, we introduce a query version of this well-studied problem. In our query version, we are required to preprocess PP so that when given a query line QQ, we can quickly compute the largest empty circle centered at some point on QQ and within the convex hull of PP. We present solutions for two special cases and the general case; all our queries run in O(logn)O(\log n) time. We restrict the query line to be horizontal in the first special case, which we preprocess in O(nα(n)logn)O(n \alpha(n) \log n) time and space, where α(n)\alpha(n) is the slow growing inverse of the Ackermann's function. When the query line is restricted to pass through a fixed point, the second special case, our preprocessing takes O(nα(n)O(α(n))logn)O(n \alpha(n)^{O(\alpha(n))} \log n) time and space. We use insights from the two special cases to solve the general version of the problem with preprocessing time and space in O(n3logn)O(n^3 \log n) and O(n3)O(n^3) respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Convex Tours of Bounded Curvature

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    We consider the motion planning problem for a point constrained to move along a smooth closed convex path of bounded curvature. The workspace of the moving point is bounded by a convex polygon with m vertices, containing an obstacle in a form of a simple polygon with nn vertices. We present an O(m+n) time algorithm finding the path, going around the obstacle, whose curvature is the smallest possible.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, abstract presented at European Symposium on Algorithms 199

    The Traveling Salesman Problem in the Natural Environment

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    Is it possible for humans to navigate in the natural environment wherein the path taken between various destinations is 'optimal' in some way? In the domain of optimization this challenge is traditionally framed as the "Traveling Salesman Problem" (TSP). What strategies and ecological considerations are plausible for human navigation? When given a two-dimensional map-like presentation of the destinations, participants solve this optimization exceptionally well (only 2-3% longer than optimum)^1, 2^. In the following experiments we investigate the effect of effort and its environmental affordance on navigation decisions when humans solve the TSP in the natural environment. Fifteen locations were marked on two outdoor landscapes with flat and varied terrains respectively. Performance in the flat-field condition was excellent (∼6% error) and was worse but still quite good in the variable-terrain condition (∼20% error), suggesting participants do not globally pre-plan routes but rather develop them on the fly. We suggest that perceived effort guides participant solutions due to the dynamic constraints of effortful locomotion and obstacle avoidance