344 research outputs found

    A conjecture on critical graphs and connections to the persistence of associated primes

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    We introduce a conjecture about constructing critically (s+1)-chromatic graphs from critically s-chromatic graphs. We then show how this conjecture implies that any unmixed height two square-free monomial ideal I, i.e., the cover ideal of a finite simple graph, has the persistence property, that is, Ass(R/I^s) \subseteq Ass(R/I^{s+1}) for all s >= 1. To support our conjecture, we prove that the statement is true if we also assume that \chi_f(G), the fractional chromatic number of the graph G, satisfies \chi(G) -1 < \chi_f(G) <= \chi(G). We give an algebraic proof of this result.Comment: 11 pages; Minor changes throughout the paper; to appear in Discrete Math

    Replication in critical graphs and the persistence of monomial ideals

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    Motivated by questions about square-free monomial ideals in polynomial rings, in 2010 Francisco et al. conjectured that for every positive integer k and every k-critical (i.e., critically k-chromatic) graph, there is a set of vertices whose replication produces a (k+1)-critical graph. (The replication of a set W of vertices of a graph is the operation that adds a copy of each vertex w in W, one at a time, and connects it to w and all its neighbours.) We disprove the conjecture by providing an infinite family of counterexamples. Furthermore, the smallest member of the family answers a question of Herzog and Hibi concerning the depth functions of square-free monomial ideals in polynomial rings, and a related question on the persistence property of such ideals

    Persistence and stability properties of powers of ideals

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    We introduce the concept of strong persistence and show that it implies persistence regarding the associated prime ideals of the powers of an ideal. We also show that strong persistence is equivalent to a condition on power of ideals studied by Ratliff. Furthermore, we give an upper bound for the depth of powers of monomial ideals in terms of their linear relation graph, and apply this to show that the index of depth stability and the index of stability for the associated prime ideals of polymatroidal ideals is bounded by their analytic spread.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Generalized cover ideals and the persistence property

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    Let II be a square-free monomial ideal in R=k[x1,,xn]R = k[x_1,\ldots,x_n], and consider the sets of associated primes Ass(Is){\rm Ass}(I^s) for all integers s1s \geq 1. Although it is known that the sets of associated primes of powers of II eventually stabilize, there are few results about the power at which this stabilization occurs (known as the index of stability). We introduce a family of square-free monomial ideals that can be associated to a finite simple graph GG that generalizes the cover ideal construction. When GG is a tree, we explicitly determine Ass(Is){\rm Ass}(I^s) for all s1s \geq 1. As consequences, not only can we compute the index of stability, we can also show that this family of ideals has the persistence property.Comment: 15 pages; revised version has a new introduction; references updated; to appear in J. Pure. Appl. Algebr

    The uniform face ideals of a simplicial complex

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    We define the uniform face ideal of a simplicial complex with respect to an ordered proper vertex colouring of the complex. This ideal is a monomial ideal which is generally not squarefree. We show that such a monomial ideal has a linear resolution, as do all of its powers, if and only if the colouring satisfies a certain nesting property. In the case when the colouring is nested, we give a minimal cellular resolution supported on a cubical complex. From this, we give the graded Betti numbers in terms of the face-vector of the underlying simplicial complex. Moreover, we explicitly describe the Boij-S\"oderberg decompositions of both the ideal and its quotient. We also give explicit formul\ae\ for the codimension, Krull dimension, multiplicity, projective dimension, depth, and regularity. Further still, we describe the associated primes, and we show that they are persistent.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure