8 research outputs found

    Technology enhanced interaction framework

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    This paper focuses on the development of a general interaction framework to help design technology to support communication between people and improve interactions between people, technology and objects, particularly in complex situations. A review of existing interaction frameworks shows that none of them help technology designers and developers to consider all of the possible interactions that occur at the same time and in the same place. The main and sub-components of the framework are described and explained and examples are given for each type of interaction. Work is now in progress to provide designers with an easy to use tool that helps them apply the framework to create technology solutions to complex communication and interaction problems and situations

    Issues in conducting expert validation and review and user evaluation of the technology enhanced interaction framework and method

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    A Technology Enhanced Interaction Framework has been developed to support designers and developers design and develop technology enhanced interactions for complex scenarios involving disabled people. Issues of motivation, time, and understanding when validating and evaluating the Technology Enhanced Interaction Framework were identified through a literature review and questionnaires and interviews with experts. Changes to content, system, and approach were made in order to address the identified issues. Future work will involve detailed analysis of the expert review and validation findings and the implementation of a motivating approach to user evaluation

    Using the technology enhanced interaction framework for interaction scenarios involving disabled people

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    This paper focuses on the development of a general interaction framework to help design technology to support communication between people and improve interactions between people, technology and objects, particularly in complex situations when disabled people are involved. The main and sub-components of the framework are described. A tool was developed to provide advice on design and development factors for technological support. Work is now in progress to validate the framework and the tool with expert designers and accessibility experts before evaluating it with technology designers

    Towards a Technology Enhanced Interaction Framework

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    This paper focuses on the development and validationof a general interaction framework to help design technology tosupport communication between people and improve interactionsbetween people, technology and objects, particularly in complexsituations. A review of existing interaction frameworks showsthat none of them help technology designers and developers toconsider all of the possible interactions that occur at the sametime and in the same place. The main and sub-components of theframework are described and explained and examples are givenfor each type of interaction. The framework was successfullyvalidated by three designer experts and three accessibilityexperts. The designer experts focused on the main and subcomponentsof the framework while accessibility experts focusedon the accessibility aspects. As a result of the comments from theexperts some changes to the framework components will bemade. Work is now in progress to provide designers with amethod to apply the framework to create technology solutions tocomplex communication and interaction problems and situatio

    Using the technology enhanced interaction framework for interaction scenarios involving disabled people

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    This paper focuses on the development of a general interaction framework to help design technology to support communication between people and improve interactions between people, technology and objects, particularly in complex situations when disabled people are involved. The main and sub-components of the framework are described. A tool was developed to provide advice on design and development factors for technological support. Work is now in progress to validate the framework and the tool with expert designers and accessibility experts before evaluating it with technology designers