3 research outputs found

    Sorting Networks: The Final Countdown

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    In this paper we extend the knowledge on the problem of empirically searching for sorting networks of minimal depth. We present new search space pruning techniques for the last four levels of a candidate sorting network by considering only the output set representation of a network. We present an algorithm for checking whether an nn-input sorting network of depth dd exists by considering the minimal up to permutation and reflection itemsets at each level and using the pruning at the last four levels. We experimentally evaluated this algorithm to find the optimal depth sorting networks for all n≤12n \leq 12.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1502.0474

    Joint Size and Depth Optimization of Sorting Networks

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    Sorting networks are oblivious sorting algorithms with many interesting theoretical properties and practical applications. One of the related classical challenges is the search of optimal networks respect to size (number of comparators) of depth (number of layers). However, up to our knowledge, the joint size-depth optimality of small sorting networks has not been addressed before. This paper presents size-depth optimality results for networks up to 1212 channels. Our results show that there are sorting networks for n≤9n\leq9 inputs that are optimal in both size and depth, but this is not the case for 1010 and 1212 channels. For n=10n=10 inputs, we were able to proof that optimal-depth optimal sorting networks with 77 layers require 3131 comparators while optimal-size networks with 2929 comparators need 88 layers. For n=11n=11 inputs we show that networks with 88 or 99 layers require at least 3535 comparators (the best known upper bound for the minimal size). And for networks with n=12n=12 inputs and 88 layers we need 4040 comparators, while for 99 layers the best known size is 3939

    Sorting Networks: to the End and Back Again

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    This paper studies new properties of the front and back ends of a sorting network, and illustrates the utility of these in the search for new bounds on optimal sorting networks. Search focuses first on the "outsides" of the network and then on the inner part. All previous works focus only on properties of the front end of networks and on how to apply these to break symmetries in the search. The new, out-side-in, properties help shed understanding on how sorting networks sort, and facilitate the computation of new bounds on optimal sorting networks. We present new parallel sorting networks for 17 to 20 inputs. For 17, 19, and 20 inputs these networks are faster than the previously known best networks. For 17 inputs, the new sorting network is shown optimal in the sense that no sorting network using less layers exists.Comment: IMADA-preprint-cs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1411.640