1 research outputs found

    On Black Holes and Cosmological Constant in Noncommutative Gauge Theory of Gravity

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    Deformed Reissner-Nordstr\"om, as well as Reissner-Nordstr\"om de Sitter, solutions are obtained in a noncommutative gauge theory of gravitation. The gauge potentials (tetrad fields) and the components of deformed metric are calculated to second order in the noncommutativity parameter. The solutions reduce to the deformed Schwarzschild ones when the electric charge of the gravitational source and the cosmological constant vanish. Corrections to the thermodynamical quantities of the corresponding black holes and to the radii of different horizons have been determined. All the independent invariants, such as the Ricci scalar and the so-called Kretschmann scalar, have the same singularity structure as the ones of the usual undeformed case and no smearing of singularities occurs. The possibility of such a smearing is discussed. In the noncommutative case we have a local disturbance of the geometry around the source, although asymptotically at large distances it becomes flat.Comment: Based on a talk given at the International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Research in Physics "Farphys 2007", 25-28 October 2007, Iasi, Romani