2 research outputs found

    A Computationally Optimal Randomized Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Technique

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    In this paper, we consider the model reduction problem of large-scale systems, such as systems obtained through the discretization of partial differential equations. We propose a computationally optimal randomized proper orthogonal decomposition (RPOD*) technique to obtain the reduced order model by perturbing the primal and adjoint system using Gaussian white noise. We show that the computations required by the RPOD* algorithm is orders of magnitude cheaper when compared to the balanced proper orthogonal decomposition (BPOD) algorithm and BPOD output projection algorithm while the performance of the RPOD* algorithm is much better than BPOD output projection algorithm. It is optimal in the sense that a minimal number of snapshots is needed. We also relate the RPOD* algorithm to random projection algorithms. The method is tested on two advection-diffusion equations

    Efficient Algorithms for Eigensystem Realization using Randomized SVD

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    Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) is a data-driven approach for subspace system identification and is widely used in many areas of engineering. However, the computational cost of the ERA is dominated by a step that involves the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a large, dense matrix with block Hankel structure. This paper develops computationally efficient algorithms for reducing the computational cost of the SVD step by using randomized subspace iteration and exploiting the block Hankel structure of the matrix. We provide a detailed analysis of the error in the identified system matrices and the computational cost of the proposed algorithms. We demonstrate the accuracy and computational benefits of our algorithms on two test problems: the first involves a partial differential equation that models the cooling of steel rails, and the second is an application from power systems engineering