1 research outputs found

    A computational approach for design rationalization in Enterprise Architecture

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    We aim for rationalizing Enterprise Architecture (EA) languages, showing not only final EA designs, but also the reasoning behind these designs (in terms of selection criteria, design alternatives, and more). Our earlier work proposes the EA Anamnesis approach for architectural rationalization. Its major contribution is a formal metamodel and a corresponding concrete syntax to interrelate business and IT decisions. Yet, up to now, EA Anamnesis lacks software tool support. As a response, this paper introduces a software tool for EA Anamnesis. In doing so, we contribute (1) a computational assessment for the EA Anamnesis metamodel and a corresponding visual syntax, showing its implementability, (2) a reflection of our aim to develop a tool by rapid prototyping, whereby practitioner feedback enables concurrent maturation of the software tool and metamodel, and (3) the idea of presenting a tool to foster acceptance and practical uptake of EA Anamnesi