812 research outputs found

    A complete hand-drawn sketch vectorization framework

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    Vectorizing hand-drawn sketches is a challenging task, which is of paramount importance for creating CAD vectorized versions for the fashion and creative workflows. This paper proposes a complete framework that automatically transforms noisy and complex hand-drawn sketches with different stroke types in a precise, reliable and highly-simplified vectorized model. The proposed framework includes a novel line extraction algorithm based on a multi-resolution application of Pearson's cross correlation and a new unbiased thinning algorithm that can get rid of scribbles and variable-width strokes to obtain clean 1-pixel lines. Other contributions include variants of pruning, merging and edge linking procedures to post-process the obtained paths. Finally, a modification of the original Schneider's vectorization algorithm is designed to obtain fewer control points in the resulting Bezier splines. All the proposed steps of the framework have been extensively tested and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms, showing (both qualitatively and quantitatively) its outperformance

    Towards Practicality of Sketch-Based Visual Understanding

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    Sketches have been used to conceptualise and depict visual objects from pre-historic times. Sketch research has flourished in the past decade, particularly with the proliferation of touchscreen devices. Much of the utilisation of sketch has been anchored around the fact that it can be used to delineate visual concepts universally irrespective of age, race, language, or demography. The fine-grained interactive nature of sketches facilitates the application of sketches to various visual understanding tasks, like image retrieval, image-generation or editing, segmentation, 3D-shape modelling etc. However, sketches are highly abstract and subjective based on the perception of individuals. Although most agree that sketches provide fine-grained control to the user to depict a visual object, many consider sketching a tedious process due to their limited sketching skills compared to other query/support modalities like text/tags. Furthermore, collecting fine-grained sketch-photo association is a significant bottleneck to commercialising sketch applications. Therefore, this thesis aims to progress sketch-based visual understanding towards more practicality.Comment: PhD thesis successfully defended by Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Supervisor: Prof. Yi-Zhe Song, Thesis Examiners: Prof Stella Yu and Prof Adrian Hilto

    Reconstruction of machine-made shapes from bitmap sketches

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    We propose a method of reconstructing 3D machine-made shapes from bitmap sketches by separating an input image into individual patches and jointly optimizing their geometry. We rely on two main observations: (1) human observers interpret sketches of man-made shapes as a collection of simple geometric primitives, and (2) sketch strokes often indicate occlusion contours or sharp ridges between those primitives. Using these main observations we design a system that takes a single bitmap image of a shape, estimates image depth and segmentation into primitives with neural networks, then fits primitives to the predicted depth while determining occlusion contours and aligning intersections with the input drawing via optimization. Unlike previous work, our approach does not require additional input, annotation, or templates, and does not require retraining for a new category of man-made shapes. Our method produces triangular meshes that display sharp geometric features and are suitable for downstream applications, such as editing, rendering, and shading

    Vectorization and Rasterization: Self-Supervised Learning for Sketch and Handwriting

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    Self-supervised learning has gained prominence due to its efficacy at learning powerful representations from unlabelled data that achieve excellent performance on many challenging downstream tasks. However supervision-free pre-text tasks are challenging to design and usually modality specific. Although there is a rich literature of self-supervised methods for either spatial (such as images) or temporal data (sound or text) modalities, a common pre-text task that benefits both modalities is largely missing. In this paper, we are interested in defining a self-supervised pre-text task for sketches and handwriting data. This data is uniquely characterised by its existence in dual modalities of rasterized images and vector coordinate sequences. We address and exploit this dual representation by proposing two novel cross-modal translation pre-text tasks for self-supervised feature learning: Vectorization and Rasterization. Vectorization learns to map image space to vector coordinates and rasterization maps vector coordinates to image space. We show that the our learned encoder modules benefit both raster-based and vector-based downstream approaches to analysing hand-drawn data. Empirical evidence shows that our novel pre-text tasks surpass existing single and multi-modal self-supervision methods.Comment: IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021 Code : https://github.com/AyanKumarBhunia/Self-Supervised-Learning-for-Sketc

    Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey

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    Free-hand sketches are highly illustrative, and have been widely used by humans to depict objects or stories from ancient times to the present. The recent prevalence of touchscreen devices has made sketch creation a much easier task than ever and consequently made sketch-oriented applications increasingly popular. The progress of deep learning has immensely benefited free-hand sketch research and applications. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the deep learning techniques oriented at free-hand sketch data, and the applications that they enable. The main contents of this survey include: (i) A discussion of the intrinsic traits and unique challenges of free-hand sketch, to highlight the essential differences between sketch data and other data modalities, e.g., natural photos. (ii) A review of the developments of free-hand sketch research in the deep learning era, by surveying existing datasets, research topics, and the state-of-the-art methods through a detailed taxonomy and experimental evaluation. (iii) Promotion of future work via a discussion of bottlenecks, open problems, and potential research directions for the community.Comment: This paper is accepted by IEEE TPAM

    Deep Vectorization of Technical Drawings

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    We present a new method for vectorization of technical line drawings, such as floor plans, architectural drawings, and 2D CAD images. Our method includes (1) a deep learning-based cleaning stage to eliminate the background and imperfections in the image and fill in missing parts, (2) a transformer-based network to estimate vector primitives, and (3) optimization procedure to obtain the final primitive configurations. We train the networks on synthetic data, renderings of vector line drawings, and manually vectorized scans of line drawings. Our method quantitatively and qualitatively outperforms a number of existing techniques on a collection of representative technical drawings

    Differential operators on sketches via alpha contours

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    A vector sketch is a popular and natural geometry representation depicting a 2D shape. When viewed from afar, the disconnected vector strokes of a sketch and the empty space around them visually merge into positive space and negative space, respectively. Positive and negative spaces are the key elements in the composition of a sketch and define what we perceive as the shape. Nevertheless, the notion of positive or negative space is mathematically ambiguous: While the strokes unambiguously indicate the interior or boundary of a 2D shape, the empty space may or may not belong to the shape’s exterior. For standard discrete geometry representations, such as meshes or point clouds, some of the most robust pipelines rely on discretizations of differential operators, such as Laplace-Beltrami. Such discretizations are not available for vector sketches; defining them may enable numerous applications of classical methods on vector sketches. However, to do so, one needs to define the positive space of a vector sketch, or the sketch shape. Even though extracting this 2D sketch shape is mathematically ambiguous, we propose a robust algorithm, Alpha Contours, constructing its conservative estimate: a 2D shape containing all the input strokes, which lie in its interior or on its boundary, and aligning tightly to a sketch. This allows us to define popular differential operators on vector sketches, such as Laplacian and Steklov operators. We demonstrate that our construction enables robust tools for vector sketches, such as As-Rigid-As-Possible sketch deformation and functional maps between sketches, as well as solving partial differential equations on a vector sketch

    Automatic Structural Scene Digitalization

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    In this paper, we present an automatic system for the analysis and labeling of structural scenes, floor plan drawings in Computer-aided Design (CAD) format. The proposed system applies a fusion strategy to detect and recognize various components of CAD floor plans, such as walls, doors, windows and other ambiguous assets. Technically, a general rule-based filter parsing method is fist adopted to extract effective information from the original floor plan. Then, an image-processing based recovery method is employed to correct information extracted in the first step. Our proposed method is fully automatic and real-time. Such analysis system provides high accuracy and is also evaluated on a public website that, on average, archives more than ten thousands effective uses per day and reaches a relatively high satisfaction rate.Comment: paper submitted to PloS On
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