2,835 research outputs found

    Using Machine Learning for Handover Optimization in Vehicular Fog Computing

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    Smart mobility management would be an important prerequisite for future fog computing systems. In this research, we propose a learning-based handover optimization for the Internet of Vehicles that would assist the smooth transition of device connections and offloaded tasks between fog nodes. To accomplish this, we make use of machine learning algorithms to learn from vehicle interactions with fog nodes. Our approach uses a three-layer feed-forward neural network to predict the correct fog node at a given location and time with 99.2 % accuracy on a test set. We also implement a dual stacked recurrent neural network (RNN) with long short-term memory (LSTM) cells capable of learning the latency, or cost, associated with these service requests. We create a simulation in JAMScript using a dataset of real-world vehicle movements to create a dataset to train these networks. We further propose the use of this predictive system in a smarter request routing mechanism to minimize the service interruption during handovers between fog nodes and to anticipate areas of low coverage through a series of experiments and test the models' performance on a test set

    CiNCT: Compression and retrieval for massive vehicular trajectories via relative movement labeling

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    In this paper, we present a compressed data structure for moving object trajectories in a road network, which are represented as sequences of road edges. Unlike existing compression methods for trajectories in a network, our method supports pattern matching and decompression from an arbitrary position while retaining a high compressibility with theoretical guarantees. Specifically, our method is based on FM-index, a fast and compact data structure for pattern matching. To enhance the compression, we incorporate the sparsity of road networks into the data structure. In particular, we present the novel concepts of relative movement labeling and PseudoRank, each contributing to significant reductions in data size and query processing time. Our theoretical analysis and experimental studies reveal the advantages of our proposed method as compared to existing trajectory compression methods and FM-index variants

    Distributed Self-Concatenated Coding for Cooperative Communication

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    In this paper, we propose a power-efficient distributed binary self-concatenated coding scheme using iterative decoding (DSECCC-ID) for cooperative communications. The DSECCC-ID scheme is designed with the aid of binary extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts. The source node transmits self-concatenated convolutional coded (SECCC) symbols to both the relay and destination nodes during the first transmission period. The relay performs SECCC-ID decoding, where it mayor may not encounter decoding errors. It then reencodes the information bits using a recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) code during the second transmission period. The resultant symbols transmitted from the source and relay nodes can be viewed as the coded symbols of a three-component parallel concatenated encoder. At the destination node, three-component DSECCC-ID decoding is performed. The EXIT chart gives us an insight into operation of the distributed coding scheme, which enables us to significantly reduce the transmit power by about 3.3 dB in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) terms, as compared with a noncooperative SECCC-ID scheme at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-5. Finally, the proposed system is capable of performing within about 1.5 dB from the two-hop relay-aided network’s capacity at a BER of 10-5 , even if there may be decoding errors at the relay

    Generalised MBER-based vector precoding design for multiuser transmission

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    We propose a generalized vector precoding (VP) design based on the minimum bit error rate (MBER) criterion for multiuser transmission in the downlink of a multiuser system, where the base station (BS) equipped with multiple transmitting antennas communicates with single-receiving-antenna mobile station (MS) receivers each having a modulo device. Given the knowledge of the channel state information and the current information symbol vector to be transmitted, our scheme directly generates the effective symbol vector based on the MBER criterion using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The proposed PSO-aided generalized MBER VP scheme is shown to outperform the powerful minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) VP and improved MMSE-VP benchmarks, particularly for rank-deficient systems, where the number of BS transmitting antennas is lower than the number of MSs supported

    EXIT-chart aided near-capacity quantum turbo code design

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    High detection complexity is the main impediment in future Gigabit-wireless systems. However, a quantum-based detector is capable of simultaneously detecting hundreds of user signals by virtue of its inherent parallel nature. This in turn requires near-capacity quantum error correction codes for protecting the constituent qubits of the quantum detector against the undesirable environmental decoherence. In this quest, we appropriately adapt the conventional non-binary EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts for quantum turbo codes by exploiting the intrinsic quantum-to-classical isomorphism. The EXIT chart analysis not only allows us to dispense with the time-consuming Monte-Carlo simulations, but also facilitates the design of near-capacity codes without resorting to the analysis of their distance spectra. We have demonstrated that our EXIT chart predictions are in line with the Monte-Carlo simulations results. We have also optimized the entanglement-assisted QTC using EXIT charts, which outperforms the existing distance spectra based QTCs. More explicitly, the performance of our optimized QTC is as close as 0.3 dB to the corresponding hashing bound

    Dispensing with channel estimation: differentially modulated cooperative wireless communications

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    As a benefit of bypassing the potentially excessive complexity and yet inaccurate channel estimation, differentially encoded modulation in conjunction with low-complexity noncoherent detection constitutes a viable candidate for user-cooperative systems, where estimating all the links by the relays is unrealistic. In order to stimulate further research on differentially modulated cooperative systems, a number of fundamental challenges encountered in their practical implementations are addressed, including the time-variant-channel-induced performance erosion, flexible cooperative protocol designs, resource allocation as well as its high-spectral-efficiency transceiver design. Our investigations demonstrate the quantitative benefits of cooperative wireless networks both from a pure capacity perspective as well as from a practical system design perspective

    DxNAT - Deep Neural Networks for Explaining Non-Recurring Traffic Congestion

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    Non-recurring traffic congestion is caused by temporary disruptions, such as accidents, sports games, adverse weather, etc. We use data related to real-time traffic speed, jam factors (a traffic congestion indicator), and events collected over a year from Nashville, TN to train a multi-layered deep neural network. The traffic dataset contains over 900 million data records. The network is thereafter used to classify the real-time data and identify anomalous operations. Compared with traditional approaches of using statistical or machine learning techniques, our model reaches an accuracy of 98.73 percent when identifying traffic congestion caused by football games. Our approach first encodes the traffic across a region as a scaled image. After that the image data from different timestamps is fused with event- and time-related data. Then a crossover operator is used as a data augmentation method to generate training datasets with more balanced classes. Finally, we use the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis to tune the sensitivity of the classifier. We present the analysis of the training time and the inference time separately

    Automating Vehicles by Deep Reinforcement Learning using Task Separation with Hill Climbing

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    Within the context of autonomous driving a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed for the design of neural network-parameterized controllers. Classical model-based control methods, which include sampling- and lattice-based algorithms and model predictive control, suffer from the trade-off between model complexity and computational burden required for the online solution of expensive optimization or search problems at every short sampling time. To circumvent this trade-off, a 2-step procedure is motivated: first learning of a controller during offline training based on an arbitrarily complicated mathematical system model, before online fast feedforward evaluation of the trained controller. The contribution of this paper is the proposition of a simple gradient-free and model-based algorithm for deep reinforcement learning using task separation with hill climbing (TSHC). In particular, (i) simultaneous training on separate deterministic tasks with the purpose of encoding many motion primitives in a neural network, and (ii) the employment of maximally sparse rewards in combination with virtual velocity constraints (VVCs) in setpoint proximity are advocated.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl