2 research outputs found

    A Levy Regime-Switching Temperature Dynamics Model for Weather Derivatives

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    Weather is a key production factor in agricultural crop production and at the same time the most significant and least controllable source of peril in agriculture. These effects of weather on agricultural crop production have triggered a widespread support for weather derivatives as a means of mitigating the risk associated with climate change on agriculture. However, these products are faced with basis risk as a result of poor design and modelling of the underlying weather variable (temperature). In order to circumvent these problems, a novel time-varying mean-reversion L´evy regime-switching model is used to model the dynamics of the deseasonalized temperature dynamics. Using plots and test statistics, it is observed that the residuals of the deseasonalized temperature data are not normally distributed. To model the nonnormality in the residuals, we propose using the hyperbolic distribution to capture the semiheavy tails and skewness in the empirical distributions of the residuals for the shifted regime. The proposed regime-switching model has a mean-reverting heteroskedastic process in the base regime and a Levy process in the shifted regime. By using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm, the parameters of the proposed model are estimated. The proposed model is flexible as it modelled the deseasonalized temperature data accurately

    Can variations in temperature explain the systemic risk of European firms?

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    We employ a ∆CoVaR model in order to measure the potential impact of temperature fluctuations on systemic risk, considering all companies from the STOXX Europe 600 Index, which covers a wide range of industries for the period from 1/1/1990 to 29/12/2017. Furthermore, in this study, we decompose temperature into 3 factors; namely (i) trend, (ii) seasonality and (iii) anomaly. Findings suggest that, temperature has indeed a significant impact on systemic risk. In fact, we provide significant evidence of either positive or nonlinear temperature effects on financial markets, while the nonlinear relationship between temperature and systemic risk follows an inverted U-shaped curve. In addition, hot temperature shocks strongly in-crease systemic risk, while we do witness the opposite for cold shocks. Additional analysis shows that deviations of temperature by 1◦C can increase the daily Value at Risk by up to 0.24 basis points. Overall, higher temperatures are highly detrimental for the financial system. Results remain robust under the different proxies that were employed to capture systemic risk or temperature