31 research outputs found

    Securing the Cloud: A Critical Appraisal of Data Security Strategies

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    Cloud computing, a paradigm shift in the evolution of the internet, has garnered significant attention. However, security remains a primary concern, hindering its widespread adoption. Cloud computing essentially transfers user data and applications to remote data centers, where users relinquish control, and data management practices may not always adhere to the highest security standards. This unique characteristic of cloud computing raises a multitude of security concerns that warrant careful consideration and understanding. One of the most crucial and prevalent security concerns is the potential exposure of user data and applications stored on service provider premises. In this article, an attempt is made to review the literature in this area of research

    Comparative Analysis Of Cloud Computing Security Issues

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    Almost all the organizations are seriously thinking to adopt the cloud computingservices, seeing its benefits in terms of cost, accessibility, availability, flexibility andhighly automated process of updation. Cloud Computing enhance the current capabilitiesdynamically without further investment. Cloud Computing is a band of resources, applicationsand services. In cloud computing customer’s access IT related services in terms of infrastructure platform and software without getting knowledge of underlying technologies. With the executionof cloud computing, organizations have strong concerns about the security of their data.Organizations are hesitating to take initiatives in the deployment of their businesses due to data security problem. This paper gives an overview of cloud computing and analysis of security issues in cloud computing

    Cloud Security Consciousness: A Need For Realisation In Entrepreneurial Small Firms

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    Cloud computing represents a fundamental shift in the way information services are provided but with its unique architecture comes additional security challenges, many of which are technical in nature. However, the paradigm shift also presents new challenges, which are non-technical and whether or not companies actually consider all of these issues in moving to the cloud is a matter of concern. This paper attempts to elevate the notion of cloud security consciousness (CSC) in the domain of small firms with a goal of introducing a level of innateness into the concept in its practical use. By synthesising CSC with various behavioural theories including coping theory, we seek to place CSC and the coping process at the centre of a security-centric cognitive framework for cloud adoption, while recognising that such coping processes are heavily shaped by both social influence and self-efficacy factors


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    This study aims to investigate enterprise risk factors for governing the risk of Internet of Things (IoT) environment. Under the guidance of Gowin’s Vee knowledge map strategy, this study reviewed the related literature and used Delphi expert questionnaire to construct and revise the defined risk factors. Two rounds of expert survey were conducted. A total of 24 experts from the fields of information technology, audit management, and risk management were selected to conduct the questionnaire survey. Eighty-three question items were obtained and categorized into various types of risk factors including environment, process, decision-making, operation, authority, data processing and information, moral, and finance. These factors were categorized according to the consistent opinion of experts. Program SPSS 12.0 was adopted to analyze feedback information from expert questionnaire by conducting statistical analyses and validity testing. All risk factors were integrated and designed carefully, supplemented by verification through statistical value of mean, inter-quartile range, and content validity ratio (CVR). The results of this research can be used as reference in the study of risk factors under IoT governance, and to enhance the development of knowledge on qualitative research. Further, in the new generation of IoT governance practice, the related factors of enterprise risk management can be regarded as key measurement items in internal control and auditing

    Preserving The Safety And Confidentiality Of Data Mining Information In Health Care: A literature review

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    Daily, massive volume of data are produced due to the internet of things' rapid development, which has now permeated the healthcare industry. Recent advances in data mining have spawned a new field of a study dubbed privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM). PPDM technique or approach enables the extraction of actionable insight from enormous volume of data while safeguarding the privacy of individual information and benefiting the entire society Medical research has taken a new course as a result of data mining with healthcare data to detect diseases earlier and improve patient care. Data integration necessitates the sharing of sensitive patient information. However, substantial privacy issues are raised in connection with the storage and transmission of potentially sensitive information. Disclosing sensitive information infringes on patients' privacy. This paper aims to conduct a review of related work on privacy-preserving mechanisms, data protection regulations, and mitigating tactics. The review concluded that no single strategy outperforms all others. Hence, future research should focus on adequate techniques for privacy solutions in the age of massive medical data and the standardization of evaluation standards