4 research outputs found

    Widening participation in technology design: A review of the involvement of children with special educational needs and disabilities

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    This article presents a review of the design methods and techniques that have been used to involve children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the technology design process. Situating the work within the established child鈥揷omputer interaction research sub-field of participatory design, we examine the progress that has been made in relation to the participation of this specific child population. An extensive review of the literature in this area has been undertaken and we describe the different roles, responsibilities and activities that have been undertaken by both the child and adult participants within previous technology design projects. We also highlight the different types of outcome from this previous work involving children with SEND, exploring the impact the children鈥檚 participation has had on both the resulting technology as well as the impact on the child participants themselves. Finally we conclude this review with a set of reporting recommendations for technology designers and researchers aiming to involve this population in future technology design projects

    Widening participation in technology design: A review of the involvement of children with special educational needs and disabilities

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    This article presents a review of the design methods and techniques that have been used to involve children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the technology design process. Situating the work within the established child鈥揷omputer interaction research sub-field of participatory design, we examine the progress that has been made in relation to the participation of this specific child population. An extensive review of the literature in this area has been undertaken and we describe the different roles, responsibilities and activities that have been undertaken by both the child and adult participants within previous technology design projects. We also highlight the different types of outcome from this previous work involving children with SEND, exploring the impact the children鈥檚 participation has had on both the resulting technology as well as the impact on the child participants themselves. Finally we conclude this review with a set of reporting recommendations for technology designers and researchers aiming to involve this population in future technology design projects

    La aplicaci贸n e implementaci贸n de las TIC en el alumnado con NEE.

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    En la actualidad, las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y de la Comunicaci贸n se encuentran cada vez m谩s presentes en nuestra vida cotidiana, no solo por la forma de comunicarnos con los dem谩s, sino por su generalizaci贸n y aplicaci贸n a una gran variedad de 谩mbitos. Sin duda alguna, uno de los m谩s relevantes es el 谩mbito educativo, demostrando sus beneficios y ventajas en el proceso de ense帽anza y aprendizaje del alumnado en las diferentes etapas educativas. Uno de los colectivos m谩s sensibles a la integraci贸n de las nuevas tecnolog铆as en el proceso educativo es el alumnado con Necesidades Educativas Especiales. En esta l铆nea, es importante reivindicar la relevancia de las TIC centradas en mejorar las diferentes competencias y habilidades que fortalecen o ayudan a una educaci贸n integral e inclusiva. En este sentido, la presente revisi贸n te贸rica est谩 orientada a identificar la aplicaci贸n e implementaci贸n de las TIC en el alumnado con NEE, para aumentar las posibilidades educativas que tiene esta poblaci贸n y eliminar as铆 las barreras actuales que limitan una educaci贸n inclusiva.Currently, Information and Communication Technologies are increasingly present in our daily lives, not only because of the way we communicate with others, but also because of their generalization and application to a wide variety of fields. Without a doubt, one of the most relevant is the educational one, demonstrating its benefits and advantages in the teaching and learning process of the students in the different educational stages. One of the groups most sensitive to the integration of new technologies in the educational process is students with Special Educational Needs. Along these lines, it is important to claim the relevance of ICTs focused on improving the different competences and skills that strengthen or help comprehensive and inclusive education. In this sense, this theoretical review is aimed at identifying the application and implementation of ICT in students with SEN, in order to increase the educational possibilities of this population and thus eliminate the current barriers that limit inclusive education